Different Updates Included .................. 朝鲜的黑客行动 .............. 朝美会谈在新加坡
In the middle of Trump's zig-zag politics regarding North Korea ( "I will talk - I won't talk - Of course I will talk but new sanctions on Pyongyang" ), now an official US cyber alert warning that North Korea is targeting America and, on the same day, the news of a meeting between North Korea's inofficial No. 2, a former intelligence chief, and US secretary of state Pompeo, a former CIA director. Looks like some kind of a poker game, much money surely involved as well.

Some hours ago: Cyber attack from North Korea [Reuters on May 29, 2018]

US security alert related to North Korean malware => complete article
[The Register, British cyber magazine on May 30, 2018]

Hackers related to N Korea apply Google Play Store malware to track N Korean defectors.
A research team from McAfee found that three applications contain malware targeting special users. That malware is able to penetrate the Android devices of North Korean defectors. [CNBETA group in China on May 21, 2018]

中情局:北韓不可能棄核 FBI籲提防朝黑客活動
CIA: North Korea cannot abandon nukes - The FBI appeals
for promoting defense against North Korean hacker activity.
[SingTao 星岛日报 published in Canada on May 30]

Today: Former head of North Korean intelligence visiting New York
[The Guardian, GB, on May 30, 2018]
Kim has been a border guard in the Korean demilitarised zone, a liaison officer with the United Nations, and a member of the team who held breakthrough negotiations with the South Koreans in the early 1990s. Over the past decade he was promoted to four-star general, and made head of the main North Korean intelligence service, known as the reconnaissance general bureau (RGB).
He has served three generations of the Kim dynasty and in recent months emerged one of the most powerful figures in Kim Jong-un’s regime, second only to the leader’s sister, Kim Yo-jong. He is vice-chair of the ruling Workers party and head of the section charged with dealing with the South. He was part of the North Korean delegation for the Winter Olympics closing ceremony, and he was at the leader’s side for meetings with the South Korean president Moon Jae-in and Pompeo.
Kim Yong-chol is going to meet with secretary of state Mike Pompeo, however, it remains unclear what would be the subject of their meeting.
It could be the vexed question of future US and South Korean joint military exercises, which Pyongyang sees as embodying hostile intent towards the regime. Or the far wider issue of what both parties mean when the call for the denuclearisation of the Korean peninsula.
The fact that Kim has flown to the US at all, in only the second such high-level visit since the Korean war, suggests it is a question that has to be resolved before there can be a summit in Singapore.
NBC news on Tuesday night quoted US officials as saying a new intelligence assessment advised that the regime in Pyongyang had no intention of dismantling its nuclear arsenal in the near future.
The Chinese news center SINA 新浪—新闻中心 published the following article on Kim Yong-chol's visit to New York:

South Korean Media: North Korea's high official Kim Yong-chol probably
delivered a letter handwritten by Kim Jong-un and directed to Trump.

Visitor from Seoul / South Korea and who is interested in North Korean military activity.

Visitor from Taipei / Taiwan.
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