—— 蓝图杂志的新闻 —— The news service of BLUEPRINT magazine, an international journal of culture, science and politics. BLUEPRINT magazine is mainly published in English and Chinese. Some additional articles are published in Arabic, German, French and Spanish. Editor: Wolfgang Wiesner "Ulysses" © 2005-2025
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Thursday, January 31, 2013
Syria - Israeli Air Raid
غارة إسرائيلية على قافلة أسلحة سورية قرب لبنان
Israeli attack on Syrian weaponry convoy near Lebanon.
قائد سلاح الجو الإسرائيلي: نراقب عن كثب التطورات السورية بشكل يومي
Israeli air force chief: We closely observed the Syrian development on a daily basis.
The reported air raid took place on Wednesday, January 30. Israel most probably intercepted the weaponry transport near the Lebanese border for fear that Syrian weapons, including those for chemical warfare, might fall into the hands of Hezbollah or other militant groups.
[Source: Al-Arabiya on January 30, 2013]
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
China - Island Dispute - Japan Offering Summit
Express message: [Shinzo] Abe calls for a probably needed conference of [government] leaders to [re]sculpture interstate relations between China and Japan.
New China Network cable on Jan 29, based on a joint agencies' report:
Japan's prime minister Shinzo Abe joined a TV program at nightfall on January 29 [in order to target the subject of] manifestations of Sino-Japanese opposition that have been initiated by the Diaoyu Island issue.
"If it is necessary, we must sculpture [or: resculpture] the relations between both countries in a conference of government leaders."
[Source: China News on January 29, 2013.]
On January 21, 2013, The Washington Post published an article named Japan, China struggle to curb tensions which included the following evaluation of Chinese media reports regarding the Diaoyu Island conflict:
Judging by some of the commentary in the Chinese media, an outside observer might think war with Japan is imminent.
However, there are still many voices calling for cold-blooded proceedings in the matter:
In the U.S., which could see itself dragged into a conflict as Japan’s military ally, diplomacy has moved up a gear in recent days. Kurt Campbell, assistant secretary of state for east Asian and Pacific affairs, said on a visit to Tokyo last week: “We’ve made very clear our desire to see cooler heads prevail.”
Yesterday, January 28, i.e. just one day before Japan's prime minister Shinzo Abe offered a summit of national leaders from China and Japan to settle different positions, People's Daily / People's Network came with the following headline:
美大报劝安倍搁置钓岛争议 日自民党坚持不退让
[Important] American newspapers urge Abe to put aside the Diao[yu] island dispute. Japan's Democratic Party [however] persists and doesn't make concessions.
For more information, please, refer as well to the preceding blogspot on recent changes in the U.S. Department of State and China's general mistrust in U.S. foreign politics in the frame of that notorious island dispute between China and Japan. Here's a professional visitor to "blueprint news" who must have seen the related blogspot:
Saturday, January 26, 2013
U.S.A. - Learning More About John Kerry
Headlines from Al-Arabiya on January 25, 2013, reporting on the new host of the U.S. Department of State after Secretary of State Hillary Clinton:
وزير خارجية أمريكا.. مقتنع بالقرآن ويستخدم المسبحة
America's secretary of foreign affairs .. convinced of the Coran he uses a rosary.
جون كيري عضو بجمعية "الجمجمة والعظام" واجتمع إلى الأسد 6 مرات وقهر السرطان
John Kerry, member of the society "Skull and Bones", met with Assad six times, and he overcame cancer.
Editor's Note: "Skull and Bones" is a secret society at Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut. Some influential graduates from Yale have been reported as "bonesmen", among them president Bush jun. and John Kerry.
meeting in a Damascus restaurant in 2009.
Choice of comments by Arabic readers of the Al-Arabiya article:
الجمجمة والعظام ؟! في الحقيقة انتابني بعض الخوف عند وصولي بالقراءة لآخر المقال ؟!ـ
Wow ! - Skull and Bones ?! [ Freemasonry ] in reality, somehow alarming [with its] nouveau riche separatism [as could be read in] the recent article ?!
الحمد لله على نعمه الاسلام
Allah be praised, he is comfortable with Islam.
John Kerry's stiff appearance is probably related to health problems.
[The above picture show has been found on the internet years ago. If
Kerry has overcome cancer, he is expected to stand such nonsense.]
Today, January 26, People's Network, the online service of People's Daily, Beijing, came with the following headlines regarding political changes in the U.S. Department of State:
The U.S. Senate "facing a test" with the appointment of the Secretary of State.
Kerry considers China and the U.S.A. being competitors not enemies.
The following text has been extracted from the original article of People's Daily:
Kay King and Jacob Stokes, scholars of the Center for a New American Security are considering that in the frame of relations with China, Kerry needs to answer another question: To what end will lead the major elements of competition in U.S.-Chinese relations. These competition elements [can be] exactly of a kind not to be trusted, or can be the reason of fundamental profit related to every goal. Kerry should also consider whether or not America ought to revise its strategy of "another peaceful balancing of Asia", such responding to China's feeling of missing safety which is constantly rising.
Editor's Note:
- Kay King is a Senior Advisor and the Director of External Relations at the Center for a New American Security (CNAS), where she oversees strategic communications and outreach. Previously, she served as a vice president at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) where she led the Washington office. Mrs. King holds a bachelor's degree in political science and a master’s degree in international affairs from Columbia University's School of International and Public Affairs.
- Jacob Stokes is a Research Associate at the CNAS, where his research focuses on U.S. national security strategy and defense policy. Prior to joining CNAS, Mr. Stokes served as a Policy Analyst at the National Security Network, where his work focused on the rise of China, defense budgeting and strategy, and Afghanistan. He graduated from the University of Missouri with degrees in political science and magazine journalism.
People's Daily / People's Network on January 27, 2013:
Japan's "Hawkeye 2000" newly equipped early warning aircraft.
日本调集预警机24小时监控钓鱼岛 防中国飞机
Japan concentrating early warning aircraft for 24 hours in order to watch and control Diaoyu Island and to defend against Chinese aircraft.
Editor's Note:
U.S. manufacturer Northrop Grumman’s E-2C Hawkeye is a carrier-capable “mini-AWACS” aircraft, designed to give long-range warning of incoming aerial threats. Secondary roles include strike command and control, land and maritime surveillance, search and rescue, communications relay, and even civil air traffic control during emergencies. ...
"It looks a lot like the last generation E-2C Hawkeye 2000 upgrade on the outside – but inside, and even outside to some extent, it’s a whole new aircraft." [Source: Defense Industry Daily, 2013]
The deployment of Japan's Hawkeye 2000 planes in the Diaoyu Island region, disputed between China and Japan, goes together with Shinzo Abe, Japan's newly elected prime minister and nationalist hardliner, releasing a $226 bn stimulus package in the middle of an economic crisis. However, his announcement of temporary difficulties that will soon be overcome makes shareholders' value jump again. [Source: Al-Jazeera on January 28, 2013]
Guess who visited my site! Localized visitors to "blueprint news" who came during the last 48 hours:
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Berlin - Paris - Anniversaire du Traité de l’Élysée
République Fédérale d'Allemagne, parle devant les leaders des
deux grandes nations à l'occasion de la signature du traité de
l’Élysée qui constitue la base de la coopération franco-allemande.
[ARTE, TV chaîne franco-allemande]
À l'occasion du 50e anniversaire du traité de l’Élysée entre la France et l'Allemagne, je me souviens d'un "écart de jeunesse", la publication d'un recueil de poèmes en langue française chez un petit éditeur parisien. Comme citoyen allemand, appartenant à la première génération après-guerre et qui avait appris la langue française presque entièrement en Allemagne, ce n'était pas trop facile. Néanmoins, j'ai réussi a publier ce recueil sous le nom "Poèmes D'un Étranger" en 1989. C'était l'année bouleversante où ma patrie Allemagne a pris le chemin qui menait enfin à la réunification, aussi avec l'aide de la France dans les négotiations avec les autres anciens adversaires de la deuxième guerre mondiale.
Voilà deux poèmes qui donnent une idée de mes réflexions personnelles quant à Dachau, la ville ou j'habitais à ce temps et qui est encore et surtout connue par son ancien camp de concentration, et aussi, quant aux impressions de Paris, ma ville préférée:
un camp reconstruit
à la mémoire des victimes
un camp bien construit
par leurs persécuteurs
tous les jours les bruits
dans ce lieu de l'abîme
tous les jours les bruits
des centaines de voyeurs
des groupes nombreux qui suivent la route
la route entre le camp et la gare
et c'est souvent que je me doute
qu'ils ont vu autre chose à l'écart
le beau paysage et la ville historique
des centaines d'années pleines de culture
réduites entièrement à douze ans tragiques
représentés seulement par ces murs
Paris Par Ma Fenêtre
les cheminées des grandes usines
les vieux immeubles tristes et gris
la ville où Baudelaire et même Racine
ont composé leur véritable poésie
les bruits divers d'une rue qui se mélangent
le bruit de l'eau qui coule d'un robinet
les gouttes de pluie qui font des bruits étranges
sur l'avant-toit en tôle ondulée
les voyageurs qui tiennent leur carte orange
se précipitent et n'ont pas l'air heureux
et au-dessus c'est pas du tout un ciel plein d'anges
ce n'est que le ciel de plomb de la banlieue
Voici un visiteur remarquable de "blueprint-news" qui est venu récemment du Ministère des Affaires étrangères et de la Coopération du Maroc. La visite de Rabat avait pour cible un article sur "la situation hors de contrôle de la Syrie":
Avec ça il y a une nouvelle à date de janvier 23 disant que plus de 70 citoyens russes ont quitté la Syrie en toute hâte dans un avion russe et à destination de Moscou [Al-Jazeera].
Monday, January 21, 2013
Obama's 2nd Term - Opinion from China
the beginning of his second term as a president. Celebrations
took place in front of some hundred thousands of spectators
at temperatures nearing 0°C [ N24 - German news channel ].
The following evaluation of Obama's proceedings during his first term as a President of the United States of America has been found on People's Network, the online edition of People's Daily, Beijing, on January 19, 2013:
According to [political] analysis, Obama's new cabinet has obviously become rather cautious when it comes to the aspect of U.S. strength abroad.
The second term of office for U.S. president Obama is near to begin. After having shouldered the financial crisis, having passed the bill of medical change, having ended the war in Iraq, and having [reached] a great victory over the Republican Party in the challenge of the general elections, what will be the direction to where Obama is leading America ? The answer to this question will permit to find a clue to the just proclaimed choice of new cabinet members.
Subtitles used in the Chinese article:
Policy and policy-making converging in the White House.
Diplomacy and safety [seen as] "gentle footprints".
[Public] finance and economy need to perform smoothly and steadily.
[Vice-president] Biden's functions have been strengthened.
On January 19, 2013, People's Daily wrote as well about a U.S. State Department press conference held the day before, January 18. The department's spokeswoman Nulan was cited with her comment on the Iranian nuclear issue:
America says it is "deeply discouraged" by Iran refusing to cooperate with the International Atomic Energy organization.
the U.S. Marine Band playing
A visitor to "blueprint news" coming from Israel was visiting my blogspot "Israel vs Iran - Preparing for High-Noon" in a search at bing.com, referring to "tel azeka - biblic walks", most probably hinting at the biblic town of Azekah. Maybe this is a mere coincidence, if not, you should know more about Azekah:
In the Bible, it is said to be the place where the Amorite kings were defeated by Joshua, and their army destroyed by a hailstorm (Joshua 10:10-11). Azekah was then given to the tribe of Judah (Joshua 15:20). Furthermore, it should have been near Azekah that David met with Goliath in their famous fight.
Another visitor coming from Severomorsk, home of Russia's Arctic Fleet, was searching for "Homer Simpson submarine commander". I ventured to find Homer Simpson's submarine for him:
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Mali - Reverberations of the Air Raids - Algeria
Today, January 17, "People's Network", the online service of semi-official "People's Daily", Beijing, published an article that is dealing with the French intervention in Mali. The following evaluation of the proceedings in Mali has been quoted from that article:
Mali war chaos and Western intervention. - An after-effect of the Libyan "cerebral concussion".
An analysis made by New China [Press] Agency is pointing out:
[While] the air force of France is just launching a violent air raid against armed forces opposing the government of Mali, Western, African and other nations are reinforcing [French troops], one after another rushing to the battleground as well. However, could there remain some kind of "after-effect from cerebral concussion" [after] an intervention by foreign military forces ? Could military intervention enable a thoroughgoing solution of problems the society of Mali is having or [help solving] regional autonomy problems ? Isn't Mali like an extremely religious organization [considered] to be developing into [some kind of] "Afghan quagmire" for France ? These questions deserve being thought deeply about.
Today, Al-Arabiya has a report on Mali insurgents kidnapping workers from a natural gas plant in Algeria at Ain Aminas which had been besieged by Mali rebels trying to force their way into Libya according to Western media.
فرار 45 محتجزا بينهم خمسة عشر أجنبيا من خاطفيهم جنوب شرق الجزائر
Headline: Flight of 45 [encircled persons] including 15 foreigners from their kidnappers in South-Eastern Algeria.
مقتل 34 رهينة في غارة للجيش الجزائري على "عين امناس"ـ
Headline: 34 hostages killed in an attack of Algerian military on "Ain Aminas".
[Adaptation of the Arabic name "Ain Aminas" based on the Arabic writing used by Al-Jazeera عين أميناس]
أعلنت مصادر إعلامية غير مؤكدة عن مقتل 34 رهينة و 15 مسلحا في غارة عسكرية جزائرية
Well-informed sources cannot confirm that 34 hostages and 15 armed [persons] died in an attack of Algeria's military.
[Source: Al-Arabiya, Arabic mobile news, on January 17, 2013]
The Arabic service of Al-Jazeera provided a view of Ain Aminas and said the besieged personnel called the Algerian army to ensure their rescue.
شقيق رهينة أيرلندي: الجيش الجزائري هاجم عربات الرهائن
The brother of an Irish hostage [said] the Algerian army attacked vehicles [with] hostages.
أكد نقلاً عن زوجة أخيه الهارب أن 4 شاحنات تحوي رهائن دُمرت بالكامل
[It is] confirmed [by] the wife of his escaped brother that four trucks containing hostages have been completely destroyed.
[Source: Al-Arabiya on January 18, 2013]
Nigeria sending war planes to Mali in support of Western community troops.
Here's a summary of the Chinese article:
On January 18, the Nigerian military announced its sending of three military planes to Mali together with a detachment of more than 50 airmen. The military planes provided by Nigeria comprise a transport plane and two fighter planes.
The planned contingent of more than 3.000 troops to be deployed in the frame of the Mali intervention should include troops from Togo and Nigeria, some of them already arrived on January 17. Nigeria's government will provide an overall contingent of 1.200 troops.
When Islamic terrorists entered into a fierce battle with government troops at the strategic point of Kuna
Chin. 科纳, Arab. كونا
600 km north-east of Mali's capital Bamako, the capital itself became threatened. Upon request from Mali's government, France then agreed to deploy 1.400 intervention troops.
[Source: chinanews.com, PR China, on January 19, 2013.]
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Mali - France Fighting Al-Qaeda - مالي
Continued air-raids on strongholds of the extremists in several towns under their control.
Algeria opens its air space for attacking Islamists in northern Mali.
The above picture is showing a jet fighter of the French air force while being refuelled in the air.
[Source: Al-Arabiya on January 14, 2013]
Islamic warriors retreat from their traditional positions and [concentrate] in "Diyabali", northern Mali.
Algeria closes the border to Mali, and France "realizes its [military] aims".
Picture: State of alert for Algerian [border] guards at the border to northern Mali.
[Source: Al-Arabiya on January 15, 2013]
In recent years, Mali became more and more unstable while Al-Qaeda fighters and local rebels steadily gained influence. Kidnappings and beheadings of foreign citizens made Mali a no-go area for Western development and human aid staff. Furthermore, historic places in the ancient town of Timbouktou were destroyed by Islamists on several occasions, thus endangering the cultural inheritance of Mali.
The French intervention, based on France's responsibility as a former colonial power in West Africa, is being supported by members of the European Community: Belgium, Italy and Germany, the latter offering two Hercules planes as an additional air transport capacity. The U.S. are ready to provide logistic and intelligence support but refrain from sending troops to Mali because of its actual policy which forbids direct military support of any regime not based on democratic rules.
[Source: CNN and German media on January 15/16, 2013]
[Al-Jazeera on May 27, 2012]
On Tuesday 15, French President François Hollande arrived in the United Arabic Emirates for negotiations on economic subjects and to discuss the question of the military intervention in Mali.
For five days, François Hollande has held numerous talks with Western and African [leaders] in order to mobilize the necessary means for a deployment of African forces in Mali. As Élysée [Palace] indicated, the French president needs to discuss with the Emirates' leaders [the amount of] help they could provide in the frame of the military intervention. In Abu Dhabi talks are expected with Cheikh Khalifa Ben Zayed Al-Nahyan, the president of the federation of the United Arabic Emirates, and with Mohammad Ben Zayed Al-Nahyan, the hereditary prince of Abu Dhabi. Later in the afternoon, he will meet with the vice-president and prime minister in Dubai, Cheikh Mohammad Ben Rached Al-Maktoum. Besides Mali, Syria and Iran will make part of the subjects treated.
[Source: L'Express magazine, Paris, on January 15, 2013]
Mali - West African states targeting Al-Qaeda
On Sunday, January 14, Nigerian military has arrested a leader of the Islamist separatist movement Boko Haram that is responsible for deadly attacks targeting the Christian community as well as newspapers and government institutions in northern and central Nigeria.
[Source: BBC - Africa Service on January 14, 2013]
in Abuja and Kaduna [Source: Al-Jazeera on April 27, 2012]
Visitors from Nigeria to "blueprint news" on November 29, 2012:
Tuesday, January 08, 2013
Syria's Assad - The Ghost of Ghadafi - شبح القذافي
Bashar al-Assad denounces Syria's rebels as 'murderous armed criminals'
الأسد: الثوار من "القاعدة"، الإرهابيون الأجانب، المسلحون المجرمون
A defiant President Bashar al-Assad offered no compromise to Syria's rebels on Sunday, using his first public speech in six months to rule out any negotiation with an opposition he described as nothing more than "al-Qaeda terrorists" and "murderous armed criminals".
[Source: Daily Telegraph, London, quoting Assad's public speech from January 6, 2013.]
Almost immediately after the speech of Syria's president Bashar al-Assad, social networks like Twitter received lots of furious Arabic comments on Assad's still defiant attitude while facing his country gliding into chaos.
The following examples have been chosen from an article published by Al-Arabiya soon after the speech on January 6, 2013.
Another article by Al-Arabiya from January 7 reported the gist of Assad's speech, thereby quoting the Daily Telegraph article and its author Richard Spencer:
The following excerpts have been taken from the Daily Telegraph article, the whole text of which is available on the internet :
Mr Assad was greeted like a conquering hero by an audience at the opera house in Damascus, named after his father. It rose and chanted his name in scenes reminiscent of those arranged in 2011 for Colonel Muammar Gaddafi's appearances in the Libyan uprising.
ـ"ديلي تلغراف": خطاب الأسد يشبه آخر ظهور للقذافي
As he finished, he stepped down into the auditorium and was surrounded and lunged at like a pop star. ..........
However, neither Syrian diplomats nor Mr Assad have made reference to the immediate threat to his regime - rebels now hold suburbs of Damascus itself, within a few miles of where Mr Assad was speaking.
Visitor access point to "blueprint news", activated yesterday, January 7, from U.S. Air Force base Incirlik / Turkey:
Technical remark: As country of registration (U.S.A.) and country of location (Turkey) are not fitting together, there is no access mark to be found in the global visitor map. However, a countercheck of the server address hinted at a location in South-Eastern Turkey.
Visitor statistics for websites operated by Ulysses:
Sunday, January 06, 2013
China and North Korea - Troublemakers in Space ?
Today, semi-official People's Network, Beijing, is quoting U.S. and Canadian media reports on China's experiments with an anti-satellite system that might endanger Western satellite navigation GPS. A Western expert is cited with his evaluation that China might soon be able to put its plans into practice, thereby referring to Chinese tests carried out in 2007 and 2010.
The People's Network article ends with a single phrase comment from China reading as follows:
China's military expert Song Xiao Jun (*) says to the "Global Times" report: There's capability of mutual destruction in space corresponding to the nuclear threat among great nations.
(*) Xiao Jun 晓军 = daybreak of the military (a), or: knowing the military (b) or: warn the military (c). Just another funny Chinese forename perfectly fitting with the subject .....
Another report of People's Network is dealing with the New Year's Parade of 100.000 North Korean citizens on Kim Il Song Square in Pyongyang the day before and that was celebrating, among other blessings from North Korea's new leader Kim Jong Un, the successful December 12 launch of a Unha 3 rocket carrying an earth-observation satellite.
Friday, January 04, 2013
Syria - Statistics of Horror
ثوار سوريا تمكنوا من السيطرة على مساحة و اسعة من ريف دمشق بعد 21 شهرا من بدء الثورة
21 months after the beginning of the revolution, Syrian rebels have gained control over wide areas in the suburbs of Damascus.
ثوار سوريا يحاصرون مطار "متغ" العسكري في ريف حلب
Syrian rebels besiege ["Matagh"] military airfield in the suburbs of Aleppo.
[Source: Al-Jazeera, Arabic TV, on January 4, 2013]
المرصد السوري لحقوق الإنسان يقول إن أكثر من أربعين ألف قتيل هي حصيلة عام 2012
The observing post for human rights [i.e. Human Rights Watch] in Syria says more than 40.000 was the harvest of death for 2012.
المرصد السوري يقول إن عدد القتلى قد يتجاوز 100 ألف إذا ما أجري تحقيق جدي
The observing post in Syria says the [overall] death toll should have passed 100.000 when a serious investigation was realized.
[Source: Al-Jazeera, Arabic TV, on December 31, 2012]
حمص... 8 آلاف قتيل و مليون نازح
Headline: Homs ... 8.000 dead and one million fled.
ـ600 عائلة محاصرة في أحياء عدة في مدينة حمص
600 families under siege in numerous [neighbourhoods] of Homs township.
ـ185 ألف عائلة متضررة في حمص بحسب الشبكة السورية لحقوق الإنسان
In Homs, 185.000 families are suffering according to the Syrian network for human rights.
ـ8 آلاف قتيل منذ بدء الثورة بينهم أكثر من 300 قضوا جراء التعذيب
8.000 dead since the beginning of the revolution, including more than 300 [because of] torture.
ـ70 ألف جريح بينهم 17 ألفا بحاجة لعلاج مستمر
70.000 wounded, including 17.000 needing permanent treatment.
ـ35 ألف بين معتقلين و مختفين قسريا
35.000 among [those] imprisoned and vanished [fell subject to violence].
[Source: Al-Jazeera, Arabic channel, on January 4, 2012]
Visitor access points to "blueprint news" between December 19, 2012, and January 6, 2013, for visitors coming from the Washington area and from the Arabic Emirates. Click to the pictures for a better resolution !

Tuesday, January 01, 2013
North Korea - Change of Politics
On his new year's speech, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un surprised us with a change of politics. Here's a quotation from the more specific part of his speech as has been published in Chinese by New China Network today, 1st January 2013:
Kim Jong Un delivering his New Year's speech.
A youngster in old-fashioned cloth and of [cosmopolitan attitude] introducing new aspects.
[We] need to take the vanguard branches of national economy and basic industrial branches and start to employ decisive measures in order to push in the lead such branches [dealing with] coal, electricity, metal processing and railway long-distance traffic, such strengthening economy as the [platform] of construction of a powerful nation. What is particularly needed is an upsurge of innovation in industrial branches [dealing with] coal and metal processing which might stimulate the complete array of national economy. [We] need to bring about great strength [in order to] vigorously develop a direct relationship with [all] fields of life of the people and their units [i.e. organizations], strengthen production and make people receive even more [material] benefit of living.
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