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Updates added on July 31 / 1st August, 2017

N Korea's intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM)
"Mars 14" during its test launch on July 29, 2017.
综述:朝鲜称最新试射导弹射程涵盖全美国 特朗普斥中国毫无作为
guided missiles is including a coverage of the whole U.S.
Trump scolds China for having accomplished nothing at all.
[Source: Reuters 中文 on July 30, 2017]
At about the same time a U.S. military video appeared that is showing the successful destruction of a flying target missile with the help of America's new anti-missile system THAAD which has already been deployed to South Korea:

两架美军轰炸机过朝鲜半岛 回应朝试射导弹
Two U.S. [B-1B] bombers passing over the Korean
peninsula as a response to N Korea's missile test.
[Source: SINA 新浪新闻中心 on July 30, 2017]
Chinese navy drills in the Yellow Sea intend
to tap North Korea and to warn the U.S.A.
综合媒体7月28日报道,中国军方7月27日至29日在黄海举行实弹海上军事演习。演习地点在北海舰队总部所在地青岛附近海域大约四万平方公里 的区域进行,对面就是朝鲜半岛西海岸。
On July 28 united media reported China's military would launch military drills with live ammunition in the Yellow Sea from July 27 to 29. A region of 40.000 square km not far from the BeiHai naval headquarters in Qingdao should host the drills. The western coast of the Korean peninsula would then be just in front.
[Source: DW 多维新闻 on July 27/28, 2017]

British daily "The Telegraph" on Monday 31 July 2017
"New York Times": US to Bar Travel to North Korea Amid Rising Tensions on 31 July 2017

North Korea continues provocation. - After ICBM
trial launch another launch of submarine missile.
After N Korea's launch of an intercontinental missile ICBM
on July 28, the U.S. Pentagon declared that U.S. forces
detected unusual activity regarding N Korea's submarines.
There is even evidence of adjustment tests for "submarine
launched ballistic missiles" SLBM. The picture is showing
N Korea's SLBM launch in August last year (2016).
美国防部一名官员周一(7月31日)告诉CNN新闻记者,朝鲜7月30日在其新浦海军造船厂(Sinpo Naval Shipyard)进行潜射弹道导弹的弹射, 这是7月的第三次试射,也是今年的第四次。主要目的是测试导弹的“冷启动系统”(cold-launch system),这是发展潜射导弹能力的关键部件。
On July 31 and referring to an official from the U.S. defence department, a CNN news reporter told that North Korea had carried out a missile test of its submarine launched ballistic missiles at the Sinpo Naval Shipyard. This should have been the 3rd trial launch in July and the 4th launch for that year. Main object was an adjustment of the "cold launch system" which is a central part in the development of submarine launched missile capacity.
[Source: Epoch Times 大纪元 anti-communist daily on 1st August, 2017]
According to a XinHua news report from Moscow on July 31 (reported by ...), Russia's foreign ministry published the following declaration on its website the same day: While the U.S. and some other countries put the blame on Russia and China for North Korea's test firing of a ballistic missile, such criticism is completely unfounded.
[Source: XinHua 新华社, China's news agency on 1st August, 2017]
An art performance was jointly given by Moranbong Band and State Merited Chorus at
Pyongyang's People’s Theater on Sunday, 30 July, to celebrate the successful second
test-fire of intercontinental ballistic rocket Mars-14 (Hwasong).

Visitor to "blueprint news" from the Indonesian capital Jakarta.