People's Daily Online / People's Network on November 22, 2011:
Headline: Iran states it would make Israel pay with blood for blood.
人民网11月22日讯 据合众国际社报道,伊朗军方重要领导人日前表示,一旦伊朗受到以色列的军事袭击,伊朗即刻准备回击以色列。
On November 22, a People's Network report and that is citing "united international agencies" [probably meant: United Press International UPI] informed:
The day before, Iran's highest military leaders made it clear that in case Iran received a military attack from Israel, Iran would immediately prepare for a counter-attack against Israel.
A detonation that took place on a military base of the revolutionary guards 40 km south-west of Iran's capital Teheran on [November] 12, caused the death of 17, probably comprising the commander of the revolutionary guards (Mujia Damu).
The deputy chairman of the joint conference of Iran's chiefs of staff, (Laxide), claims that Israel certainly needs to be made to pay with blood for blood. If Israel once more offends Iran, Iran will then arrange for an overall deployment of guided missiles and prepare a heavy blow against each of Israel's central regions.
Such referring to Iran's manoeuvre that was opened at the beginning of the week [near] the eastern border, in an area covering 300.000 square miles and where military power is being deployed.
Latest news from the Arabic website of Al-Jazeera on November 27:
إيران تتوعد الدرع الصاروخي بتركيا
Headline: Iran endangers the missile shield of Turkey.
أكد قائد القوة الجوية التابعة للحرس الثوري الإيراني أمير علي حاجي زادة، أمس السبت، أن بلاده قد تستهدف الدرع الصاروخي لحلف شمال الأطلسي (ناتو) بتركيا في حالة نشوب أي صراع في المستقبل
A commander of the Iranian air force and which belongs to the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, Amir Ali Haji Saada, confirmed yesterday [i.e. Saturday, Nov. 26] that his country could [cope with] the missile shield of the North Atlantic Pact (NATO) in Turkey, in case of any future fighting.
Israel's defense minister Ehud Barak in a recent interview with CNN.

Barak: The main issue on the table is Iran, its behavior, its intention.

Barak: Obama's administration "excelling" in its support of Israel.
Al-Jazeera Special (2007) on Israel's Nuclear Program:
من الملاحظ أن أكثر مواقع البرنامج النووي الإسرائيلي تقع قرب تجمعات سكنية عربية مدن أو قرى
It can be observed that most locations of Israel's nuclear program happen to exist near concentrations of Arabic inhabitants either in towns or villages.
[Most important Palestinian settlements (Ramallah, Jerusalem and Hebron) have been marked on the above map by their Arabic names written in small letters.]
Editor's remark:
There are different nuclear installations for research and storage of weapons in the central area of Israel, reaching from Haifa to lake Genezareth and from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, including the Soreq Center for Nuclear Research in Soreq brook valley that is stretching between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. But the most important facility for the development of nuclear weapons can be found in the southern part of the country where the Dimona Center for Nuclear Research is being located, right in the middle of the Negev desert. An international commission that once visited this installation many years ago had been deceived by a unique construction which concealed all essential laboratories in some underground levels below the area visited by the commission. No entrance to any lower level could be detected by that commission. Later, any further international request for another visit of the Dimona facility was categorically rejected.
It is only recently that Israel's government officially confirmed the possession of homemade nuclear weapons which has been an unspoken but open secret for many years.
A Walk About Israel - Suspicious Landscape South of Tel Aviv.
Quran-Sura 3:64
Editor's remark:
The above cited "People of the Book" are all those who once received a scripture from Allah (Arabic: "The God"), i.e. the Jews and their Torah, the Christians and their Bible, and finally, the Muslims and their Quran.
Compare this to a previous blogspot on Israel vs. Iran.