February 29 UPDATE further down !

Iran is surrounded by 46 well-equipped U.S. bases (yellow stars in above map). Everybody keeping an eye on the present conflict should have noticed the military constellation of Iran's enemies. The Islamic Republic being forced to face that dangerous constellation can by no means be expected to wait for U.S. politics to change or simply comply with any foreign demands. Strengthening its own military capabilities can therefore be seen as Iran's only way out.
By the way, they really don't have a single nuclear bomb up to now, even if 7 out of 10 U.S. citizens are inclined to believe in the existence of Iranian nukes (quotation from Al-Jazeera, English service).
The Arabic Peninsula and Central Asia are entirely
under the influence of the EMPIRE. Well, not entirely ......
Added on February 29, 2012:
صفقة أسلحة إسرائيلية لأذربيجان بمليار و 600 مليون دولار
Israeli weapons deal with Azerbaijan comprising 1.6 billion [U.S.] Dollar
كشف مسؤولون أمنيون إسرائيليون النقاب الأحد 26 فبراير عن عقد صفقة تبيع الصناعات الجوية الإسرائيلية بموجبها لدولة أذربيجان وسائل قتالية بقيمة مليار وستمائة مليون دولار
On Sunday, February 26, persons in charge of Israeli security laid open a contract of transaction for Israel's aircraft industry regarding the selling to Azerbaijan of equipment for combat equalling a value of 1.6 billion Dollar.
[Egyptian source: akhbarelyom.org.eg]
Editor's remark: Azerbaijan can be found on the above map at the Northern border of Iran. - On June 8, 2007, at the G-8 summit in Heiligendamm, Russian President Vladimir Putin made a proposal to use their Qabala radar station in Azerbaijan as a part of the U.S.-developed missile defense system. The proposal was supported by the Azerbaijani leadership, which considered it as a concrete contribution to stability and security in the region. Relations between Russia and Azerbaijan are generally considered as balanced. Now that Israel is selling its own missiles to Azerbaijan, Russia's position in further talks with the West might be weakened, thus giving Putin further proof that he cannot trust the West.

Who Needs Iranian Oil ?
Two days ago, People's Network, Beijing, published latest statistics related to national import of Iranian oil. According to data from the first six months of 2011, PR China, Japan and India are Iran's most important clients with daily oil imports of 543.000, 341.000 and 328.000 barrel. They are follwed by South Korea that imported Iranian oil at a daily rate of 244.000 barrel. Next come Italy, Turkey and Spain, two countries of the European Community (Italy 183.000 barrel and Spain 137.000 barrel) and Turkey (182.000 barrel) as an important member of the Western military alliance. South Africa (98.000 barrel) is following at almost the same level, while France and Sri Lanka are closing the sequence of nations importing higher amounts of oil from Iran. By the way, India's ranking should be considered under the aspect of additional gas imports from Iran by means of a pipeline passing through Pakistan.

As to the proportion of Iranian oil in the frame of national overall oil imports, Sri Lanka is fully dependent on Iranian oil (100%) while Turkey is dependent on a very large extent (51%). Next come Greece (14%), Italy (13%) and Spain (13%). India, China Japan and South Korea are providing only some 10% of their huge demand for crude oil from the Islamic Republic.
Now let's consider Greece, Italy and Spain as the weakest partners of the European Community whose national economy is either on the brink of collapse (Greece) or not too much better off (Italy and Spain). Their dependence on Iranian oil (13-14%) makes them appear as even more shaky candidates in the Euro zone since oil prices reached another maximum, even though their economic influence might be overestimated.
As to Turkey's dependence (51%) on Iranian oil, this is just one of the basic problems the Western alliance against Iran will have to solve, if it decides to rely on Turkey as an important partner in the region when it comes to military action against Iran.