Update added for the 70th Anniversary
of Human Rights on December 9, 2018.
70th Anniversary of Human Rights
Arabic Media Reporting.
The following Arabic article I found on the website of برنامج إضاءات
Program Spotlights and which is related to قناة العربية Al-Arabiya
TV in Dubai:
مواقف الشعوب هي التحدي الأكبر لمستقبل حقوق الإنسان
"The positions of peoples are the greatest challenge to the future of human rights".
Reading this article one gets an idea of how much the individual situation of a certain human
population (starving poverty or life in abundance) determines its approach to human rights. In
the end it always leads to old grandpa Karl Marx and his stance
"Being determines consciousness".
US president Trump is ignoring CIA assessment that Saudi crown prince Bin Salman
ordered the Kashoggi killing inside the Saudi consulate general in Istanbul / Turkey.
Timeline of Novichok attack on former Russian spy Skripal at his Salisbury home (GB).
Public assessment made by official from British counter-terrorism.
Still to remember: The Litvinenko killing using radioactive Polonium.
And here we are back in the USA .....
US president Trump, Michael Cohen and the "Russia Connection"
On Thursday November 29, 2018, the US based Lawfare Blog published an evaluation of the fact that Michael
Cohen, the former lawyer and fixer for Donald Trump, had admitted in court his participation in a deal
between the Trump Organization and Russian authorities which up to then remained unknown. [The quoted blog is published by Lawfare Institute and which is connected with the Brookings Institute think tank in Washington DC.]
In effect, Cohen admitted in court on Thursday that even as Russian operatives were hacking Democratic emails
and getting ready to dump emails through Wikileaks, even as Trump was publicly praising Russian strongman
Vladimir Putin, even as the Trump Tower meeting involving Donald Trump Jr. took place in the summer of 2016,
the Trump Organization—with Trump and his family very much in the know—was negotiating to build a Trump Tower in Moscow. The Trump Organization was negotiating—or, at least, trying to negotiate—this deal with the Kremlin itself. And Cohen has admitted that he lied to Congress about this history to protect Trump politically.
The primary point is that this is all utterly unacceptable. That a large swath of the public, and the legislative
branch, has chosen to accept it does not make it more reasonable that a man seeking to be president of the United
States would at the same time publicly cozy up to a foreign dictator and negotiate with his regime over a potential
business opportunity—and then cover it all up. The story is likely to get worse. As this article was about to go
to publication, Anthony Cormier and Jason Leopold broke in BuzzFeed News that the Trump Organization planned to gift Vladimir Putin a penthouse suite at Trump Tower Moscow.
By the way, Israel isn't much better off .....
Headlines of Israel's daily Haaretz on 2nd December 2018.
Latest News from Ukraine:
Al-Jazeera on November 29, 2018, quoting an interview
granted by Ukraine's president to a German newspaper.
As Ukraine's presidential elections are near, allegations are spreading that president Poroshenko is looking to boost his approval rating by using the long-standing Crimea conflict with Russia as a pretext. According to the Russian news center Sputnik, Maria Zakharova, the spokeswoman for Russia's foreign ministry, stated at a briefing on November 30:
"The intention of the Kiev regime, its representatives and, of course, President Petro Poroshenko is clear. Its primary target is using a martial law for boosting approval rating, which is rapidly falling, in order to earn points riding another wave of Russiphobia".
Russia's S-400 air defence system deployed in the Russian controlled zone
of disputed Crimea in the frame of an overall military build-up by Russia.
First news about S-400 deployment from SINA on November 29, 2018.
On Saturday December 1st, 2018, Ukraine's president Poroshenko came about with figures of a Russian military build-up and which are being considered as realistic by Igor Koziy, a military expert at the Institute for Euro-Atlantic Cooperation. The following information was published by Al-Jazeera the same day:
More than 80,000 Russian soldiers are present at Ukraine's borders and the Russian-annexed Crimean Peninsula, as well as the rebel-held regions of Donetsk and Luhansk, according to the Ukrainian president.
As he rallies for international support against Moscow, Poroshenko said Russia had about 1,400 artillery and rocket systems, 900 tanks, 2,300 armoured combat vehicles, more than 500 military planes and 300 helicopters in and around Ukraine.
Russia has more than 80 Russian military ships and eight submarines in the Black Sea, the Sea of Azov and the Aegean Sea, according to Poroshenko.