Sunday, December 09, 2018

The Huawei Incident - War of Technologies

Update added for the 70th Anniversary
of Human Rights on December 9, 2018.


70th Anniversary of Human Rights

Arabic Media Reporting.

The following Arabic article I found on the website of برنامج إضاءات Program Spotlights and which is related to قناة العربية Al-Arabiya TV in Dubai:

مواقف الشعوب هي التحدي الأكبر لمستقبل حقوق الإنسان

"The positions of peoples are the greatest challenge to the future of human rights".

Reading this article one gets an idea of how much the individual situation of a certain human population (starving poverty or life in abundance) determines its approach to human rights. In the end it always leads to old grandpa Karl Marx and his stance "Being determines consciousness".

Le Monde Diplomatique on December 9, 2018.

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