This year, China is launching another four nuclear energy units. The recently built units are expected to reduce at least by 60% China's long-term plannings of an additional 10 Gigawatt (GW) or more. Those four nuclear reactors cited are namely unit 4, 5 and 6 of a Guangdong energy plant and one unit at a Fujian energy plant. It is impossible to China to abstain from its huge efforts to develop nuclear energy and rely on coal as an alternative energy source. .....
Original source: Dong Fang Early (Newspaper) on March 29, 2011
During the late 1950s, China already introduced nuclear technology made in the Soviet Union, its purpose obviously being the production of nuclear weapons. Much later, in the 1970s i.e. namely in the aftermath of the so-called Cultural Revolution, China began official nuclear plannings to ensure its increasing need of electric energy. It signed treaties with Germany and France and showed itself interested in nuclear technology developed in the United States of America. At that time, one of two French nuclear reactors using U.S. technology from Westinghouse was planned to be erected north of Shanghai to provide electricity for the gigantic steel production facility there. Until now, nuclear energy plants have been installed in different parts of the country.
As the Chinese learned their "nuclear lesson" almost from scratch, it was inevitable that one or another "incident" occured in their energy plants or research facilities. The best known example is referring to the research reactor shown below that had been heavily contaminated during the 1970s. The Chinese found a pragmatic solution to deal with that problem: They closed the facility and did not mention this place any more. By the way, my visitors are requested to enjoy the modern architecture of the building with its many windows to ventilate the whole thing.
"Let the sunshine in !"

"We are the masters of science !"

The industrial region near Shanghai - A potential target to earthquakes:

Looking at China from the Japanese center of disaster:

Recent map of nuclear energy units in PR China:
Green = existing; Red = in construction; White = in state of planning

The most debated providers for 22% of Germany's energy:

Marked by a red cross:
The reactors to be switched off immediately because of public pressure on the federal government and the suppliers of nuclear energy.

The power of public opinion after the Fukushima incident .....

..... accounted for the ruling party's heavy losses in two regional elections last weekend.

The federal government's deal with the atomic energy industry, shortly before the elections, has inspired a German artist to create the following picture that could be used as an election poster for the ruling party. - My visitors from Western Europe and the U.S.A. will surely recognize that greedy boss of TV hero Homer Simpson and who is owning Springfield's dangerous nuclear shack: