Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Libya - German Inconsequence

"What did the foreign minister of Germany have in mind all the time ? First, he acclaimed Arabic freedom fighters in their revolutions and made himself acclaimed on Tahrir square in Cairo. Then he demanded the overthrow of Gadafi - only to shrink back in the security council afterwards. This has not much in common with a foreign policy based on values."

This is what Germany's former minister of foreign affairs Josef Oskar "Joschka" Fischer said after the actual foreign minister Guido Westerwelle (Liberal Party) defended the position of the Merkel government that had come to the decision not to take part directly in the military action against Gadafi. Such leaving all activity within the European Union to France who then shared the international military action on its own.

"Was hat sich der deutsche Außenminister dabei gedacht? Erst schlug er sich auf die Seite der arabischen Freiheitsrevolutionen, ließ sich auf dem Tahrir-Platz in Kairo feiern, dann forderte er den Sturz Gaddafis - nur um schließlich im Sicherheitsrat den Schwanz einzuziehen. Mit einer an Werte gebundenen Außenpolitik hat das nicht viel zu tun gehabt."

News of the Day:

Libyan radar facilities destroyed near Benghazi during nightly attacks by the international alliance. CNN reporting. March 22, 2011.

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