Friday, March 18, 2011

Libya and Yemen - Latest News


After the United Nations imposed a no-flight zone on Libya, Gadafi sent his foreign minister to declare his government's will to stop all military action at once. Libyan opposition, however, is still suspicious and is celebrating the no-flight zone.

رويترز: فرنسا و بريطانيا و الولايات المتحدة تطالب قوات القذافي بالتوقف عن التقدم نحو بنغازي
According to Reuters [news agency], France, Britain and the United States
demand the troops of Gadafi to stop their advance towards Benghazi.

رويترز: نائب وزير الخارجية الليبي يقول إن كتائب القذافي لن تدخل بنغازي التزاما بوقف اطلاق النار
According to Reuters, the Libyan vice-minister of foreign affairs said that
Gadafi's units will not enter into Benghazi [immediately after] a cease-fire.


مراسل الجزيرة: مواجهات عنيفة في شارع الرباط قرب ساحة التغيير في صنعاء
A correspondent of Al-Jazeera reported about violent confrontations
in Rabad Street near Tariir square in Sanaa.

الأطباء في المستشف الميداني في صنعاء يناشدون زملاءهم الالتحاق بهم لاسعاف المصابين
Doctors in urban hospitals of Sanaa are calling their colleagues to join
them in order to help the victims.

قيادي في الحزب الحاكم اليمني يعلن سحب مبادرته لاحتواء الازمة و ملاحقة المسوؤلين عن أحداث اليوم
Leaders of the ruling party of Yemen announce the beginning of [their party's] initiative [to solve the] crisis and a criminal prosecution of those who are responsible for today's incidents.

So far, dozens were wounded or died. The dead and the wounded were brought into a nearby mosque.
Pictures delivered by Al-Jazeera, Arabic service, are showing some of the most violent scenes ever seen since the uprising against the actual president began.

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