Last UPDATE: May 26, 2014

The general voting procedure in 28 member states of the European Union is coming to an end.
First results from Germany are showing a close run between both governing parties:
The Christian-Democrats (i.e. the Merkel party together with its regional sister party
(CSU) in the federal state of Bavaria) reach 35,5% => inofficial final result: 35,3%.
The Social-Democrats (i.e. the Gabriel party) reach 27,2% => inofficial final result: 27,3%.
Further results:
Greens' Party 10,7% => final result: 10,8% at 23:00 CET
Leftist Party 7,5%
AfD (Alternative for Germany) 7,0% => final result: 6,8% at 23:00 CET
The eurocritical AfD has run for the first time in European elections.
Some 48% of German voters have participated in the vote. All essential parties are generally in favour of the European Union but demand certain changes on different fields of administration. A deregulation of central law-making in Brussels is requested by many candidates. Such, German regions could enjoy again more liberties in their plannings.
All data mentioned above have been quoted from reliable German media at about 20:00 CET. Later changes have been specially marked. Inofficial Final Results
Raw data of election results from other member states of the European Union can be found here:
The Netherlands:
Great Britain:
Election Results from France:
Here now a graphic representation of election results in France from May 25/26. Comprehensive data and background information about France and other EU member states are available from the election news service of FranceTVinfo.
Voici l'un des meilleurs sites sur les élections européennes, pas seulement centré sur la France mais aussi avec une première analyse des résultats à l'étranger, pays par pays:
FranceTVinfo: Les résultats des européennes, pays par pays.

The Political Color of France in the European Elections.
Dramatic changes in France from 2009 to 2014:
Dark colored regions in the infographics above are showing French "départements" where far-right candidates of the National Front (FN) reached a majority in the European Elections of 2014. These administrative regions have been mostly won over from the Union for a Popular Movement (UMP), a centre-right political party related to the former presidents of France Chirac and Sarkozy. The centre-left Socialist Party (PS), represented by current president Hollande, lost two of four departments compared to the 2009 elections.
The National Front has won 26% of all votes and one third of seats reserved for France in the European Parliament.
The National Front (FN) can be characterized by economic protectionism, a zero tolerance approach to law and order issues, and anti-immigration. The party's opposition to immigration is focused on non-European immigration, and includes support for deporting illegal, criminal, and unemployed immigrants. Since the 1990s, the party's evaluation of the European Union is increasingly marked by euroscepticism.
Marine Le Pen, daughter of FN founder Jean-Marie Le Pen, is now celebrating her party's unprecedented victory. The tendency of mainstream politics in France, however, identified as a general drift towards nationalist and far-right positions, is scaring many observers abroad.

"La Bleue Marine" Le Pen
"El Frente Nacional se convierte en la primera fuerza política francesa"
"The National Front is turning itself into first political power of France"
A "cautious" visitor to "blueprint news" coming from New York, Lower Manhattan.
Visitor coming from the historic center of Berlin, Germany.
Visitor from Paris and who could be detected near Centre Pompidou,
a remarkable center of cultural activities and a central meeting point
of the French capital. The inserted photo is showing a demonstration
of support for the Ukraine entering the European Union EU and which
took place just in front of Centre Pompidou.