Saturday, January 26, 2013

U.S.A. - Learning More About John Kerry

Related UPDATE on January 27 further down !

Headlines from Al-Arabiya on January 25, 2013, reporting on the new host of the U.S. Department of State after Secretary of State Hillary Clinton:

وزير خارجية أمريكا.. مقتنع بالقرآن ويستخدم المسبحة

America's secretary of foreign affairs .. convinced of the Coran he uses a rosary.

جون كيري عضو بجمعية "الجمجمة والعظام" واجتمع إلى الأسد 6 مرات وقهر السرطان

John Kerry, member of the society "Skull and Bones", met with Assad six times, and he overcame cancer.

Editor's Note: "Skull and Bones" is a secret society at Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut. Some influential graduates from Yale have been reported as "bonesmen", among them president Bush jun. and John Kerry.

John Kerry and Assad, together with their wives,
meeting in a Damascus restaurant in 2009.

Choice of comments by Arabic readers of the Al-Arabiya article:

الجمجمة والعظام ؟! في الحقيقة انتابني بعض الخوف عند وصولي بالقراءة لآخر المقال ؟!ـ

Wow ! - Skull and Bones ?! [ Freemasonry ] in reality, somehow alarming [with its] nouveau riche separatism [as could be read in] the recent article ?!

الحمد لله على نعمه الاسلام

Allah be praised, he is comfortable with Islam.

John Kerry's stiff appearance is probably related to health problems.
[The above picture show has been found on the internet years ago. If
Kerry has overcome cancer, he is expected to stand such nonsense.]


Today, January 26, People's Network, the online service of People's Daily, Beijing, came with the following headlines regarding political changes in the U.S. Department of State:


The U.S. Senate "facing a test" with the appointment of the Secretary of State.


Kerry considers China and the U.S.A. being competitors not enemies.

The following text has been extracted from the original article of People's Daily:


Kay King and Jacob Stokes, scholars of the Center for a New American Security are considering that in the frame of relations with China, Kerry needs to answer another question: To what end will lead the major elements of competition in U.S.-Chinese relations. These competition elements [can be] exactly of a kind not to be trusted, or can be the reason of fundamental profit related to every goal. Kerry should also consider whether or not America ought to revise its strategy of "another peaceful balancing of Asia", such responding to China's feeling of missing safety which is constantly rising.

Editor's Note:

- Kay King is a Senior Advisor and the Director of External Relations at the Center for a New American Security (CNAS), where she oversees strategic communications and outreach. Previously, she served as a vice president at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) where she led the Washington office. Mrs. King holds a bachelor's degree in political science and a master’s degree in international affairs from Columbia University's School of International and Public Affairs.
- Jacob Stokes is a Research Associate at the CNAS, where his research focuses on U.S. national security strategy and defense policy. Prior to joining CNAS, Mr. Stokes served as a Policy Analyst at the National Security Network, where his work focused on the rise of China, defense budgeting and strategy, and Afghanistan. He graduated from the University of Missouri with degrees in political science and magazine journalism.


People's Daily / People's Network on January 27, 2013:


Japan's "Hawkeye 2000" newly equipped early warning aircraft.

日本调集预警机24小时监控钓鱼岛 防中国飞机

Japan concentrating early warning aircraft for 24 hours in order to watch and control Diaoyu Island and to defend against Chinese aircraft.

Editor's Note:

U.S. manufacturer Northrop Grumman’s E-2C Hawkeye is a carrier-capable “mini-AWACS” aircraft, designed to give long-range warning of incoming aerial threats. Secondary roles include strike command and control, land and maritime surveillance, search and rescue, communications relay, and even civil air traffic control during emergencies. ...
"It looks a lot like the last generation E-2C Hawkeye 2000 upgrade on the outside – but inside, and even outside to some extent, it’s a whole new aircraft." [Source: Defense Industry Daily, 2013]

The deployment of Japan's Hawkeye 2000 planes in the Diaoyu Island region, disputed between China and Japan, goes together with Shinzo Abe, Japan's newly elected prime minister and nationalist hardliner, releasing a $226 bn stimulus package in the middle of an economic crisis. However, his announcement of temporary difficulties that will soon be overcome makes shareholders' value jump again. [Source: Al-Jazeera on January 28, 2013]


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