Last Update: May 14
This morning, China's first homemade aircraft carrier left Dalian Shipyard for sea trials. After its launch from the Dalian construction dock on April 26, 2017, it has been fully equipped for its first deployment at sea. The warship, up to now unnamed, makes up for the second of its kind in China's navy. China's first aircraft carrier, the "Liaoning", is based on a half-finished warship of Soviet origin which offered Chinese ship builders an opportunity to train their skills.

First homemade aircraft carrier in sea test. - How do carriers
from different countries pass the "examination" ?
The Chinese article refers to the testing of US carriers belonging to
the most advanced Ford class and French aircraft carrier De Gaulle.
The Mobile Phone NetEase 手机网易网 Network (NTS China)
China's CCTV 4 reporting on May 6 about the features of the
country's 2nd aircraft carrier, now awaiting its first sea tests.
1st test of a Z-18 carrier based copter landing on the warship.
096 submarines (Nato code: Tang class) were developed by China's PLA navy
as 3rd generation nuclear submarines equipped with ballistic missiles. They are
successors to the preceding model 094.
Further News from China:

伊朗外长火速访问中国 为挽救伊核协议做最后的努力
Iran's foreign minister hurriedly visiting China
in last effort to save Iran's nuclear agreement.
[ZYNEWS 中原网 on May 14, 2018]
China’s petrochemical imports from Iran are not expected to take a major hit upon America's re-imposition of sanctions against the Middle Eastern country. Use the following link to know more:
China-Iran petrochemical trades insulated from US sanctions by ICIS - Chemical Industry News
The possibility of having to cut oil imports from Iran should not hurt China as much, amid a glut in domestic supply of oil products, said She Jianyue, chief analyst at state-owned China National Offshore Oil Corp.
“Oil is not a big problem. For one, China can switch to other suppliers to replace Iran quite easily, particularly Russia. For another, China may not need to import that much of oil at all,” She said.
“We are exporting more and more gasoline and diesel, which means our refineries have processed too much oil into those transportation fuel. So, cutting imports from a single supplier will not be a problem,” he added.

Visitors from Stockholm, Sweden, and Sheffield, Britain,
and who are interested in China's aircraft carriers.
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