On May 18, a military source reported that some heavy explosions took place at Hama air base in Syria and which is presumed to be a stronghold of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards. The below photo was taken by a witness who passed at the outside of the military facility.

At that time it was still unclear whether this was an accident or an Israeli assault. Two days later, the below quoted Chinese source made allegations that this had been an Israeli operation.

"The werewolves don't make many words": Air raid on the air defense base
of the Revolutionary Guards. Israel has its own way of driving away the
人狠话不多,中东平头哥,很早就知道这句戏谑之言,但在看了以色列空军在叙利亚 持续的军事行动后,越发觉得这句话用来形容以色列最贴切不过了,以色列跟某些 成天吵吵着将谁谁谁从地球上抹去的国家不同,做的多,说的少,叙利亚境内的伊朗 基地和武装力量经常在遭到空袭后,俄罗斯和叙利亚、伊朗媒体会指责是以色列所为, 不管是美英法干的还是干脆就遭到了电子战攻击,唯独以色列政府和军方会礼貌性的 用一招外交套路用于回应:对此表示沉默。
"The werewolves don't make many words", the Middle-Eastern "brethren with the short-cut hair". [We] early knew that crude joke, but after having seen the Israeli air force in continued military operations in Syria, even more felt this kind of talk comes to describe Israel as the best fitting. Israel together with certain different countries, all the time noisily searching the Earth for any support, doing much but talking little. After Iranian bases and armed forces frequently suffered from air raids within the borders of Syria, [all that] Russia and Syria as well as Iranian media would criticize was Israel. However, when the US, Britain and France ... suffered from electronic warfare attack, Israel's government and military would only use a polite diplomatic way to react: On that we remain silent.
位于哈马的叙利亚空军基地发生大爆炸,据称是该基地的地下弹药库爆炸, 持续的爆炸严重摧毁了这个基地,甚至连地面上的机库都不可避免, 多架叙军战机被摧毁,目前还不清楚究竟是怎么回事,但越来越多人开始相信, 这又是以色列干的,原因是,部署在这个叙利亚空军基地的伊朗革命卫队 防空营也遭到了攻击!
When a giant explosion occurred on the Syrian air force base in Hama, it was said that should have been the underground ammunition store of the basis which exploded. Continuous explosions seriously devastated that base. Even aircraft hangars on the surface could not be saved. Many Syrian warplanes were destroyed. At the moment it is unclear what actually happened, but more and more people begin to believe this is concerned with Israel. The reason being the air defense facility of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards deployed on that very Syrian air force base and which was as well affected by attack.
[SoHu 搜狐 on May 20, 2018]

ارتفاع حصيلة انفجارات مطار حماة العسكري في سورية إلى 28 قتيلاً
As a result of the explosions at the military airport
of Hama in Syria, the death toll has risen to 28.
وخلال الأسابيع الماضية، استهدفت إسرائيل مرات عدة مواقع عسكرية في سوريا كان آخرها ليلة التاسع والعاشر من أيار/مايو، حيث أعلنت إسرائيل قصف عشرات الأهداف "الإيرانية" رداً على هجوم صاروخي قالت أيضاً أنه "إيراني" على الجولان المحتل.ـ
Editor's Note: The Arabic text is referring to the Israeli attacks that took place in the night from May 9-10, however, doesn't conclude that the Hama incident was necessarily connected with Israel.
[ALGHAD الغد, Amman / Jordan, on May 20, 2018]

Visitor from Spain reminding the end of World War II.

Visitor from Pakistan referring to the Muslim Immigration Ban of US president Trump.
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