Last Update: 5 May
Saudi-Arabia, the home of an especially strict Sunni-Islam, seems to enjoy secret ties with Zionist Israel as both countries have a common enemy who is posing a threat to their bid for supremacy in the region. Iran, traditionally dominated by Shia-Islam, has become the competitor of, both, Riyadh and Tel Aviv .
No wonder allegations are spreading that both adversaries might secretly unite to fight the Islamic Republic of Iran. While Saudi- Arabia finds Iran in support of Houthi forces in Yemen and who are endangering Riyadh's control on their Arabic neighbour that has always been an important source of cheap working power for the Saudi economy, Israel is fearing Iranian influence on militant Arab organizations like Hezbollah and who are traditionally hostile to the Jewish state. As the chaotic situation in Syria is providing the base for pro-Iranian activity, Israel is now facing a realistic danger to its very existence and which had not been the case to such extent during the last decades when the Jewish state concentrated on keeping the Palestinian Arabs, their Semitic brethren, in a state of apartheid and national uncertainty.
What makes things even more difficult is the fact that Israel and Saudi-Arabia are both connected with the United States in manifold ways. That makes up for a dangerous triangle of power which could blow up all of the Middle East, especially with an unpredictable president Trump heading the dominant position of that constellation.
Here an Iranian publication by Press TV from yesterday 2nd May:

Chairman of the Iranian Parliament's Committee on National Security and Foreign Policy Alaeddin Boroujerdi (center) speaks at a press conference in Damascus, Syria, May 1, 2018.

Le journal saoudien Okaz : «La guerre avec l’Iran est imminente»
The Saudi journal Okaz: "War with Iran is looming".
Le journal saoudien Okaz prédit que le Moyen-Orient sera bientôt témoin d’une guerre contre l’Iran en Syrie, ajoutant que celle-ci deviendrait plus tard une guerre directe entre Israël et l’Iran. Et, officiellement, cette guerre aurait pour objectif de détruire les capacités militaires et surtout nucléaires de l’Iran. «Un scénario se profile à l’horizon. Une guerre contre la présence iranienne en Syrie sera bientôt menée avec le soutien de l’Occident», observe la même source, qui insiste aussi sur l’idée que le Moyen- Orient va entrer dans une zone de turbulences.
The Saudi-Arabian journal "Okaz" predicts that the Middle East will soon witness a war against Iran in Syria, adding that this one would turn, much later, into a direct war between Israel and Iran. And, officially, this war would have as a goal the destruction of Iran's military and, above all, nuclear capacities. "Some scenario is depicting itself on the horizon: A war against the Iranian presence in Syria will soon be realized with Western support", remarks the same source and insists, as well, on the idea that the Middle East is going to enter into a zone of turbulences.
Le journal a souligné que l’hypothèse d’une guerre imminente entre Israël et l’Iran est renforcée par les déclarations hostiles de Washington et Tel-Aviv contre Téhéran. Cette semaine encore, le ministre israélien de la Défense, Avigdor Liberman, a annoncé que «le régime iranien vit ses derniers jours et a promis que son pays allait neutraliser le nucléaire iranien». «On pense que les principaux pays occidentaux soutiennent Israël contre l’Iran, mais de nombreux experts estiment que l’affrontement imminent nécessite une réflexion approfondie en raison des risques qu’elle peut poser dans la région et dans le monde», a, cependant, conclu Okaz.
The journal underlined that the assumption of a looming war between Israel and Iran is being supported by hostile declarations against Tehran coming from Washington and Tel Aviv. This week, as well, Israel's minister of defense, Avigdor Liberman, announced that "the Iranian regime is experiencing its last days and promised that his country is going to neutralize Iran's nuclear [capacity]". "It is believed that [all] important Western countries would support Israel against Iran, but numerous experts consider that an imminent confrontation would need profound reflection regarding the risks it would pose for, both, the region and the world", concluded Okaz.
[Algérie Patriotique, Algier, quoting the Saudi-Arabian journal Okaz on 4 May 2018]
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