Monday, May 28, 2018

Israel / Iran - Talks on Troop Separation

Photo: Dr. Mostafa Moslehzadeh,
Iran's ambassador to Amman.

مفاوضات غير معلنة بين إيران وإسرائيل

Unofficial negotiations between Iran and Israel.

طهران تبلغ تل أبيب بأنها لن تتواجد عسكريا في درعا والقنيطرة

Tehran communicates to Tel Aviv it will avoid
own military presence in Dar'a and Quneitra.

[Saudi-owned paper Elaph إيلاف on May 27]
Informal talks were held in a hotel in Amman, the capital of Jordan, with the help of a Jordanian mediator and who carried messages between both parties that were strictly kept apart in different rooms.

Negotiations dealt with a separation of troops in the Golan area where fighting activity between rebel groups and Syrian regime troops is taking place.

وكان السفير الإيراني في عمان، مجتبى فردوسي بور، تلقى وعدد من رجال الأمن الإيرانيين تفويضًا لمفاوضة الإسرائيليين في عمان، حيث قاد المفاوضات عن الجانب الإسرائيلي نائب رئيس الموساد برفقة عدد من رجالات الامن والعسكر.ـ

The Iranian side was represented by Tehran's ambassador to Amman and who was accompanied by security personnel while Israel sent a Mossad deputy together with a security and military team.

德拉省南部与约旦接壤,东部毗邻以色列控制的戈兰高地。法新社报道, 叙利亚政府军及其盟友武装现阶段控制德拉省大约30%的区域, 其余区域由多支反对派武装和极端组织“伊斯兰国”掌控。报道说, 德拉省所处位置敏感,原因是以色列方面认定伊朗试图借叙利亚内战, 把军事存在延伸至更接近以色列的地区。

The southern part of Dar'a is bordered by Jordan and the east is adjacent to the Israeli-controlled Golan Heights. Agence France-Presse reported that Syrian government forces and their allies are currently controlling about 30% of the region in Dar'a, while the rest is controlled by armed opposition groups and extremist Islamic State. The report said that Dar'a's location was sensitive because the Israeli side believed that Iran had attempted to use the Syrian civil war to extend its military presence to areas closer to Israel.

[Quotation from 21CN新闻——新华网 published on May 27, 2018. Original headline: 叙政府军要南下德拉?美国对叙发威胁:勿南进]

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