Last Update: May 11
First news arrived from Israel where Israeli positions on the Golan Heights have come under missile attack. This should have been an operation by Syrian and probably Iranian backed units and which seems to be related with attacks launched by Israeli forces on enemy positions in the Quneitra region. Quneitra is a Syrian border town in the Golan area.
A local Israeli media source comes with the following report:
In the early hours local time in Israel on May 10, 2018, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) confirmed that at least 20 unspecified rockets had landed in the Golan, but caused no injuries. Alert sirens reportedly went off in the Israeli communities of Majdal Shams, Neve Ativ, Nimrod, Masa’ade, Buqa’ata, Odem, and El Rom and Iron Dome systems fired an unknown number of interceptors and shot down at least some of the incoming projectiles. The attacks immediately followed reported Israeli artillery strikes on forces aligned with Syria's dictator Bashar Al Assad, possibly Iranian-backed militias and their Iranian advisers, in the Syrian city of Baath in the Quneitra Governorate.
"The IDF sees this Iranian attack on Israel with severity," IDF spokesperson Lieutenant Colonel Jonathan Conricus told The Times of Israel shortly after midnight on May 10, 2018. "This event is not over," he stressed at the time.
This report is accompanied by private live footage from neighbouring locations.

Morning news coming from Israel's newspaper Haaretz on May 10, 2018.

محلل عسكرى: الهجمات الإسرائيلية في سوريا ضربة استباقية ضد إيران
Military analyst: Israeli attacks in Syria are a preemptive strike against Iran.
قال المحلل العسكري الإسرائيلي "أليكس فيشمان" لصحيفة "يديعوت احرونوت" إن النشاطات العسكرية في سوريا، لها تفسير واحد، وهى أن إسرائيل لم تنتظر لحظة حتى يستعد الإيرانيون لتنفيذ أي نشاط عدائي ضدها وسواء كان القصف مرتبطًا بشكل مباشر باستعدادات إيران لهجوم انتقامي من إسرائيل، أم كان هدفًا عاديا فإن هذا يُسمى ضربة استباقية.ـ
Editor's Note: The article is referring to military analyst Alex Fishman who is a writer for the Israeli daily Yedioth Ahronoth.
[El-Balad البلد, Cairo, on May 10, 2018]
إسرائيل تشن هجمات داخل سوريا ردا على "قصف إيراني"ـ
Israel launches attacks inside Syria in response to "Iranian bombardment".
BBC Arabic reporting from Damascus on Israel launching 70 missiles and 28 warplanes
against Iranian operated military facilities all over Syria, especially targeting the region of
Damascus and Homs, the Golan Heights and other places. => Follow their link to watch
the original video !

Visitor to "blueprint news" coming from Copenhagen, Denmark, and who is interested in Iran.
The Arabic Peninsula and Central Asia are entirely under
the influence of the EMPIRE. Well, not entirely ......

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