مجلة: حرب نهاية العالم "هرمجدون" تبدأ خلال أيام
Magazine: The War Ending the World "Armageddon" will Start in Some Days.
This is yesterday's headline (i.e. May 6) of the Russian news center Sputnik quoting the reputed US magazine National Interest. The US article Toward Armageddon: Israel, Iran and the United States Could End up in a War is referring to May 12, the date for President Trump to make a decision on whether the United States will withdraw from the nuclear treaty with Iran.
Yesterday news were spread in the international program of Al-Jazeera TV that Iran's president Rouhani warned of skipping the nuclear deal achieved with support of the Obama administration. Rouhani is quoted as saying that "Iran has its plans ready for such case".
"The Iranian regime, if pushed to the wall as a consequence of repeated attacks on Iranian targets in Syria, may lash out against Israel regardless of the consequences."
[National Interest on May 5, 2018]
Background information on the quoted US source:
The "National Interest", a US magazine on foreign politics founded in 1985, can be seen as an independent source that presents its main goal as follows:
The National Interest seeks to promote, as far as possible, a fresh debate about the course of American foreign policy by featuring a variety of leading authors from government, journalism, and academia, many of whom may at times disagree with each other. But it is only out of such disagreements that dogmas can be dispelled and clarity about America’s proper aims achieved.

نظام طهران في دائرة النار
Tehran Regime in the Circle of Fire.
Another article published today by the influential Arabic daily Asharq Al-Awsat الشرق الأوسط (The Middle East), comes with an evaluation of the tense situation between Iran, Israel and the US by Syrian journalist and writer Fayez Sarah.
The author comes to the conclusion that "the mullahs' regime has put itself in the circle of fire, and it is difficult to get out of it properly, and it will not be able to get the least losses."

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