Background Update added
for Germany Related News.

Trump planning to stop luxury car import from Germany.
"Keeping 5th Avenue free from Mercedes."
Here are some quotations from an article the Chinese economic journal CaiJing 财经 published yesterday the 1st of June. The article is using a common Chinese abbreviation for the German brand 梅赛德斯-奔驰 (Mercedes-Benz).
5月23日晚间,美国政府表示,将根据1962年通过的《贸易扩张法》 第232条规定“总统有权对危及国家安全的商品征税”,对进口汽车展开国家安全调查。 此前美国对进口钢铁和铝制品征收全球关税时也援引了同样的条款,理由同样是进口 钢铝制品危及美国国家安全。
In the evening of May 23, the US goverment declared that "the president has a right to impose tariffs on merchandise that is endangering the nation's safety" based on regulation no. 232 of the "trade expansion law" passed in 1962. [Therefore,] a national safety investigation has been launched for car imports.
Earlier, when America imposed global tariffs on steel and aluminium products, the same regulation was quoted as well. For the same reason the import of steel and aluminium products was seen as endangering America's national safety.
对于特朗普拟对进口汽车征收25%关税,中国外交部发言人陆慷5月24日回应表示, 中方的立场是反对滥用“国家安全”条款,这将严重破坏多边贸易体制,扰乱正常 国际贸易秩序。
As to Trump's plannings to impose tariffs of 25% on car imports, China's foreign ministry spokesperson Lu Kang responded on May 24 as follows:
China's position is to oppose an abuse of the "national security" regulation. It is seriously damaging the multilateral trade system and disturbing the regular international trade order.
我们将密切关注美方调查的有关进展,也会对可能产生的影响进行全面评估。 中方会坚决捍卫自身的合法权益。
We are carefully paying attention to the progress of America's investigation, yet knowing about the influence it possibly generates on the proceedings of an overall evaluation.
Germany Related News

Jerusalem Post on June 2, 2018
NATO will not side with Israel if the Islamic Republic of Iran attacks the Jewish state, the head of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization told a German magazine on Saturday NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg told Der Spiegel, “The security guarantee [of NATO] does not apply to Israel” because the Jewish state is not a member of the 29 country alliance.
In response to Stoltenberg’s announcement, Volker Beck – the German Green Party politician and former head of the German-Israel parliamentary group in the Bundestag – asked on Twitter: “That raises the question: What does this clarification mean for the security dialogue between NATO, EU, Germany and Israel? It points to at least very different starting points and positions of interest.”

Those would certainly help .....
Related Blogspot : Israel's Anniversary - Palestine Exploding
Here are quotations from an interesting article the US magazine Newsweek published on May 31, 2018. A similar story was told by World Israel News, an Israeli source, on the same day.
Israel planned to bomb Iran and initiate an all-out conflict in the Middle East, according to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's former head of intelligence, who said he believed the move may have been illegal.
Tamir Pardo, who served as head of Israeli spy agency Mossad from 2011 to 2016, told local investigative program Uvda in an interview set to air Thursday that Netanyahu instructed his military command in 2011 to prepare for a strike against longtime foe Iran, which Israel has accused of developing nuclear weapons and supporting militant groups abroad. Pardo said then-Israeli chief of staff Benny Gantz informed the prime minister that the armed forces would be ready within 15 days.
Pardo said that his first instinct was to look into the legality of the measure, which he said he would need to be "certain" was legal before carrying out, even though he was supposed to do so without question. He described the measure as tantamount to "launching a war," according to the Associated Press, and said he and Gantz ultimately protested.
No overt Israeli war on Iran was launched. Instead, Iran's nuclear program suffered a devastating campaign of targeted assassinations that a number of outlets —including Newsweek and Politico— tied to the Mossad, Israel's intelligence agency. Between 2010 and 2012, four Iranian nuclear scientists were slain and another injured by assailants using bombs and gunfire. Israel has neither confirmed nor denied its responsibility.
Iran has claimed its nuclear program was strictly for peaceful purposes, but the U.S., Israel and Saudi Arabia have cast doubt on this narrative.
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