Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Lu Wei hosted a regular press conference on June 28, 2018, where he answered questions on the implementation of the "High-Level Officials' Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea".

6月25日至27日,中国与东盟国家在中国湖南省长沙市举行落实《南海各方行为宣言》 第十五次高官会和第二十四次联合工作组会。外交部副部长孔铉佑作为中方高官率团 出席。
From June 25 to June 27, China and ASEAN countries held the 15th Senior Officials' Meeting and the 24th Joint Working Party Meeting of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea in Changsha, Hunan Province, China. Vice Foreign Minister Kong Yuyou attended the delegation headed by senior Chinese officials.
我们对会议取得的积极成果感到高兴。从会议成果也可以看出,本地区国家珍惜和平稳定、 合作发展的大好局面。从自身利益出发,中国和本地区国家也比任何域外国家都更加珍视 南海地区的和平以及航行自由与安全。个别域外势力不断地通过各种方式、包括炒作所谓 航行自由与安全受到影响的伪命题来搅动南海局势,地区国家对此保持着应有的高度警惕。 我们希望域外国家尊重本地区国家共同维护地区和平与稳定、致力于地区合作发展繁荣的 良好局面,不要无事生非。
We are pleased with the positive results achieved by the meeting. From the results of the conference, it can also be seen that the countries in the region cherish the excellent situation of peace, stability, and cooperation. Starting from their own interests, China and the countries in the region have also cherished the peace in the South China Sea and freedom of navigation and security more than any other country.
Some of the extraterritorial forces have constantly stirred up the situation in the South China Sea by various means, including speculating on the false proposition that the so-called freedom of navigation and security have been affected. Regional countries have maintained their due vigilance.
We hope that countries outside the region will respect the good situation in which the regional countries maintain peace and stability in the region and commit themselves to the development and prosperity of regional cooperation. There is no need to put the blame on anything.
[SINA Finance 新浪财经 on June 28, 2018, slightly modified excerpt of some pre-translated text version]

China's ambassador to Britain wrote for the British media: America
won't be tolerated to "put forth its muscles" in the South China Sea.
[Handy Net - Easy Net 手机网易网 on June 29, 2018]

US visitor to "blueprint news" coming from San Diego
and who is interested in China's aircraft carriers.
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