Last Update: July 3
While China won't give up an inch of its territorial claims in the South China Sea, US defense secretary Mattis will find it hard to forge an agreement that might please his boss Donald Trump. This could be the reason why the Chinese surrounded Mattis with especially beautiful army women as some kind of a cosolation prize and a reminder for the days of his retirement.
Cheer up, old comrade in arms !

中国美女包围美国防长 解放军军官挨批
Chinese beauties surrounding US defense secretary.
Liberation army officers are being critisized.

Photo: US defense secretary Mattis meeting
with China's defense minister Wei FengHe on
1st July [Mattis and Wei standing side by side]
[51新闻 Chinese language news service from Canada on July 2, 2018]
Hong Kong - CNOOC Limited announced today that its parent company, China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC), has signed a production sharing contract (PSC) with Roc Oil (Bohai) Company (Roc Oil) and Smart Oil Investment Ltd. (Smart Oil) for Weizhou 10-3W oilfield and Block 22/04 in the South China Sea.
[World Oil on July 3, 2018]

我首艘国产核航母开始“试手” 俄罗斯送来两份大礼
China's first homemade aircraft carrier began with a "practical test".
Russia delivered two big presents.
It's about China's intention to construct a nuclear powered icebreaker with the help of Russian technology and which came to China in the frame of "two big Russian presents". The use of Russian technology in a nuclear powered icebreaker hints as well at the origin of Russian and US aircraft carrier drive technology because the application of nuclear drive technology in icebreakers can be seen as a first "practical test" for further military purpose.
[SINA Military 新浪军事 on July 3, 2018]

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