美国犯了众怒 英媒:逾40国在WTO抗议美汽车关税计划
The United States aroused furious protest; British media saying:
More than 40 countries protested US auto tariff plans at the WTO.
英媒称,欧盟、中国和日本等国家7月3日在世界贸易组织(WTO)表示, 对于美国可能对进口汽车和零部件加征关税的做法深感担忧。这些国家 是美国的主要贸易伙伴。
British media said: On July 3, the European Union, China and Japan addressed their deep worries at the World Trade Organization (WTO) about US import tariffs probably to be imposed on automobiles and parts. These countries are America's most important trade partners.
据路透社7月3日报道,一名参加会议的官员表示,日本警告称此类举措可能 引发一连串反制措施,情势恐将急剧升高,导致基于规则的多边贸易体系崩溃。 日本和俄罗斯已在WTO货物贸易理事会启动磋商。
According to Reuters [news] agency report from July 7, an official attending the [WTO] meeting declared Japan warned that such a move [i.e. the introduction of tariffs on cars and parts] may trigger off a series of countermeasures, and there are fears the situation might rapidly aggravate, leading to the collapse of the rules-based multilateral trading system. Japan and Russia have initiated consultations at the WTO Trade in Goods Council.
报道称,包括欧盟28国在内的40个WTO成员国警告,鉴于汽车在全球贸易中的重要性, 美国的行为可能严重破坏全球市场,威胁WTO体系。
The report says: Among 40 WTO member states on the alert are 28 nations belonging to the European Union. In the view of the importance of global car trade, America's behaviour might seriously damage the global markets and threaten the WTO [trading] system.
[SOHU 搜狐 on July 5, 2018]

中金:贸易摩擦影响的三种情景 市场好转需正面催化剂
CICC: The three scenarios of trade frictions -
Market improvements need a positive catalyst.
CICC = China International Capital Corporation Limited 中国国际金融股份有限公司, one of China's leading investment banking firms.

Sino-US direct investment volume in billion US$
above: US investment in China / below: Chinese investment in the USA
[Financial World 金融界 on July 5, 2018]

[Bloomberg on July 5, 2018]
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