Because of [imminent] danger of war, the North is suggesting foreigners to consider leaving South Korea.
[Source: news.guhantai 古汉台, PR China, on April 10, 2013]
South Korean media say that launching preparations for North Korea's medium-range missile "Dancing to the End of Water" have been completed.
The missile's range should be 3.000-4.000 km. In case its interception might be needed, South Korea can rely on two 7.600 ton warships already deployed to the Yellow Sea and the Japanese Sea.
[Source: China Radio International CRI online 国际在线 on April 9, 2013]
The Gaesong industrial zone which is being operated by North and South Korea has now been cleared from North Korean personnell after South Korean staff was shut out some days earlier.
Xi Jin Ping said: " There is no country that should be allowed to proceed from private interest stirring up a mess in [its] region or the whole world." However, there is no direct mentioning of North Korea or reference to nuclear threat.
[Source: Epochtimes 大纪元, an anti-Communist newspaper, on April 9, 2013]
While participating at an ASIA summit, China's new leader Xi Jin Ping indirectly admonished North Korea without mentioning the country's name. Another report from China is quoting the Australian prime minister having raised the North Korean question in direct talks with Xi Jin Ping (below picture published by 凤凰网 on April 7).

The bridge across the border river at Dandong is a lifeline for Pyongyang and has made it the biggest trade hub between China and North Korea.
With crippling sanctions imposed on its banking system and little hard currency, North Korea sends trucks carrying output from its mines as barter for badly needed Chinese goods in exchange, thus keeping the bridge busy with traffic.
In February, after Pyongyang conducted a nuclear test, China took an unprecedented step and temporarily halted delivery of oil to North Korea, such showing its growing impatience with North Korea's belligerence.
[Source: CBC News on April 10, 2013]
South Korean media: North Korea hoping for an Obama initiative to get in touch with supreme leader Kim Jong Un.
According to a South Korean TV station (YTN), North Korea is hoping that both countries' leaders could reach an agreement in a personal dialogue.
A Russian source (Itar-Tass) reported that North Korea has at present eight nuclear warheads in their possession. However, because of having not yet reached miniaturization of these nuclear warheads, it is for the time being unable to load [them] into ballistic missiles.
[Source: CRI online 国际在线 from China on April 7, 2013]
Dark clouds of war continue to shroud the Korean peninsula.
[Source: Deutsche Welle DW, Germany's international broadcaster, Chinese service, on April 6, 2013]

A North Korean border garrison unit [experienced] a firearms "accident" that left five dead including a captain.
Press reporter: Hitting and shooting for secretly eating noodles when hunger is difficult to bear ... because food is seriously insufficient.
This news report is referring to an incident that should have happened at the Chinese - North Korean border on March 25 when one North Korean soldier shot five other soldiers including a captain and fled to China. He was arrested in the border district and sent back to his country.
According to the soldier they were having noodles for supper that day. As he was still hungry after supper, he remained in the dining hall for secretly eating some more noodles when he was discovered. After having received violent blows from his military commander and his captain, he began shooting in an outbreak of hatred. After that he ran away.
[Source: Daily NK from Seoul, South Korea, on April 4, 2013]
One could imagine that long-standing Chinese - North Korean relations might be the key to solving the North Korean problem. This is why I propose reading another blogspot of mine, dating back to September 2011 and which is offering an idea of China's sometimes difficult approach to its North Korean ally. It's about an unusual case of espionage.
A visitor to "blueprint news" searching for
"China's secret alliance with North Korea":
Here are some "Internet Pirates of the Caribbean":
When a visitor to "blueprint news" and who came from the tiny island of Montserrat was searching for "North Korea Fidel Castro" one might have asked what the retired Cuban leader and North Korea have in common. Indeed very much ! The visitor was probably searching for an archive file of "blueprint news" containing two blogspots of mine: One related to North Korea's young leader Kim Jong Un and another related to Fidel Castro who in 2010 engaged in activities directed against nuclear war. It's all about Castro's "Memories of Comrade Fidel".
Another visitor from Port-au prince, the capital of Haiti, is providing a view on destruction and misery after the 2010 earthquake equalling the cruel results of a war. However, a nuclear war might be even very much worse.
Above pictures: French embassy, tents for earthquake victims, the presidential palace in Port-au prince.
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