韩媒:朝鲜拟在西海岸大规模演习 或将发射导弹
South Korean media: North Korea planning large-scale [military] exercises on its Western sea coast.
According to the South Korean press agency, North Korean plannings comprise joint manoeuvres of the air force and artillery troops on the Yellow Sea coastline in Nampo 南浦 region which is south of Pyongyang 平壤. The extent of that military drill is expected to be rather great.
中新网4月28日电 据韩联社报道,韩国政府一位消息人士28日透露称,有迹象表明朝鲜正在西海岸南浦附近地区准备进行空中战力和炮兵战力联合演习,演习规模可能比较大。
[China News Network 中国新闻网2013年04月28日]
The day before, April 27, Global Network among other Chinese sources quoted an earlier report from Associated Press:
Associated Press [AP] made an overall evaluation of North Korea's [military] resources like artillery, air force, guided missiles and nuclear weapons.
Artillery: The AP evaluation is quoting a South Korean source as saying that North Korea owns 13.000 pieces of artillery. Long range artillery can reach the South Korean capital Seoul which is only about 50 km away from the border. However, according to the South Korean defense minister, five days after war had been started by the North, 70% of artillery deployed by the North to the border region would be "out of function".
Naval forces: According to the South Korean defense ministry, North Korea should possess 70 submarines while South Korea is owning 10.
Air force: 820 fighter jets owned by North Korea are being considered by the South as oldfashioned and outdated.
Guided missiles and nuclear weapons: According to a U.S. expert, North Korea is most probably unable to target U.S. territory but Pyongyang "could probably" apply short-range nuclear missiles.
美国专家说: … 朝鲜不太可能拥有能打开美国的核导弹,但他说,平壤“有可能”拥有短程核导弹。
Biological and chemical weapons: Pyongyang owns more than 5.000 tons of chemical weapons, the real amount being "subject to guesswork" [source: a foreign institute for strategic research]. However, North Korea has probably made real plannings for its biological and chemical weapons.
… 平壤有多达5000吨化学武器。… 国际战略研究所说,尽管这个数字“在很大程度上是猜测性的”,但朝鲜可能确实拥有生化武器计划。
Editor's Note:
The Chinese headline above is using an interesting expression (家底). What can be simply translated as "resources" has an original meaning of "family property accumulated over a long time". Such we could speak of the "military inventory of the Kim family" !

朝鲜半岛不确定因素仍存 一盘下不完的棋
An undefined element on the Korean peninsula still exists [like] an undecided game of chess.
That semi-official article refers to the obviously unexpected U.S. - South Korean landing manoeuvre on the Eastern coast of South Korea near Pandong. It is showing the photo of a U.S. main combat tank M1A1.
[New China Network quoting the overseas edition of People's Daily, Beijing, on April 27, 2013 - 新华网/人民日报 - For further information refer as well to an earlier blogspot of mine published the day before.]
South Korean media: North Korea has [already] begun nuclear war preparations in the early 1970s.
A diplomatic document from Hungary, registered on February 16, 1976, is showing that North Korea began its nuclear war preparations in the early 1970s. This is one of 125 declassified documents from Woodrow Wilson Center in Washington. That center has to track down for research such diplomatic records related to North Korea that came from its former communist allies, the Soviet Union, Romania and Hungary.
Editor's Note: For a better understanding the original Chinese text has been rearranged.
… 在华盛顿的伍德罗•威尔逊中心披露了125份解密文件,这是其中之一。该中心一直在追踪研究苏联、罗马尼亚和匈牙利等朝鲜前共产党盟友有关朝鲜的外交档案。
[New China Network 新华网 2013年05月01日]
Further news received on 1st May are dealing with the declaration of an "economic reform" by North Korea's prime minister [Wuhan Evening News] and a recent report from a South Korean research organization saying that the North is increasing its import of chemical fertilizer for the development of agriculture [Global Network].
On the Korean battlefield, China's air force was near to become good at defeating U.S. troops with [its] unique skill.
[New China Network 新华网 2013年04月28日]
In the frame of increasing tensions between North and South Korea, there seems to be an increasing interest among Chinese internet users in historical proceedings of the Korean War. A brandnew article, published today, April 28, by New China Network, is now dealing with one special subject of the Korean War: The so-called MIG Corridor which has been marked on the below map. That was a region where Chinese MIG-15 fighter jets got engaged with U.S. F-86 warplanes.

Editor's Note:
China's military, acting in North Korea under the label of a "Chinese volunteers' army", had to buy those MIG-15 fighters from the Soviet Union where Stalin had granted permission to Korea's communist leader Kim Il Song for an attack on the pro-Western state of South Korea. Such permission, however, should be relying on China's approval. The People's Republic of China then became North Korea's most reliable ally.
North Korean Society News:
On a banquet for the hungry generals and which was celebrated in commemoration of the People's Army foundation on April 25, some unknown Korean flower had been detected (photo below). Press circles assume she might be the little sister of Kim Jong Un.
A visitor to "blueprint news" coming from the Vietnamese border to China at Lao Cai:
If he could as he liked, this might be Kim Jong Un's favorite target:
From the World to Your Phone: A visitor from Lagos, Nigeria, was searching for "blue print news headline" on his rather small cellphone display.

Google search result is even indicating
the actual blogspot of "blueprint news".
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