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مؤتمر صحفي لحملة المرشح في انتخابات الرئاسة المصرية محمد مرسي
Press conference in the campaign of Mohammed Morsy, candidate in the presidential elections of Egypt.
Yesterday, June 14, Mohammed Morsy who is running for presidency in Egypt on behalf of the Muslim Brotherhood and their political party, summoned a press conference. The following stances have been quoted by Al-Jazeera TV, Arabic channel, in their Arabic subtitles:
مرسي: الثورة التي أزاحت مبارك ما زالت قائمة و نحن قادرون على التحدي
Morsy [said]: "The revolution that ousted Mubarak did not [yet] finish with the [state] and we are [still] able to resist."
مرسي: هناك من يحاول و يسعى و يدبر بسوء لشعب مصر و يريد العبث بإرادته
Morsy: "Here [are] those who are trying to [continue] and are attending to organize the misfortune of the Egyptian people. And [those who] wish [such] mocking out of their [own] decision."
مرسي: إما أن نعيد حق الشهداء ممن قتلهم و إما أن نكون شهداء مثلهم و هذا أمر لا رجعة فيه
Morsy: "Should we celebrate the right of being witness to those who killed you and whom we witnessed presenting [in public] themselves and that irrevocable order."
مرسي: مستمر في خوض معركتي الانتخابية و نحن قادرون على تحقيق أهداف ثورتنا
Morsy: "Constantly in my electioneering campaign we were able to define the goals of our revolution."
مرسي يحذر بأن هناك ثورة جديدة ستندلع إذاتم تزوير إرادة الشعب المصري
Morsy warns that a new revolution [starting] from here would trigger off a distorted manifestation of the Egyptian people's [real] will.
Al-Ahram cartoon showing both opposing candidates in the presidential elections of Egypt: Morsy (left) and Shafiq (right). By the way, Mubarak's former prime minister Shafiq is known for his support of women's rights while Morsy has been characterized by some old-fashioned outfit which might hint at his conservative Muslimic attitude.

The presentation of Mohammed Morsy in the above cartoon reminds me of a funny story from my old book of Arabic lessons. It's about a person with a similar (traditional) outfit and who is named Djukhan. That guy who I understand is some kind of Arabic punch finds it difficult to be accepted by his neighbours as there is always somebody pointing at him and critisizing what he is doing. That story is showing how difficult it can be to satisfy all of your neighbours who are pestering with all of their lousy comments. Maybe, the West and Israel are having problems with Mohammed Morsy because he is representing such kind of person, rooted in the culture of his region rather than being a sneak opportunist ready for any deal whatsoever.
Mubarak - "The End of the Pharao".
Title of Al-Ahram on June 9, 2012.

News UPDATE on June 16, 2012:
Trouble after Court Intervention
- Quoted from BBC -Egyptians are voting in a two-day run-off election to choose their first freely elected president.
The build-up to this weekend's run-off has been marred by a Supreme Constitutional Court decision that parliament had to be dissolved.
On Thursday, a panel of judges - appointed by Mr Mubarak - ruled that the law governing Egypt's first democratic elections in more than six decades was unconstitutional because party members were allowed to contest seats in the lower house reserved for independents.
Mr Mursi's Freedom and Justice Party (FJP) won about 100 of its 235 seats in the People's Assembly by running candidates for individual seats. The ultraconservative Salafist Nour party also enjoyed similar success in seats designated for independents.
If parliament is dissolved swiftly by the ruling Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (Scaf), whoever wins this weekend's presidential run-off could take office without the oversight of a sitting parliament, and without a permanent constitution to define his powers or duties.
Islamist, liberals and scholars denounced the ruling as a "coup", saying they feared the ruling generals would take back legislative power.
Meanwhile, the Nobel laureate and former head of the UN's nuclear watchdog, Mohamed ElBaradei, warned that Egypt was suffering under worse conditions now than under Mr Mubarak.
Egypt's presidential election turns toxic amid anger over 'stolen revolution'
- Quoted from THE GUARDIAN / THE OBSERVER -Egyptian dream of democracy fading, as presidential runoff sees a disillusioned electorate forced to choose between 'Islamic rule' or 'the old regime'.
Title of Al-Ahram on June 16, 2012:
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