Yesterday, June 19, Shenzhou 9 spacecraft performed a fully automated docking manoeuvre to Tiangong space station. Here are some quotations from the official website on China's space flight.
中国航天员首次进驻天宫 “打开的不仅是天宫之门”
China's astronauts arranged quarters for the first time in the Palace of Heaven - " It's more than just opening the door to Tiangong "
… 他们打开的不单单是天宫的门,更是载人航天工程一个新的实验领域和一个新起点。
They did not just open the door to Tiangong, but even more manned a new domain for experiments and a new starting point [in the frame of that] spaceflight project.
… 看到神九航天员轻松自如地进入天宫一号 …
... [Only] to look at how relaxed and easily the astronauts of Shenzhou 9 entered Tiangong I ...
Chinese comment: "That is what Yang Li Wei proudly told his comrades-in-arms." Background: Yang is another astronaut who earlier experienced space on board of Shenzhou 5.
By the way, the Chinese website on "opening the door to the Palace of Heaven" turned out to be infected with a trojan which is rather unusual for such kind of official information sites. The only other exception of that rule I found was the website of China Daily. As I consider the English website of China Daily to be less useful than Chinese language sites, this was no real problem for me but might be annoying other foreign visitors who make up their target group.
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