Picture taken from the Chinese daily MORNING EXPRESS 近日早报 on June 16, 2012.
Today, at 18:37 Peking time (10:37 GMT) a Long March II-F rocket should have been launched, carrying the Shenzhou 9 spaceship with three Chinese astronauts on board.
For the first time, a woman astronaut has been selected for China's space mission: Liu Yang, born in October 1978 in Henan province, is accompanied by two male astronauts from Shanxi province: Jing Hai Peng (* October 1966) and Liu Wang (* March 1969). Jing Hai Peng has already been in space with spacecraft Shenzhou 7 in September 2008.
- Pictures of Liu Yang -

After docking with the 335 km-high Tiangong space station, the crew will spend over a week living and working there, testing new systems and conducting a number of scientific experiments.
and complete unfolding of its solar cell device
(Position: South-China, South-Korea, Japan)
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