It's only ten minutes ago that Egypt's Central Election Committee declared Mohammed Morsy the new president of Egypt. After some teasing half hour during which the election committee delivered its report on counting and checking and counterchecking the votes, the result is now clear and credible:
Mohammad Morsy - President for Egypt
The above screenshot is showing the centers of campaign for Ahmad Shafiq (left) and Mohammad Morsy (right). At the presentation of the overall result, one could see Morsy supporters getting up from their seats, their arms being raised in joy while Shafiq supporters remained stunned.
Morsi: 13,230,131 votes (51.7%)
Shafiq: 12,347,380 (48%)
Scene from Tahrir Square in Central Kairo after the announcement of Morsy's victory (above). However, the demonstrations are not only in support of Morsy alone but as well directed against increasing influence of the Military Committee that recently reduced the president's rights and dissolved parliament. All the people want to achieve is to get rid of the old system presented by former president Mubarak and his comrades-in-arms of the Military Committee.
President Mohammad Morsy is governing Egypt with insufficient authorities.

Winner is still the Military.
The above cartoon has been published on Al-Arabiya's website on the same day. TV screenshots for this site have been taken from life coverage by Al-Jazeera, Arabic channel.
Egypt's neighbour Israel praising the Arab Spring (CNN on June 12, 2012):
The Opposition Within the Opposition
Headline:مقاطعون: نتيجة الانتخابات تحصيل حاصل.. ولن نعترف بالرئيس المقبل
The "opponents" [of that election]: The election result is a truism ...
and we don't recognize the coming president.
قال عدد من النشطاء الداعين إلى مقاطعة الانتخابات الرئاسية، إنهم لن يعترفوا بالرئيس القادم،لأنه سيكون بلا شرعية
Some complaining activists favouring a boycott of the presidential elections are saying they won't accept the coming president because he will not be legitimate.
[Source: Al-Misry Al-Youm on June 17, 2012 ]
وقفة احتجاجية لحملة مقاطعون الانتخابات
Protest [arising] from campaigners [favouring] a boycott of the elections.
[Another headline at Al-Misry Al-Youm]

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