Monday, October 19, 2015

Syria - Another Iranian Loss

Late Night UPDATE Included !

Only some days after brigadier general Hossein Hamadani, commander of Iran's Revolutionary Guards, died under fire from the Islamic State in the rural environment of Aleppo, another high-ranking Iranian commander died in the same region.

مقتل قائد كتيبة إيراني في شمال غرب سوريا

The commander of an Iranian Battalion died in north-western Syria

أعلنت مصادر إيرانية مقتل العقيد مسلم خيزاب، قائد كتيبة "يا زهراء" التابعة لفيلق الامام الحسين، في الحرس الثوري الايراني، مسلم خيزاب، قتل في شمال غربي سوريا، إثر اشتباكات مع عناصر مسلحة.ـ

Iranian sources reported the death of colonel Muslim Kheyzab, commander of the Iranian "Ya Zahra" battalion belonging to the [army] Corps Imam Al-Hussein of Iran's Revolutionary Guards. Muslim Kheyzab died in north-western Syria after clashes with armed elements.

Editor's Note: The Persian name of Kheyzab's battalion "Ya Zahra" is identical with that of an Iranian air defence system. The expression can be translated as "O Fatimah (help us)" which is referring to a certain aspect of Muslimic belief.

Ya Zahra - Formula calling the Prophet's daughter for help in case of danger
and Iran's new short range air defence system, introduced in 2013.

[Source: Al-Arabiya العربية on October 19, 2015]


العراق.. مقتل 65 داعشيا بينهم قيادي أميركي

In Iraq, 65 ISIL fighters were killed, among them one leader of U.S. nationality.

أعلنت وزارة الدفاع العراقية مقتل 65 عنصرا من تنظيم داعش بينهم 11 قياديا أحدهم يحمل الجنسية الأميركية في قصف صاروخي استهدف 4 مواقع للتنظيم في الاقضية الغربية من محافظة الأنبار، بحسب ما ذكرت قناة "العربية" يوم الاثنين.ـ

The Iraqi defence ministry reported the killing of 65 members of ISIL organization, among them 11 leaders one being of U.S. nationality. This happened in a rocket attack targeting four positions of the organization in the western districts of Anbar province.

[Source: Al-Arabiya العربية on October 19, 2015]


Al-Jubeir commenting on Iran at a meeting with
his German interlocutor equal in rank in Riyadh.

الجبير: إيران دولة محتلة.. ونأمل أن توقف تدخلاتها
قال إن المملكة ترحب بأي محاولات إيرانية لتحسين العلاقات مع دول الجوار

Al-Jubeir: Iran is an occupying country ..... and we hope that it stops its interventions.

He said that the Kingdom [i.e. Saudi Arabia] welcomes any Iranian attempts to improve relations with neighboring countries

Editor's Note:
Adel bin Ahmed Al-Jubeir عادل بن أحمد الجبير is the Saudi Arabian minister of foreign affairs since 2015. The article is above all referring to Iranian activity in Syria and is only shortly referring to Iraq, Yemen and Lebanon. Not directly mentioned, however, are Iran's support of the Houthy administration in Yemen which is being bombed by Saudi Arabia and its allies and a related increase of Iranian influence at the Bab El-Mandeb seagate to the Suez Canal.

[Source: Al-Arabiya العربية on October 19, 2015]


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