A newspaper from Yangtze River [is asking]:
Do animal wardens need to understand Marxist philosophy ?
The zoological garden in Canton is offering 15 vacancies for animal wardens who have then to participate in an examination for that profession. Besides required knowledge about literature and history related to public parks and zoological gardens, these wardens ought to grasp the principles of Marxist philosophy as well as writing and handling of official documents.
[Source: People's Network quoting Yangcheng Evening News from February 19, 2013]
What Marxist philosophy considers as essential is not the comprehension of laws ruling the world for a better understanding of the world but the ability to use the knowledge of such laws to actively transform the world.
[Source: Mao Tse Toung "On Practice", July 1937; English translation based on a Chinese-French edition]

" First Food, Then Morals — 先来食后道德 "
( "Erst kommt das Fressen, dann kommt die Moral" )
The interpretation of a Karl Marx saying ( "The state of being determines the state of consciousness" ) by German playwright Bertolt Brecht in his "Threepenny Opera".
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