Sunday, October 28, 2012

Israeli Air Raid On Khartoum


UPDATE for October 30, 2012:

سفن إيرانية في سواحل السودان بعد ضربة إسرائيل
Iranian ships at the coasts of Sudan after Israeli blow.
[Source: Al-Arabiya, October 30, 2012]

سفينتان ايرانيتان في بورتسودان لإرسال رسالة (سلام وصداقة)ـ

Two Iranian ships in Port Sudan delivering
a message ("of peace and friendship")

رست سفينتان ايرانيتان في بورتسودان ، أمس 29 اكتوبر .ـ
وقالت وكالة ارنا (*) الايرانية الرسمية نقلاً عن مصدر رسمي في البحرية ، ان مدمرة وحاملة طائرات هليكوبتر وصلتا يوم الاثنين إلى السودان لضمان ( أمن الطرق الملاحية) ولإرسال (رسالة سلام وصداقة) .ـ

Two Iranian ships anchored in Port Sudan yesterday October 29.
The office of Iran's official [press agency] IRNA (*) made known that, according to an official maritime source, a destroyer and a helicopter carrier [should have] arrived in Sudan on Monday in order to assure (the security of sea routes) and to deliver (a message of peace and friendship).
[Source: Hurriyat Sudan Online, October 30, 2012. Logo below !]

As to the assault on Yarmouk military compund, the Sudanese minister of information, Ahmed Bilal Uthman, is quoted in an article published by the Yemen Economist on October 29, 2012:

و أوضح عثمان أنه تم تدمير 60% من المصنع بشكل كلي, و 40% بشكل جزئي, و "أن السلطات السودانية كانت قد بدأت بالعمل على نقل المصنع إلى مكان خارج العاصمة, إلا أن الإسرائيليين علموا بذلك و بادروا بالقيام بالضربة"ـ

Uthman clarified that a total destruction of 60% of the fabrication [facilities] took place while 40% were only partly destroyed. [He added] " that Sudanese authorities have begun the task of shifting the factory to a place outside of the capital so that the Israeli could note it and hasten to the execution of a [military] blow ".

إلى ذلك, قالت جماعة مراقبة غير حكومية, إن تحليل صور الأقمار الصناعية لمصنع الأسلحة السوداني الذي اتهمت الخرطوم "إسرائيل" بقصفه الأسبوع الماضي, يشير إلى أن هذا الموقع ربما أصيب بقصف جوي متلما يقول السودان.ـ

Such, the non-governmental surveillance community (*) can analyze satellite pictures from the Sudanese arms factory which "Israel", being accused by Khartoum, blew in its attack last week. [Pictures] indicating that this place is probably struck by an air raid as Sudan is saying.

(*) The "non-governmental surveillance community" mentioned above should include a private initiative co-founded by U.S. actor George Clooney and decided to detect traces of local militia atrocities in South Sudan from satellite pictures. For that goal a "sentinel satellite" was hired. By chance, the result of last week's Israeli air raid has been detected as well by this satellite (below pictures).


Last Wednesday, October 24, heavy explosions rocked the Sudanese capital when a small unit of Israeli warplanes attacked an arms factory in the outskirts of Khartoum. The Yarmouk Military Industrial Complex is being considered to provide arms for Hezbollah and Hamas. It is allegedly linked to Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps.

Today, October 28, Al-Arabiya published photos provided by "Sentinel Satellite" and that are showing the area before and after the air raid.

صور من قمر اصطناعي للغارة الإسرائيلية على السودان

Satellite images of Israeli incursion in Sudan.

القصف دمّر مبنيين و40 حاوية وصدّع 21 مبنى وترك حفرة قطرها 16 متراً وبعمق 6 أمتار

The shelling [fully] destroyed two buildings and 40 [Bedouin dwellings (*)]. It ruined 21 [further] buildings and left a crater of 16 m diameter and 6 m depth.

(*) An interpretation of the Arabic expression can be found later in the original text: الغارة استهدف الحاويات البادية في الصورة إلى اليسار "The raid targeted desert (dwellings) on the left side of the [satellite] picture", however remainings of the bombing indicate the direction of the attacker's main target. The view point of the observer deciding whether this is the right or left side of the image, at least some Bedouin dwellings should be situated in the middle of a tree population that was left as a crater after the shelling.


On the same day, October 28, 2012, Al-Arabiya published a historic review on Arabic leaders calling for war with Israel by using the following headlines:

قادة عرب باعوا شعوبهم "أوهام الحرب" مع إسرائيل

Arabic leaders sold their peoples the " illusions of a war " with Israel.

بدءاً من جمال عبدالناصر مروراً بالقذافي وصدام وحافظ الأسد وابنه بشار

Beginning with Gamal Abdel-Nasser and passing to Gadhafi, Saddam, Hafiz Al-Assad and his son Bashir.


An unusual visitor access to "blueprint news" activated from Ho Chi Minh City, formerly known as Saigon, in Vietnam: The reference link might appear coincidentally but if not the idea behind could be rather sophisticated ...

Visitor access to the above news item from Darfur, the Republic of South Sudan that became independent only recently:

Unspecified visitor access from North Sudan. The satellite image is showing Khartoum and Port Sudan:

A "splendid mixture" of visitors to "blueprint news" on October 31, 2012:

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