Thursday, October 04, 2012

Iran - Rumours and Reality

قاضٍ أمريكى يأمر بدفع إيران وحزب الله تعويضات لضحايا أحداث سبتمبر

Demolition of America [ordered / fueled] by Iranian payment and Hezbollah compensated for [its] victims of the September incidents.

أمر قاضٍ فدرالى أمريكى أمس، الأربعاء، رسميًا بأن تدفع إيران وحزب الله وكيانات أخرى بينها القاعدة وطالبان، تعويضات بقيمة 6,048 مليارات دولار لضحايا اعتداءات 11 سبتمبر 2001

The order to [demolish] Federal America, [as has been] depicted yesterday, Wednesday [October 3], was [financed / promoted] by Iran, Hezbollah and other groups, including Al-Qaeda and the Taliban. The costs of compensation amount to 6,048 billion $ for [own] victims of aggressions on September 11, 2001.

[Source: The Seventh Day - Youm 7 اليوم السابع, Cairo, October 4, 2012]

Attention !

Youm 7 is an Egyptian privately owned weekly newspaper that appears daily since May 2011. The paper was twice selected by Forbes Middle East as having the most effective news website in the Middle East. Youm7 reportedly has the most-visited website of any Egyptian newspaper.

However, the paper's politicized coverage since the 2011 Egyptian Revolution has led to calls for its boycott. Online activists in Egypt have also accused the paper of fabricating news and spreading misinformation, and at one point urged Twitter users to unfollow any profiles associated with the paper. The paper's English-language website was also hacked in July 2011, taking it offline. In May, 2012, Youm7 was again accused of fabricating the news after publishing a report alleging that the Muslim Brotherhood's Freedom and Justice Party had organized medical convoys to provide free female genital mutilation operations to girls. The Ministry of Health immediately announced an investigation, however no other media outlet was able to confirm the allegations. The Freedom and Justice Party denied the allegations. [Source: Wikipedia]

As to me, I was astonished to find three publicity adds referring to Israel travel agencies on the Youm 7 website. This I consider to be rather unusual for a "genuine" Arabic news portal, even if some adds might be automatically generated by Google according to the page visitor's location. - Ulysses -


أصحاب محال في البازار الكبير يقولون إنهم أغلقوا متاجرهم احتجاجا على تدهور قيمة الريال الإيراني أمام الدولار

Proprietors of [market] stalls in the Great Bazar [i.e. of Tehran] are saying they would close their [locations] in protest of the deteriorating value of Iran's [currency] Riyal in opposition to the U.S.$.

[Source: Al-Jazeera, Arabic TV on October 3, 2012]


Visitor access point to "blueprint news", activated from Yemen:

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