Wednesday, May 30, 2018

US Alert - North Korean Cyber Attack

Different Updates Included .................. 朝鲜的黑客行动 .............. 朝美会谈在新加坡

In the middle of Trump's zig-zag politics regarding North Korea ( "I will talk - I won't talk - Of course I will talk but new sanctions on Pyongyang" ), now an official US cyber alert warning that North Korea is targeting America and, on the same day, the news of a meeting between North Korea's inofficial No. 2, a former intelligence chief, and US secretary of state Pompeo, a former CIA director. Looks like some kind of a poker game, much money surely involved as well.

Some hours ago: Cyber attack from North Korea [Reuters on May 29, 2018]

US security alert related to North Korean malware => complete article
[The Register, British cyber magazine on May 30, 2018]


Hackers related to N Korea apply Google Play Store malware to track N Korean defectors.

A research team from McAfee found that three applications contain malware targeting special users. That malware is able to penetrate the Android devices of North Korean defectors. [CNBETA group in China on May 21, 2018]

中情局:北韓不可能棄核 FBI籲提防朝黑客活動

CIA: North Korea cannot abandon nukes - The FBI appeals
for promoting defense against North Korean hacker activity.

[SingTao 星岛日报 published in Canada on May 30]


Today: Former head of North Korean intelligence visiting New York
[The Guardian, GB, on May 30, 2018]

Kim has been a border guard in the Korean demilitarised zone, a liaison officer with the United Nations, and a member of the team who held breakthrough negotiations with the South Koreans in the early 1990s. Over the past decade he was promoted to four-star general, and made head of the main North Korean intelligence service, known as the reconnaissance general bureau (RGB).

He has served three generations of the Kim dynasty and in recent months emerged one of the most powerful figures in Kim Jong-un’s regime, second only to the leader’s sister, Kim Yo-jong. He is vice-chair of the ruling Workers party and head of the section charged with dealing with the South. He was part of the North Korean delegation for the Winter Olympics closing ceremony, and he was at the leader’s side for meetings with the South Korean president Moon Jae-in and Pompeo.

Kim Yong-chol is going to meet with secretary of state Mike Pompeo, however, it remains unclear what would be the subject of their meeting.

It could be the vexed question of future US and South Korean joint military exercises, which Pyongyang sees as embodying hostile intent towards the regime. Or the far wider issue of what both parties mean when the call for the denuclearisation of the Korean peninsula.

The fact that Kim has flown to the US at all, in only the second such high-level visit since the Korean war, suggests it is a question that has to be resolved before there can be a summit in Singapore.

NBC news on Tuesday night quoted US officials as saying a new intelligence assessment advised that the regime in Pyongyang had no intention of dismantling its nuclear arsenal in the near future.

The Chinese news center SINA 新浪—新闻中心 published the following article on Kim Yong-chol's visit to New York:


South Korean Media: North Korea's high official Kim Yong-chol probably
delivered a letter handwritten by Kim Jong-un and directed to Trump.


Visitor from Seoul / South Korea and who is interested in North Korean military activity.

Visitor from Taipei / Taiwan.

Monday, May 28, 2018

Israel / Iran - Talks on Troop Separation

Photo: Dr. Mostafa Moslehzadeh,
Iran's ambassador to Amman.

مفاوضات غير معلنة بين إيران وإسرائيل

Unofficial negotiations between Iran and Israel.

طهران تبلغ تل أبيب بأنها لن تتواجد عسكريا في درعا والقنيطرة

Tehran communicates to Tel Aviv it will avoid
own military presence in Dar'a and Quneitra.

[Saudi-owned paper Elaph إيلاف on May 27]
Informal talks were held in a hotel in Amman, the capital of Jordan, with the help of a Jordanian mediator and who carried messages between both parties that were strictly kept apart in different rooms.

Negotiations dealt with a separation of troops in the Golan area where fighting activity between rebel groups and Syrian regime troops is taking place.

وكان السفير الإيراني في عمان، مجتبى فردوسي بور، تلقى وعدد من رجال الأمن الإيرانيين تفويضًا لمفاوضة الإسرائيليين في عمان، حيث قاد المفاوضات عن الجانب الإسرائيلي نائب رئيس الموساد برفقة عدد من رجالات الامن والعسكر.ـ

The Iranian side was represented by Tehran's ambassador to Amman and who was accompanied by security personnel while Israel sent a Mossad deputy together with a security and military team.

德拉省南部与约旦接壤,东部毗邻以色列控制的戈兰高地。法新社报道, 叙利亚政府军及其盟友武装现阶段控制德拉省大约30%的区域, 其余区域由多支反对派武装和极端组织“伊斯兰国”掌控。报道说, 德拉省所处位置敏感,原因是以色列方面认定伊朗试图借叙利亚内战, 把军事存在延伸至更接近以色列的地区。

The southern part of Dar'a is bordered by Jordan and the east is adjacent to the Israeli-controlled Golan Heights. Agence France-Presse reported that Syrian government forces and their allies are currently controlling about 30% of the region in Dar'a, while the rest is controlled by armed opposition groups and extremist Islamic State. The report said that Dar'a's location was sensitive because the Israeli side believed that Iran had attempted to use the Syrian civil war to extend its military presence to areas closer to Israel.

[Quotation from 21CN新闻——新华网 published on May 27, 2018. Original headline: 叙政府军要南下德拉?美国对叙发威胁:勿南进]

Saturday, May 26, 2018

ISIS - Doom or Resurrection ?

Even though five leaders of the Islamic State ISIS have recently been captured, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, self-proclaimed caliph of the world’s 1.5 billion Muslims has evaded capture so far. Here are quotations from two related articles The Arab Weekly published for their weekend edition on May 27.

Photo: A wristwatch that belonged to an ISIS fighter
and is bearing the typical logo of the Islamic State.

US officials from President Donald Trump on down say the Islamic State (ISIS) should be on its last legs with its short-lived caliphate broken up in late 2017 and its fighters dispersed to the four winds.

However, as one terrorist horror follows another, the warnings from experienced counterterrorism specialists that ISIS would not go away gently but would strike wherever it could until it reorganises are proving to be deadly accurate.

The Trump administration seems to have accepted the harsh reality by announcing it was reversing plans to dismantle the US State Department’s special unit overseeing the war against ISIS.

Ten days earlier, Trump boasted that five of ISIS’s “most wanted” leaders had been captured by US and Iraqi forces, which lured them into a trap from their hideouts in Syria through Baghdad’s intelligence service.


To the dismay of the United States and its allies, Baghdadi’s organisation, held together by seasoned militants who include former Iraqi Army officers and top intelligence operatives who served Saddam Hussein, have in recent weeks carried out dozens of attacks as far apart as Mali, Niger, France, Burkina Faso, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and Indonesia, the world’s most populous Muslim country and increasingly a linchpin in ISIS’s drive to reorganise from the splintered territories it holds in Iraq and Syria.

As ISIS 2.0 takes shape, new leaders are emerging on the internet, long a key recruiting tool for the extremists, and it seems that their propaganda particularly resonates in the United States.

One is Zulfi Hoxha, the son of an Albanian-American pizza store owner in New Jersey. He is known to have become a senior Islamic State (ISIS) figure and a key recruitment icon since he was seen, dressed in black, in a propaganda video beheading captured Kurdish peshmerga fighters in Syria.

[The Arab Weekly is a multinational daily printed in London, Britain]

عوض شفيق: عدد التنظيمات الإرهابية أكثر من 250 تنظيم

Awad Shafiq: Organized terrorism comprises more than 250 organizations.

Editor's Note: Dr. Awad Shafiq is a professor of international law in Geneva.
الدكتور عوض شفيق، أستاذ القانون الدولي في جينيف

[Copts United الأقباط متحدون, newspaper of the Coptic community in Egypt, on May 26, 2018]


Editorial : Why Are European and
US Youth Joining ISIS ?

There are different reasons for European and US Muslims to join ISIS, and there is, as well, a common reason rarely being discussed.

In January 2015, the Huffington Post published an article that analyzed the reasons for European Muslims to join the Islamic State. Without going into the details, here is the essential item they excavated:

The European Muslims setting off to fight [the Jihad] usually belong to the second or third generation of immigrant communities from the Middle East or South Asia. These generations can be vulnerable because they are at the point of losing the culture of their ancestors and yet are not fully absorbed or accepted in the country in which they live, despite being citizens.

It must be added that the first generation of Muslim immigrants came in the frame of bilateral treaties between European states and the states of origin because there was an urgent need of "guest workers" in the years of economic prosperity in Europe.

This might differ from Muslim immigration to the USA and which seems to me as a rather private and unorganised business of those who want to live the "American dream".

One thing, however, seems to be equal in Europe and the USA and which I dare to describe as a " loss of basic values ".

European and US youth of a certain age, Muslims or not, are nowadays experiencing the moral decay of the Western society they are living in. A society concentrating on the benefits of economic growth and relating individual well-being to the consumption of lifestyle goods and services, thereby neglecting the basic requirements for living in a well-balanced society.

While former generations where aligned by a basic Christian or Muslimic education providing them with the rules that make up for life in a well- balanced society, now the credibility of such rules has become questioned as there is so much hypocrisy everywhere.

And it is at this point, when the "psychological warfare" of religious extremists is taking its toll.

[Source: ABC 15 Arizona]

As an indicator how Western societies are already infected by a loss of basic values, it only needs to look at the increasing number of school shootings that happened in different federal states of the USA. For 2018 alone, 43 of such incidents have been registered in the first five months.

Such shootings have emerged as well in Europe, however on a much smaller scale, because any development that once began in America is known to take some time before being fully adopted abroad.

مفتي الجمهورية: المتطرفون يتوهمون أن الإسلام جاء ليضيِّق على الإنسان ويعزله عن العالم.. وغاب عن الإرهابيين احترام الدين للعرف والتقاليد غير المخالفة للشرع

Mufti of the Republic : Extremists believe that Islam has arrived at
oppressing the human being and isolating him in the world ... and
the terrorists lose respect for the religion, its doctrine and tradition
but not the contradiction of Sharia.

Editor: Sheikh Abdul Karim Khasawneh, the Grand Mufti of Jordan is chief Islamic justice of his country.

[The Arab Today العرب اليوم , Amman / Jordan on May 27, 2018]


A visitor from Amman, Jordan, and who reminds us of ISIS, the
Islamic State that once took over vast areas in Iraq and Syria.


Today's traffic to "blueprint news" passing via Ashburn / Virginia,
"The Bullseye of America’s Internet", located in the neighbourhood
of Washington DC.

Friday, May 25, 2018

Israeli Incursions into Lebanon and Syria

Update included !

Latest news from the Jerusalem Post are pointing at most recent operations of Israel's air force and which are probably directed against alleged Hezbollah activities in Syria, at the same time threatening Hezbollah locations in Lebanon.

Earlier on Friday, the Lebanese army announced that on Thursday, May 24, five Israeli Air Force planes circled above Lebanese territory for some 15 hours altogether. According to the report, most of the flights took place in the southern and northern regions of Lebanon, but one of them was mentioned to have circled above "all regions of the country." No offensive action or operation was said to have been carried out by the aircraft.

On Thursday, Syrian state media said a military airport near Homs had come under missile attack which was repelled by its air defense systems.

"One of our military airports in the central region was exposed to hostile missile aggression, and our air defense systems confronted the attack and prevented it from achieving its aim," state news agency SANA said.

SANA earlier reported sounds of explosions heard near the Dabaa airport, about 12 miles southwest of the central Syrian city of Homs and 6 miles from the Lebanese border.

Pentagon spokesman Lieutenant Colonel Kone Faulkner, when asked about reports of the attack, said the US-led coalition fighting Islamic State in Syria did not carry it out and the coalition does not target Syrian government positions.

Israeli F-35 stealth fighters of US origin
now ready to bomb Iran's nuclear facilities.

In Memoriam: Israeli pilots who refused bombing civilian targets.

The Lebanese artist Akram Zaatari was representing his country in the 2013 Venice Biennale with “Letter to a Refusing Pilot”. The film and video installation was inspired by French existentialist writer Albert Camus’ epistolary essay “Letters to a German Friend”, from which it takes the following quote: “I should like to be able to love my country and still love justice”.


Visitor to "blueprint news" coming from Danmark and
who is interested in North Korea's nuclear ambition.

By the way, US president Trump has not definitely excluded a meeting with Kim Jong-un
in June, maybe after recent emotions cooled off. However, this change of mind is neither
astonishing nor worth some fresh news tag. Let's just sit and wait what the little bird in his
head will twitter next on this subject.

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Kim Meets Trump - A Tragedy for the People

Important News Update on May 24 ==>

Update on the Dismantling of North Korea's Pungye-ri nuclear test site further down !
US president Donald Trump unexpectedly announced Thursday he is pulling out of the meeting with North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un, ending – for now at least – the hopes of a historic reconciliation with the nuclear-armed hermit regime.
[Time, USA, only some hours ago]

Here are quotations from an article published by Time, USA, on May 22 about shortcomings of a possible nuclear deal negociated between Trump and Kim Jong-un when it comes to the living conditions and human rights of most North Korean citizens. In other words: It's about Kim Jong-un possibly reaching a deal that would allow him to maintain his private concentration camp for just another decade, while giving himself the aura of a wise statesman acting at eye level with the cream of global leaders in order to establish some kind of " fake peace ".

The goal for Moon and Trump seems to be a gradual denuclearization of the DPRK. For Kim, a deal would mean the normalization of his regime, and a loosening of the sanctions that make it difficult for him and his cronies to make profits.

The media has created endless hype about these “peace talks” and the possibility of a Nobel Peace Prize for Moon and Trump. But what you very rarely, if ever, hear about are the nightmarish daily lives of 25 million people in North Korea.

Imagine being a North Korean defector. You risked your life to escape hell on earth, and you miraculously made it to freedom in South Korea. And you watch your new democratically-elected leader, President Moon. But you see that instead of promoting human rights in North Korea and expressing solidarity with your cause, he treats your former tormentor Kim Jong Un to an ostentatious feast while your family starves. You look at the press photos and watch as Moon and his colleagues smile and seem to be so genuinely happy—victorious even—as they try to make amends with a tyrant whose atrocities were compared by a United Nations inquiry to those committed by Nazi Germany in World War II.

Published by the Boston Herald.


At this point in 2018 we have two decades of strong evidence to suggest that the Kim dictatorship manipulates peace talks to strengthen and cement its brutal rule. Sometimes, like in the case of the inter-Korean summit in 2000—a result of the former South Korean President Kim Dae- jung’s ‘Sunshine Policy’ of engaging with the North—these talks can even rescue and bail out the regime when it is at a moment of internal weakness. Many forget that the Nobel Peace Prize awarded to South Korean president Kim Dae-jung in 2000 for bringing the Koreas together came after a payment of approximately $186 million to Pyongyang from Seoul when the Kim regime was close to economic collapse.


Visitor to "blueprint news" coming from Hong Kong.


This Morning: Dismantling of Pungye-ri Nuclear Test Site
and Renewed Threats prior to the US - N Korean Summit.

Report from NBC News on May 24.

Threats to abandon the Kim-Trump summit, planned for June 12, came
from Pyongyang after US allegations that N Korea might end like Libya.

Report from Morning Post - Singapore 早报—新加坡 on May 24.

This morning journalists from five countries were driven to the test site where
they watched some enormous explosions from a 500 m distance. North Korea
denies that the Pungye-ri site had already been severely damaged during the
latest nuclear tests and therefore been abandoned.


Visitor to "blueprint news" coming from the center of Madrid / Spain.

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

US Heading for " The Last Days of Pompeio "

Last Update: May 24

US secretary of state Mike Pompeo used his first major policy address to deliver a hard-line speech on Monday May 21, in which he demanded that Iran change just about everything regarding its behavior on the world stage. This being a "diplomatic" approach Tehran could not and would not accept, signs are indicating that US president Trump and his crew of hardliners is determined to trigger off a bloody war in the Middle East and which nobody, not even Israel, would wish to experience. After Trump's trashing of Pompeo's predecessor Rex Tillerson, America is now heading for "The last days of Pompeio".

New York Times on May 21, 2018

Al-Jazeera International on May 22, 2018

Today, early in the morning, the International service of Al-Jazeera published a comment on what the Trump administration now calls its Plan B in diplomacy with Iran. Here some quotations:


The tough conditions in the US administration's so-called Plan B on Iran included Tehran withdrawing all its forces from Syria, halting uranium enrichment and nuclear-capable missiles, as well as ending support for a range of groups in the Middle East, such as Hezbollah and Hamas.

Pompeo described them as "very basic requirements" that were not "unreasonable".

But to Iran observers, the exacting demands he issued hark back to the decades of "failed" US policy that preceded the signing of the landmark nuclear agreement three years ago.

"Pompeo's post-nuclear deal Iran strategy leaves zero chance for diplomacy with Iran," said Seyed Hossein Mousavian, former spokesman for Tehran during its nuclear negotiations with the international community in 2005.

"It repeats the same coercive policy the US administration has implemented for four decades on Iran. This approach has already failed," he added.


Click here for the complete article.

USA Today on May 22, 2018


Battlefield Syria - From the Shadow into Daylight

What some media sources called the "War of Shadows" between Israel and Iran can now be seen at full daylight. On May 22, the Jerusalem Post came with the following news:

Israeli jets have continued to strike targets in Syria following the recent Iranian missile barrage against IDF posts in the Golan Heights, a senior Israel Air Force officer said on Tuesday.

“We can assume that there have been strikes since the last events in Syria. We have maintained our freedom of action over Syria,” he said during the Senior Air Force Conference in Herzliya.

Stressing that Israel will continue to carry out air strikes in the war-torn country, he said that Israel will continue to work with “determination” to thwart the entrenchment of Iran in Syria and the arming of Hezbollah.

“The Iranian resolve in the region continues and we keep operating and disrupting below the threshold of war,” he said.

The full story is available here !

The essential subject of that story is the statement of continued Israeli air strikes rather than a detailed deployment of Iranian missiles and related Israeli countermeasures and which seem to refer exclusively to earlier reported war activities from the beginning of May 2018.


Visitor from Astana, Kazakhstan, in Central Asia and who reminds us of Iran's dilemma
and strategy in January 2012 (=> my blogspot) before the nuclear treaty with Iran came
into being. At that time, Iran tried to escape the encirclement of western nations.

US visitor from Irvine in the Los Angeles area and who is interested in Iran.

Sunday, May 20, 2018

New Israeli Attack on Iranian Forces ?

On May 18, a military source reported that some heavy explosions took place at Hama air base in Syria and which is presumed to be a stronghold of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards. The below photo was taken by a witness who passed at the outside of the military facility.

At that time it was still unclear whether this was an accident or an Israeli assault. Two days later, the below quoted Chinese source made allegations that this had been an Israeli operation.


"The werewolves don't make many words": Air raid on the air defense base
of the Revolutionary Guards. Israel has its own way of driving away the

人狠话不多,中东平头哥,很早就知道这句戏谑之言,但在看了以色列空军在叙利亚 持续的军事行动后,越发觉得这句话用来形容以色列最贴切不过了,以色列跟某些 成天吵吵着将谁谁谁从地球上抹去的国家不同,做的多,说的少,叙利亚境内的伊朗 基地和武装力量经常在遭到空袭后,俄罗斯和叙利亚、伊朗媒体会指责是以色列所为, 不管是美英法干的还是干脆就遭到了电子战攻击,唯独以色列政府和军方会礼貌性的 用一招外交套路用于回应:对此表示沉默。

"The werewolves don't make many words", the Middle-Eastern "brethren with the short-cut hair". [We] early knew that crude joke, but after having seen the Israeli air force in continued military operations in Syria, even more felt this kind of talk comes to describe Israel as the best fitting. Israel together with certain different countries, all the time noisily searching the Earth for any support, doing much but talking little. After Iranian bases and armed forces frequently suffered from air raids within the borders of Syria, [all that] Russia and Syria as well as Iranian media would criticize was Israel. However, when the US, Britain and France ... suffered from electronic warfare attack, Israel's government and military would only use a polite diplomatic way to react: On that we remain silent.

位于哈马的叙利亚空军基地发生大爆炸,据称是该基地的地下弹药库爆炸, 持续的爆炸严重摧毁了这个基地,甚至连地面上的机库都不可避免, 多架叙军战机被摧毁,目前还不清楚究竟是怎么回事,但越来越多人开始相信, 这又是以色列干的,原因是,部署在这个叙利亚空军基地的伊朗革命卫队 防空营也遭到了攻击!

When a giant explosion occurred on the Syrian air force base in Hama, it was said that should have been the underground ammunition store of the basis which exploded. Continuous explosions seriously devastated that base. Even aircraft hangars on the surface could not be saved. Many Syrian warplanes were destroyed. At the moment it is unclear what actually happened, but more and more people begin to believe this is concerned with Israel. The reason being the air defense facility of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards deployed on that very Syrian air force base and which was as well affected by attack.

[SoHu 搜狐 on May 20, 2018]

ارتفاع حصيلة انفجارات مطار حماة العسكري في سورية إلى 28 قتيلاً

As a result of the explosions at the military airport
of Hama in Syria, the death toll has risen to 28.

وخلال الأسابيع الماضية، استهدفت إسرائيل مرات عدة مواقع عسكرية في سوريا كان آخرها ليلة التاسع والعاشر من أيار/مايو، حيث أعلنت إسرائيل قصف عشرات الأهداف "الإيرانية" رداً على هجوم صاروخي قالت أيضاً أنه "إيراني" على الجولان المحتل.ـ

Editor's Note: The Arabic text is referring to the Israeli attacks that took place in the night from May 9-10, however, doesn't conclude that the Hama incident was necessarily connected with Israel.

[ALGHAD الغد, Amman / Jordan, on May 20, 2018]


Visitor from Spain reminding the end of World War II.

Visitor from Pakistan referring to the Muslim Immigration Ban of US president Trump.

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Trump's Global Patchwork Policies



NEWS UPDATE: On May 17, Lu Xi, a spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, said at a regular press conference that China will continue to maintain normal economic and trade contacts with Iran, including cooperation in the oil field.

NEWS UPDATE: On May 18, the European Union launched a bundle of plans intended to counter new US sanctions on Iran and the related implications for European companies doing business with the Islamic Republic.


America's "leaving the flock" ignited the Middle Eastern powder keg.


On May 11, Iranian people in Tehran participated in anti-US demonstrations to
protest against the United States' withdrawal from the nuclear treaty with Iran.

[SINA 新浪新闻中心, Shanghai, on May 16, 2018]

Editor's Comment:

Even before US president Trump started his private talks with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, planned to be held in Singapore on June 12, he finds himself already discredited by his own disturbing and unwise foreign policies.

A few political and economic subjects, in some way connected with each other, have to be mentioned in order to underline such evaluation:

1) Trump's withdrawal from the nuclear treaty with Iran, together with the announcement of new sanctions. That decision and its implications had to lead, both, friends and foes of America to the same conclusion and which is: Nobody can trust America any longer. Even more as Trump's adage: "America First" is still ringing in the ears of foreign leaders.

However, at times when partners and enemies of America are forced to find new alliances and business partners, Trump's "America First" could finally turn into "America Alone".

Trump's plannings for the introduction of tariffs on some imported goods and which are intended to support domestic industries, have already become an embarrassment for other developed countries, even though most of such plannings are being postponed for the moment. Anyway, the regulation of foreign trade with the help of tariffs has already been proven to be of little value. At least, that is what most experts would tell you. In fact, such policy would lead to some kind of "tit for tat".

Trump after imposing tariffs on aluminium and steel:
"Trade wars are good, and easy to win."

And now, additional US sanctions are threatening such companies in the US and abroad that still dare doing business with Iran.

Like some biting Russian comment on that ?

2) The recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, accompanied by moving the US embassy to the holy city, was an unexpected and completely unnecessary decision. When Trump's family members, and who are practising Jews, attended the inauguration of the new embassy equipped with branded caps, this sent two related signals to the world.
- Trump is running his own country like a family trust with a Jewish connection.
- The United States lost their credibility as a mediator between Israel and the Palestinians when a traditionally strong relationship between America's Jewish community and Israel suddenly lay bare under the eyes of the world, and which is something other US administrations tried to avoid. Moreover all that happened on Israel's 70ies anniversary when culminating protest of furious Palestinians was to be expected anyway.

3) Furthermore and possibly decisive in Trump's negotiations with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un is the fact that Trump discredited the International Atomic Energy Agency IAEA when he questioned the agency's controlling efficiency in the survey of the nuclear treaty with Iran.

How then could he "sell" a nuclear disarmament treaty with North Korea to his own people and the world after insisting that the IAEA as the only worldwide accepted controlling tool could not be trusted.

Regarding North Korea's latest decision to skip a round of negotiations with the South because of joint US and South Korean military drills and steady US demands of a complete denuclearisation, one might even expect that it would not be Trump who walked out of the Singapore meeting but rather Kim Jong-un.

Donald Trump’s White House is undermining the international system for detecting illicit nuclear activity just as he may be about to need it.

U.S. National Security Council adviser John Bolton said in an interview this week with ABC that “we don’t have adequate inspections” in Iran, where the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has established the most comprehensive monitoring regime ever imposed without a military invasion.

That’s the same United Nations organization that will have to keep track of North Korea’s uranium stocks if Trump’s efforts to broker an agreement with Kim Jong Un bear fruit.

[Quotations from Bloomberg on May 16, 2018. Read the complete article on IAEA monitoring !]

North Korea threw President Trump’s planned summit meeting with its leader, Kim Jong-un, into doubt on Wednesday, threatening to call off the landmark encounter if the United States insisted on “unilateral nuclear abandonment.”

The statement, made by the North’s disarmament negotiator, came hours after state media warned that the summit meeting might be canceled to protest a joint military exercise between the United States and South Korea that began this week.

The warnings caught Trump administration officials off guard and set off an internal debate over whether Mr. Kim was merely posturing in advance of the meeting in Singapore next month or was erecting a serious new hurdle.

[The New York Times on May 15, 2018]


Visitor to "blueprint news" coming from Porto / Portugal and who is interested in Iran.

Visitor to "blueprint news" coming from Tel Aviv / Israel and who is interested in Iran.

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Israel's Anniversary - Palestine Exploding

Last Update: May 16

On the occasion of Israel's 70th anniversary and on behalf of US president Trump, the American embassy to Israel was moved from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Donald Trump's delegation to the re-opening celebrations included his daughter Ivanka Trump and her husband Jared Kushner, both adherents to the Jewish belief.

The "Jewish Connection in the White House" celebrating in Jerusalem.

Quoting Israel's minister of defense A. Liberman from the above article:
Israelis celebrated life after Eurovision win, Palestinians glorify death.
I presume this remark is qualifying for racism. In case of the Palestinians
and who are Semites like any other Arab nation, this would mean some
kind of Anti-Semitism and which should get him locked up in my country.

[The Times of Israel on May 15, 2018]

Cartoon published in the United Arab Emirates.

美国又双叒叕遭“千夫所指”!中东多国罕见统一立场 快看

Lots and lots of times America is facing now a "thousand accusing fingers" !
Many countries in the Middle East share a common position rarely be seen.

The Chinese article is mentioning a daily death toll of 59 among Palestinian protesters adding to 2800 wounded.

[ZYNEWS 中原网 on May 15, 2018]

Latest News:

The Palestinian envoy to Washington has been recalled to Ramallah in protest over the U.S. relocating its embassy to Jerusalem.

Israel says the military has delivered eight trucks full of humanitarian aid and medical supplies to the Gaza Strip, where Israeli troops firing from across the border killed nearly 60 Palestinians at mass border protests on Monday.

[Mercury News in San José, California, on May 16, 2018]

Iran Cutting America Into Its Flesh


A critical moment ! Iran took the lead in ["cutting"] the US by stopping to
spread US Dollars. The White House: Already completely abandoned.

最近,据媒体报道称,由于特朗普一意孤行的宣布退出伊核协定, 并且决议单方面制裁伊朗,因此伊朗也率先向全球的主导货币“美元”开刀亮剑, 一声令下,伊朗将枪口对准了美国的货币,决定停止流通美元, 并且取而代之的以欧元作为国际流通货币,对于中国来说,这无疑是一个好消息, 因为美国一直掌握着美元的价值,进而主导全球经济,现在美元的地位日益被取代, 白宫官员也评论称:美元已经开始被彻底抛弃了。

Recently media reported that, because of Trump's decision for a one- sided declaration of withdrawal from the Iran nuclear agreement and [his] resolution to put unilateral sanctions on Iran, Iran has taken the lead in "cutting apart" the US Dollar as a leading currency. And by order, Iran, aligned by the muzzle of the gun to the US currency, decided to stop circulating US Dollars, thus helping to replace it by the Euro to become the currency flowing to foreign countries.

As China is concerned, this is undoubtedly good news because America has always been [in firm control of] the US Dollar's price, thereby leading the global economy. Now the Dollar's status is being replaced on a daily basis, or as a White House official put it: The dollar has already begun to be completely abandoned.

[SOHU 搜狐 on May 15, 2018]