Monday, May 20, 2013

Syria - Hizbollah Joining Assad Forces

حزب الله يهاجم الثوار في سوريا

Hizbollah Attacking Rebels in Syria.

قوات النظام تقصف القصير تزامنا مع استمرار الاشتباكات بين الجيش الحر و عناصر من حزب الله

Above picture:
Regime forces simultaneously shelling al-Qusayr during continued engagements between the Free Army and Hisbollah elements.


This is happening while the combat zone between regular Syrian troops and opposition forces is moving towards the Lebanese border. The Arabic article from Al-Jazeera is quoting the British daily Independent إندبندنت:

الدور الأكبر لجماعة حزب الله في دعم نظام الأسد
يشكل أخبارا سيئة بإسرائيل

"For the community of Hizbollah, its greatest role lies in support
of the Assad regime [what constitutes] the bad news for Israel."

[Source: Al-Jazeera online الحزيرة نت on May 20, 2013]

North Korea - Short-Range Missile Tests

朝鲜2天连续发射4枚短程导弹 日韩加紧部署应对

Within two days North Korea launched four short-range guided missiles.
Japan and South Korea are speeding up their [counter measures].

5月20日电 据韩国媒体报道,继18日向半岛以东海域发射3枚短程制导导弹后,朝鲜19日再次向该海域发射1枚短程导弹。有分析称,朝鲜连续发射导弹的举动或为军事演习的一部分。事件发生后,日韩加紧部署应对,联合国秘书长潘基文19日则呼吁朝鲜停止导弹发射,重返六方会谈。

According to South Korean media reports from May 20 [and] following the launch of three controlled short-range missiles towards the Eastern Sea region of the peninsula, North Korea again launched one short-range missile towards that sea region. According to an analytic evaluation, North Korea's activity of continued missile launches is probably part of military exercises. After the incidents occured, Japan and South Korea speeded up their counter measures. On [May] 19, United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki Moon [already] called on North Korea to stop [further] missile launches and return to the six party talks.

[Source: 第一军事网, PR China, a special interest publication on military subjects, May 20, 2013]

Another Chinese publication is dealing with North Korea's KN-02 missile that was tested in the above mentioned launches. The KN-02 had been developed on the basis of a Soviet SS-21 missile. Its range is about 120 km.


Making an inventory of North Korea's ballistic missiles:
The KN-02 is a direct threat in a [pre-emptive] surprise attack that is difficult to guard against.

[Source: China News Network 中国新闻网 on May 20, 2013]

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Syria - Assad Still Defiant

اخبار سوريا : بشار الأسد ينفي استخدام قواته للأسلحة الكيميائية ويستبعد الاستقالة

News from Syria:
Bashar al-Assad denies that his forces used chemical weapons and refuses to step down.

نفى الرئيس السوري بشار الأسد أن تكون قواته استخدمت أسلحة كيميائية ضد المقاتلين المعارضين كما استبعد الاستقالة، في حديث لوسيلتي إعلام أرجنتينيتين اليوم.ـ

Today, Syria's president Bashar al-Assad denied that it was his troops who used chemical weapons against opposition fighters [while] refusing to step down in an interview with an Argentinian news [service].

[Source: أخبار النهاردة, Egypt, on May 19, 2013]


Recent visitors to "blueprint news" coming from East- and West-Africa:

As to the origin of the Nairobi request for my blogspot on Syria using chemical weapons, I have some second thoughts. Did this request really come from Kenyan authorities or rather from the nearby Iranian embassy which might use the same internet access.
The below picture is proving that Iran is very much interested in Syria. It shows an article published by Al-Arabiya on April 28, 2013, dealing with a meeting of Iranian president Ahmadi Nejad and Egypt's president Morsy for a discussion of the Syrian crisis.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Syria - Pro-Assad Hackers Invading Western Media

The Epoch, a pro-Western Chinese news service operating from a U.S. server, has the news of a so-called "Syrian Electronic Army" that invaded Twitter sites of some Western media and organizations. The Syrian hacker troop declares it acts in favor of Syria's president Bashir al-Assad. Yesterday, May 17, The Financial Times FT, London, became their last target when Syrian hackers left a remark on FT web locations saying the "Syrian Electronic Army Was Here". Earlier attacks were directed against the British daily The Guardian on April 24 this year and a BBC weather report where hackers announced some kind of "catastrophe" to hit the people of Israel. Another site attacked was that of Human Rights Watch organization. The French news broadcast of France 24 suffered as well from being invaded by the Syrian Electronic Army.

[Source: The Epoch 大纪元 on May 17, 2013, together with (中文业界讯站) on May 18, 2013]



U.S. media calling Russia's providing guided missiles for Syria a "psychological provocation".

[Source: Russian News Network quoted by
俄新网 - 古汉台网
on May 17, 2013]


Increasing Violence in Libya

In recent months, the Libyan town of Benghazi experienced an escalation in violence that is considered due to the absence of sufficient security forces. Libyan army is now going to host a meeting with tribal elders and militia leaders to improve that situation. The most remarkable incidents in a development of deteriorating public security are shown below:

A visitor to "blueprint news" coming from the U.S. Department of State seems to be interested as well in the proceedings of Libya. U.S. concerns about public security in Libya can be understood in the frame of that notorious September 2012 incident when America's ambassador to Libya was killed in a willful attack launched against the U.S. consulate in Benghazi:


One single visitor from Tahiti is interested in spreading Islamic rage. However, the firebrigade is quite near (=> caserne des pompiers):

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The Art of War

Last UPDATE included on May 15

North Korea appointed [Zhang] Jong [Nan] 张正男] to become the new defence minister. Third change of defence minister within one year since Kim Jong Un assumed office.

[Chinese Pinyin syllables are used to replace the unknown Korean syllables in the new defence minister's name.]

[Source: Ifeng Network 凤凰网 on May 13, 2013]

The new defence minister should be in his 50s which is rather young in comparison with his predecessor who is now slightly above 70 years old and kept his office for eight months. The new minister is therefore considered as belonging to the "young generation 年青一代" or the "young and vigorous group 少壮派". After his appointment as a "young general / young militant 小将" in April 2002, he finally became lieutenant general in November 2011.

[Source: New China Network 新华网 on May 14, 2013]


Sun Zi - The Art of War - Varying the Tactics

Sunzi said:
Generally in war, the commander receives his mandate from the sovereign, assembles his troops and mobilizes the population for war. ..........
.......... There are roads he should not take, armies he should not attack, walled cities he should not assault, territories he should not contest for and commands of the sovereign he should not obey. ..........


"Let him die another day !"

South Korean media exposing the inside of a North Korean military factory. A North Korean is said to have taken some [video he sold for money].

… 画面还曝光,在军工厂内一艘气垫船正在等待修理。这款气垫船和朝鲜军队在登陆演习中使用的气垫船相同。 …

... The picture is exposing as well a hovercraft in the military factory, just awaiting repair. This kind of hovercraft is identical to those used in North Korean troop landing exercises. ...

[Source: Ifeng Network 凤凰网 on May 14, 2013]


Further news on May 14:


A U.S. special envoy for the North Korean question will leave for a visit to Asia in the second half of the week.

The envoy is expected to visit South Korea, Japan and China for talks on the North Korean issue.

[Source: New China Network 新华网 on May 14, 2013]

A visitor to "blueprint news" coming from Shanghai, China:

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Korea - Opposing Naval Forces


Japan's defence minister says promotion of U.S. troops in East Asia is sensed capable to deter North Korea.

On the occasion of U.S. aircraft carrier Nimitz reaching the coast of South Korea for joint U.S. - South Korean naval exercises, the Japanese minister of defence made his declaration in favor of U.S. troops in East Asia.

In the frame of these exercises, the U.S. aircraft carrier battle group will be using a seaborne aviation wing (CVW) and a seaborne combat group (CSG). [Flagship USS Nimitz] is accompanied by USS Princeton [CLV-23, a light aircraft carrier] and other ship(s) equipped with the AEGIS combat system [a sophisticated early-warning system] while the South Korean side has deployed its 7.600 ton AEGIS-equipped destroyer "Sejongdaewang" together with another 5.500 ton destroyer. Both, U.S. and South Korean AEGIS ships will be primarily engaged in missile survey and anti-submarine exercises.


[Source: China News Network 中国新闻网 on May 12, 2013]


Here now a graphic presentation of all kinds of North Korean navy units and that should be complete according to a Canadian source. Unfortunately, their own website is practically impossible to load while using a slow internet connection. This is due to incredibly huge graphic files which I "melted down" to some 100-200 kb GIF files in order to facilitate their distribution:

Wednesday, May 08, 2013

Kim Jong Un Reached His Limit

Last UPDATE: May 10


Renewed page: North East Asian situation:
Bank of China closed North Korea's foreign trade accounts.

The above message has just been published by Reuters Press Agency on its Chinese news site. Obviously they had to change their main headline perhaps because of a fresh news trend. The original information seems to have come from the Chinese edition of Wallstreet Journal (picture below) published some hours earlier. That website was infected with a virus and could not be downloaded immediately. If severe loading problems of the Reuters site were related to a virus attack as well could not be verified. Regarding the message itself, it must be pointed out that the Bank of China finally took action as had already been demanded by the U.S. and their allies.

[Source: Reuters Press Agency, Chinese news site, on May 8, 2013]


Missile Test Cancelled


A comprehensive foreign media report from May 7 informs: South Korean and U.S. intelligence organizations are saying that North Korea already withdrew a Musudan [brand] guided missile from its launchpad. This might signify that the North abandoned an earlier "state of attending military operations".

Kim Jong Un - Now Caring for More Earthly Problems

Above: The picture under today's headline (regarding the withdrawal of a Musudan missile from its launchpad) is showing Kim Jong Un while visiting a national research institute for biological engineering on May 6, 2013.

[Source: New China Network 新华网 on May 8, 2013]


朴槿惠会美防长 重申共同努力遏制朝鲜导弹威胁

Park (*) meeting with U.S. defence secretary - Reaffirming joint efforts to keep threats from North Korea's guided missiles within limits.
(*) = South Korea's president Mrs. Park 朴槿惠

In the first place the Chinese article gives a summary of recent military preparations and manoeuvres held by the U.S. - South Korean alliance, then describes the North Korean reaction. I suggest you should read that text carefully:


Facing a U.S. - South Korean series of manoeuvres, North Korea many times advanced vehement criticism. The North Korean National Defense Council even more expressed [their view] that if the U.S. and South Korea stopped their manoeuvres [and] U.S. national defence abandoned sanctions while simultaneously apologizing to North Korea, North Korea could enter into talks with the U.S. and South Korea. Otherwise, if South Korea is all along hiding under America's "umbrella of nuclear protection", there will be "death without any doubt".


On May 7, the North Korean People's Army [added]: If U.S. - South Korean troops begin a provocative shelling, the North Korean army will immediately strike as well. If suffering from a counterattack, everything available to the rocket unit(s) of North Korea's People's Army in the south-western front regions will be deployed in an immediate operation, such turning South Korea's neighbouring islands into a "sea of flames".

[Source: China News Network 中国新闻网 on May 8, 2013]


Update on May 10:

朝鲜首次谴责朴槿惠访美 称是韩方“战争前奏曲”

For the first time North Korea condemns Park's U.S. visit
and says this would be South Korea's "prelude to war".

[Source: CRI online 国际在线 on May 10, 2013]

A splendid mixture of localized visitors to "blueprint news"
searching my archives on a weekend:

Friday, May 03, 2013

Korea - A Rather Slow Countdown

UPDATE added on May 4/5/6

美国首发朝鲜军力报告 称朝鲜构成最严峻威胁

Headline: For the first time, the U.S. issued a report on North Korea's military strength, saying that North Korea is posing a most severe threat.

中新社华盛顿5月2日电 (记者 德永健)五角大楼2日首次发布朝鲜军力报告,称朝鲜意图攻击韩国,寻求发展核武和远程弹道导弹,并无视联合国安理会决议进行武器扩散,目前依然对美国国家安全构成最严峻威胁。

Cable from New China Agency by De Yong Jian, Washington, on May 2:
For the first time, the Pentagon issued a report on North Korea's military strength, saying that it is North Korea's intention to attack the South. Seeking to develop nuclear weapons and long-range ballistic missiles while ignoring resolutions of the United Nations Security Council and [even] conducting the proliferation of weaponry, [North Korea] is still posing a most severe threat to America's national safety by now.

Above: Public presentation of a short-range earth-air guided missile system by North Korea's Central TV on April 6, 2013.

[Source: China News Network 中国新闻网 on May 3, 2013]


North Korea's missile program - State of the art

All of the rockets on this picture have already been tested. The two-stage missile that should reach targets some 6.700 km away was reported to present some difficulties to the North Korean technicians. However, a three-stage modification of that missile is known to be under development and might once reach targets 8.000-12.000 km away, such threatening U.S. mainland.

[Source: New China Network 新华网 on May 3, 2013]


Update for May 4, 2013:


A U.S. published report on N Korea's military strength:
Just striving for a nuclear attack on U.S. mainland.

Complete arsenal of already existing N Korean rockets (above).
S Korean personnel leaving the Kaesong industrial zone (below).

[Source: SOHU News 搜狐新闻 on May 4, 2013]


On March 15, U.S. defense secretary Chuck Hagel declared that he already ordered another 14 land based missile interception devices for the U.S. west coast to respond to any missile threat from North Korea.

[Source: New China Network 新华网 on May 4, 2013]

Editor's Note:
To get the full picture of a slowly but steadily heating conflict, my visitors are advised to refer to my series of subsequent blogspots on the Korean subject beginning in April 2013.


Update for May 5, 2013:

The following article, published today, May 5, by New China Network has a presentation of the North Korean missile arsenal and analyzes their development of range and capacity during the last decade. Even though that article is based on a Pentagon report already quoted some days before, this has become a fascinating subject for Chinese readers who now want to learn more. All this should be seen in the frame of North Korea's questionable behaviour making any of its further steps quite unpredictable. Therefore, the Korean subject has somehow "muzzeled" all those reports continuously published before by Chinese media on the notorious island dispute between China and Japan, another severe problem in the Far East.


Explaining to the reader North Korea's guided missiles: Scud, Musudan, Taepodong and their true strength.

Above: Discussion of the Musudan rocket [Chin.: Wu Shui Duan 舞水端 "Dancing to the End of the Water"] which is expected to have a range of fire between 3.000 and 4.000 km corresponding to its maximum ballistic height of 3.000 km.

Above: Discussing the Taepodong 2 rocket [Chin.: Da Pu Dong 大浦洞 "Great Rivermouth Penetration"]

The two-stage guided missile should have a range of 6.700 km while a three-stage modification could have a range of up to 12.000 km. The long-range modification, now under development, might therefore reach Hawaii and U.S. mainland (Alaska, California).

The Chinese article discusses earlier missile tests between 1998 and 2012. When North Korea announced the launch of a satellite in August 1998 this was seen by the U.S. as a test for multi-stage rockets. At this time the Taepodong 1 missile was first mentioned and its tests began to terrorize Japanese citizens.

PATRIOT-3 missile defense system deployed in Tokyo
and awaiting another North Korean "missile test".

The U.S. are considering in their report about North Korea's military strength: "North Korea's development of vehicles for spaceflight [is matching with] a development of range for reaching the significance of U.S. long-range guided missiles, such making it possible to cover part of U.S. territory. However, as a result of North Korea not having [learnt to launch] enough carrier rockets that can return to the atmosphere, the Taepodong 2 still doesn't possess the attacking capacity of lifting and carrying a warhead."

[Source: New China Network 新华网 on May 5, 2013]


Update for May 6, 2013:

Above: Kim Jong Un on May 5, 2013, while visiting a research institute for biological engineering, announces the need to turn North Korea into a people's paradise.

[Source: China Radio International CRI 国际在线 on May 6, 2013]

Remarkable visitors to "blueprint news" coming from Russia and the U.S.A.:

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Korea - The War of Nerves Continues

Last UPDATE: 1st May

韩媒:朝鲜拟在西海岸大规模演习 或将发射导弹

South Korean media: North Korea planning large-scale [military] exercises on its Western sea coast.

According to the South Korean press agency, North Korean plannings comprise joint manoeuvres of the air force and artillery troops on the Yellow Sea coastline in Nampo 南浦 region which is south of Pyongyang 平壤. The extent of that military drill is expected to be rather great.

中新网4月28日电 据韩联社报道,韩国政府一位消息人士28日透露称,有迹象表明朝鲜正在西海岸南浦附近地区准备进行空中战力和炮兵战力联合演习,演习规模可能比较大。

[China News Network 中国新闻网2013年04月28日]


The day before, April 27, Global Network among other Chinese sources quoted an earlier report from Associated Press:


Associated Press [AP] made an overall evaluation of North Korea's [military] resources like artillery, air force, guided missiles and nuclear weapons.

Artillery: The AP evaluation is quoting a South Korean source as saying that North Korea owns 13.000 pieces of artillery. Long range artillery can reach the South Korean capital Seoul which is only about 50 km away from the border. However, according to the South Korean defense minister, five days after war had been started by the North, 70% of artillery deployed by the North to the border region would be "out of function".

Naval forces: According to the South Korean defense ministry, North Korea should possess 70 submarines while South Korea is owning 10.

Air force: 820 fighter jets owned by North Korea are being considered by the South as oldfashioned and outdated.

Guided missiles and nuclear weapons: According to a U.S. expert, North Korea is most probably unable to target U.S. territory but Pyongyang "could probably" apply short-range nuclear missiles.
美国专家说: … 朝鲜不太可能拥有能打开美国的核导弹,但他说,平壤“有可能”拥有短程核导弹。

Biological and chemical weapons: Pyongyang owns more than 5.000 tons of chemical weapons, the real amount being "subject to guesswork" [source: a foreign institute for strategic research]. However, North Korea has probably made real plannings for its biological and chemical weapons.
… 平壤有多达5000吨化学武器。… 国际战略研究所说,尽管这个数字“在很大程度上是猜测性的”,但朝鲜可能确实拥有生化武器计划。

Editor's Note:
The Chinese headline above is using an interesting expression (家底). What can be simply translated as "resources" has an original meaning of "family property accumulated over a long time". Such we could speak of the "military inventory of the Kim family" !


朝鲜半岛不确定因素仍存 一盘下不完的棋

An undefined element on the Korean peninsula still exists [like] an undecided game of chess.

That semi-official article refers to the obviously unexpected U.S. - South Korean landing manoeuvre on the Eastern coast of South Korea near Pandong. It is showing the photo of a U.S. main combat tank M1A1.

[New China Network quoting the overseas edition of People's Daily, Beijing, on April 27, 2013 - 新华网/人民日报 - For further information refer as well to an earlier blogspot of mine published the day before.]


UPDATE for 1st May, 2013.


South Korean media: North Korea has [already] begun nuclear war preparations in the early 1970s.

A diplomatic document from Hungary, registered on February 16, 1976, is showing that North Korea began its nuclear war preparations in the early 1970s. This is one of 125 declassified documents from Woodrow Wilson Center in Washington. That center has to track down for research such diplomatic records related to North Korea that came from its former communist allies, the Soviet Union, Romania and Hungary.

Editor's Note: For a better understanding the original Chinese text has been rearranged.

… 在华盛顿的伍德罗•威尔逊中心披露了125份解密文件,这是其中之一。该中心一直在追踪研究苏联、罗马尼亚和匈牙利等朝鲜前共产党盟友有关朝鲜的外交档案。

[New China Network 新华网 2013年05月01日]

Further news received on 1st May are dealing with the declaration of an "economic reform" by North Korea's prime minister [Wuhan Evening News] and a recent report from a South Korean research organization saying that the North is increasing its import of chemical fertilizer for the development of agriculture [Global Network].



On the Korean battlefield, China's air force was near to become good at defeating U.S. troops with [its] unique skill.

[New China Network 新华网 2013年04月28日]

In the frame of increasing tensions between North and South Korea, there seems to be an increasing interest among Chinese internet users in historical proceedings of the Korean War. A brandnew article, published today, April 28, by New China Network, is now dealing with one special subject of the Korean War: The so-called MIG Corridor which has been marked on the below map. That was a region where Chinese MIG-15 fighter jets got engaged with U.S. F-86 warplanes.

Editor's Note:
China's military, acting in North Korea under the label of a "Chinese volunteers' army", had to buy those MIG-15 fighters from the Soviet Union where Stalin had granted permission to Korea's communist leader Kim Il Song for an attack on the pro-Western state of South Korea. Such permission, however, should be relying on China's approval. The People's Republic of China then became North Korea's most reliable ally.


North Korean Society News:

On a banquet for the hungry generals and which was celebrated in commemoration of the People's Army foundation on April 25, some unknown Korean flower had been detected (photo below). Press circles assume she might be the little sister of Kim Jong Un.


A visitor to "blueprint news" coming from the Vietnamese border to China at Lao Cai:

If he could as he liked, this might be Kim Jong Un's favorite target:

From the World to Your Phone: A visitor from Lagos, Nigeria, was searching for "blue print news headline" on his rather small cellphone display.

Google search result is even indicating
the actual blogspot of "blueprint news".