North Korea appointed [Zhang] Jong [Nan] 张正男] to become the new defence minister. Third change of defence minister within one year since Kim Jong Un assumed office.
[Chinese Pinyin syllables are used to replace the unknown Korean syllables in the new defence minister's name.]
[Source: Ifeng Network 凤凰网 on May 13, 2013]
The new defence minister should be in his 50s which is rather young in comparison with his predecessor who is now slightly above 70 years old and kept his office for eight months. The new minister is therefore considered as belonging to the "young generation 年青一代" or the "young and vigorous group 少壮派". After his appointment as a "young general / young militant 小将" in April 2002, he finally became lieutenant general in November 2011.

[Source: New China Network 新华网 on May 14, 2013]
Sunzi said:
Generally in war, the commander receives his mandate from the sovereign, assembles his troops and mobilizes the population for war. ..........
.......... There are roads he should not take, armies he should not attack, walled cities he should not assault, territories he should not contest for and commands of the sovereign he should not obey. ..........
"Let him die another day !"
South Korean media exposing the inside of a North Korean military factory. A North Korean is said to have taken some [video he sold for money].
… 画面还曝光,在军工厂内一艘气垫船正在等待修理。这款气垫船和朝鲜军队在登陆演习中使用的气垫船相同。 …
... The picture is exposing as well a hovercraft in the military factory, just awaiting repair. This kind of hovercraft is identical to those used in North Korean troop landing exercises. ...
[Source: Ifeng Network 凤凰网 on May 14, 2013]
Further news on May 14:
A U.S. special envoy for the North Korean question will leave for a visit to Asia in the second half of the week.
The envoy is expected to visit South Korea, Japan and China for talks on the North Korean issue.
[Source: New China Network 新华网 on May 14, 2013]
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