朝鲜2天连续发射4枚短程导弹 日韩加紧部署应对
Within two days North Korea launched four short-range guided missiles.
Japan and South Korea are speeding up their [counter measures].
5月20日电 据韩国媒体报道,继18日向半岛以东海域发射3枚短程制导导弹后,朝鲜19日再次向该海域发射1枚短程导弹。有分析称,朝鲜连续发射导弹的举动或为军事演习的一部分。事件发生后,日韩加紧部署应对,联合国秘书长潘基文19日则呼吁朝鲜停止导弹发射,重返六方会谈。
According to South Korean media reports from May 20 [and] following the launch of three controlled short-range missiles towards the Eastern Sea region of the peninsula, North Korea again launched one short-range missile towards that sea region. According to an analytic evaluation, North Korea's activity of continued missile launches is probably part of military exercises. After the incidents occured, Japan and South Korea speeded up their counter measures. On [May] 19, United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki Moon [already] called on North Korea to stop [further] missile launches and return to the six party talks.
[Source: 01junshi.com 第一军事网, PR China, a special interest publication on military subjects, May 20, 2013]
Another Chinese publication is dealing with North Korea's KN-02 missile that was tested in the above mentioned launches. The KN-02 had been developed on the basis of a Soviet SS-21 missile. Its range is about 120 km.

Making an inventory of North Korea's ballistic missiles:
The KN-02 is a direct threat in a [pre-emptive] surprise attack that is difficult to guard against.
[Source: China News Network 中国新闻网 on May 20, 2013]
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