Renewed page: North East Asian situation:
Bank of China closed North Korea's foreign trade accounts.
The above message has just been published by Reuters Press Agency on its Chinese news site. Obviously they had to change their main headline perhaps because of a fresh news trend. The original information seems to have come from the Chinese edition of Wallstreet Journal (picture below) published some hours earlier. That website was infected with a virus and could not be downloaded immediately. If severe loading problems of the Reuters site were related to a virus attack as well could not be verified. Regarding the message itself, it must be pointed out that the Bank of China finally took action as had already been demanded by the U.S. and their allies.
[Source: Reuters Press Agency, Chinese news site, on May 8, 2013]

Missile Test Cancelled
A comprehensive foreign media report from May 7 informs: South Korean and U.S. intelligence organizations are saying that North Korea already withdrew a Musudan [brand] guided missile from its launchpad. This might signify that the North abandoned an earlier "state of attending military operations".
Above: The picture under today's headline (regarding the withdrawal of a Musudan missile from its launchpad) is showing Kim Jong Un while visiting a national research institute for biological engineering on May 6, 2013.
[Source: New China Network 新华网 on May 8, 2013]
朴槿惠会美防长 重申共同努力遏制朝鲜导弹威胁
Park (*) meeting with U.S. defence secretary - Reaffirming joint efforts to keep threats from North Korea's guided missiles within limits.
(*) = South Korea's president Mrs. Park 朴槿惠
In the first place the Chinese article gives a summary of recent military preparations and manoeuvres held by the U.S. - South Korean alliance, then describes the North Korean reaction. I suggest you should read that text carefully:
Facing a U.S. - South Korean series of manoeuvres, North Korea many times advanced vehement criticism. The North Korean National Defense Council even more expressed [their view] that if the U.S. and South Korea stopped their manoeuvres [and] U.S. national defence abandoned sanctions while simultaneously apologizing to North Korea, North Korea could enter into talks with the U.S. and South Korea. Otherwise, if South Korea is all along hiding under America's "umbrella of nuclear protection", there will be "death without any doubt".
On May 7, the North Korean People's Army [added]: If U.S. - South Korean troops begin a provocative shelling, the North Korean army will immediately strike as well. If suffering from a counterattack, everything available to the rocket unit(s) of North Korea's People's Army in the south-western front regions will be deployed in an immediate operation, such turning South Korea's neighbouring islands into a "sea of flames".
[Source: China News Network 中国新闻网 on May 8, 2013]
Update on May 10:
朝鲜首次谴责朴槿惠访美 称是韩方“战争前奏曲”
For the first time North Korea condemns Park's U.S. visit
and says this would be South Korea's "prelude to war".
[Source: CRI online 国际在线 on May 10, 2013]
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