Thursday, October 20, 2011

LIBYA - End of War النهاية الحرب

قتل القذافي

Gadafi Killed

لحق به نجلاه سيف الإسلام و المعتصم
Together with him his son Saif Al-Islam [in] a hiding-place.

صور متتالية تعرض لحظات سقوط القذافي حيا و ميتا و غارقا في دمائه
A picture after being exposed in the moments of defeat :
Gadafi living, [gesticulating] and smeared with his blood.
[Source: Al-Arabiya on October 20, 2011. Text referring to below photo]

Above photo: The corpse of Gadafi after being shot some time after his capture.

As to former leader Muamar Gadafi, reports of his death are already confirmed. There is a video showing him alive when being captured in Sirte where he was hiding in a sewer tunnel. Later he was shot in what the rebels named a crossfire. Gadafi died before reaching a hospital in Misrata. His remainings are kept there in a mosque. Gadafi's eldest son Saif Al-Islam was captured with him and seems to be hurt.

Above photo: U.S. foreign secretary Hillary Clinton getting the news of Gadafi's death.

The Day After: CNN visiting remains of Gadafi's last convoy that ended in a hell of flames.

The Day After: CNN visiting the drain pipe where Gadafi tried to hide after succeeding to escape from the annihilation of his convoy.

النهاية الحرب
The End of the War

المدينة سرت تقعت على الثوار
The Town of Sirte has Fallen to the Rebels

This morning, an ultimate attack of the rebel army and that was lasting not longer than 90 minutes freed Gadafi's hometown of Sirte from its last pro-Gadafi fighters. Bani Walid, another Gadafi stronghold was already freed some days ago.

According to a goal the National Transitional Council NTC of Libya has set, the war should now be declared as being over and preparations for general elections in order to form a regular government could be considered as the next steps for the NTC.

مراسل الجزيرة: اشتباكات عنيفة تدور في مدينة سرت الليبية بعد تجدد هجوم الثوار عليها
Subtitle of the above picture: "According to a correspondent of Al-Jazeera, violent fighting is taking place in the Libyan town of Sirte after a renewed attack of the rebels there."
The picture was included in Al-Jazeera's Arabic website. As the fighting lasted only 90 minutes, it seems they could not change the subtitle before the result of that fighting could be verified and which must have taken some time.

Opinion in the aftermath of Gadafi's death:

According to Telesur TV, Caracas, Venezuela's president Hugo Chavez named the killing of Gadafi an "outrage" and said the former Libyan leader "would be remembered as a fighter and martyr". Furthermore, Telesur cited Gadafi's spokesman Moussa Ibrahim that "Saif Al-Islam Gadafi had escaped" and should be considered free to take over political business from his father. [Telesur TV subtitles on October 21, 2011]

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

IRAN - Controversial Signals from Tehran

Reloaded blogspot from October 16 including recent updates.

In the frame of an assassination plot, directed against the ambassador of Saudi Arabia to Washington and allegedly planned by the Iranian leadership, U.S. President Obama sent special envoys to different regions of the world in order to inform foreign leaders. As Beijing was one important target of that U.S. information campaign, I overlooked latest Chinese publications on the assassination subject. Here's an article I found in semi-official People's Daily, online edition, published on October 16, 2011:

Headline: Iran's former president is warning that America might possibly use [military] force.

Above: Iran's former president Khatami

On [October] 13, Khatami granted [an interview] where he indicated: "I fear an increasing possibility of a U.S. [military] coup because there is a steadily growing demand for a pretext on the U.S. side. Our political leadership must therefore speak and act cautiously not to give America a pretext for using force."


Another article published by SINA, an online daily registered in the People's Republic of China, has the following headline which is citing the actual Iranian president Ahmadi Nejad:

Headline: [Ahmadi] Nejad replies to America's accusation of assassination and says Iran doesn't need to kill the Saudi ambassador.

伊朗伊斯兰共和国通讯社当天援引艾哈迈迪 - 内贾德的话说,美国官员每天都想方设法为伊朗制造新的危机,这一次他们指控伊朗参与恐怖活动, 但他们应该明白,恐怖主义是“没有教化的人“所做的事情,伊朗不需要做这样的事情。
The news agency of the Islamic Republic of Iran cited Ahmadi Nejad's sayings the same day [i.e. October 16]: Each day, U.S. officials are doing everything possible to create a new crisis for Iran. This time they accuse Iran of having a hand in terrorist activity, but they must understand that terrorism is the business of "[unchangeable] people [fixed in their views]", while Iran doesn't need to engage in such business.

[SINA, October 16, 2011]


Long forgotten: A scene of mutual understanding between the king of Saudi Arabia and the Iranian president.

Only one day later, on October 17, the ultimate blow is reaching Saudi Arabia from Iran's leadership, as has been reported by Beijing's People's Daily :

Headline: Iranian threat stating [Iran's] ability to occupy Saudi [Arabia] at any time.

After the U.S. announced having foiled the assassination plot that targeted the Saudi ambassador to the United States, such doubtlessly turning strained relations between Iran and Saudi [Arabia] to become white-hot, Saudi [Arabia] plans to submit that assassination affair to the United Nations Security Council and make the United Nations take new action against Iran. Iran is warning Saudi [Arabia]: Iran can by no means surrender to any external pressure. If Iran wants to, it can very easily occupy Saudi [Arabia] at any time.


ِAs to the offer of Iranian government circles to examine the value of U.S. intelligence material on the assassination plot and to have a look at the alleged culprit, Al-Arabiya wrote on October 17, 2011:

طلبت من واشنطن زيارة للمعتقل أرباب سيار
Headline: Washington is being requested to [allow] a visit of [its] prisoner Arbab Siar.

إيران تبدى استعدادها للنظر في اتهامها بالتخطيط لاغتيال السفير السعودى
Headline: Iran begins to prepare for the examination of that accusation [by the U.S.] of assassination plannings [targeting] the Saudi ambassador.

في تغير للموقف ألإيرانى نقلت وكالة "فرانس برس" عن وزير الخارجية الإيرانى على أكبر صالحى أن طهران مستعدة للنظر في اتهامات الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية بشأن مخطط اغتيال السفير السعودى
[Referring] to a change of the Iranian attitude, the agency "Faranis Pars" reported that Iran's minister of foreign affairs [among the most honorable (*)] [made clear] that Tehran is willing to examine accusations [launched by] the United States of America on the subject of plannings to assassinate the Saudi ambassador.

(*) = This could refer as well to a supreme council of state.


In an exclusive interview with Al-Jazeera in Tehran on Monday, October 17, Iranian president Ahmadi Nejad said that the alleged killing plot was fabricated by the U.S. to cause rift between Tehran and Riyadh and to divert attention from U.S. economic problems.

Last week, U.S. authorities charged that two Iranians were involved in the "plot directed by elements of the Iranian government" to kill the Saudi ambassador as part of a major "terror" attack. And U.S. attorney general E. Holder assumed that factions within the Iranian government were involved in the plot which was "conceived, sponsored and directed from Iran".

Despite the significance of the allegations, Ahmadi Nejad said that Tehran would not launch an investigation into the matter. Such statement is obviously opposing the above mentioned news that Iran's minister of foreign affairs might be willing to examine U.S. intelligence material on the subject.

As to Nejad's claim of U.S. allegations causing a rift between Iran and Saudi Arabia, a member of the National Security Network in Washington DC told Al-Jazeera that such rift has already been existing for many years now.


Trying to make an overall evaluation of the facts and news reports contained in the present blogspot of mine, I am declined to conclude that there is much inconsistency in the behaviour of the Iranian leadership. This might support U.S. considerations of factions within the government being involved in an assassination plot and that has not been brought to the attention of all leading figures in Iran. Yet, there could be evidence as well of a rather complicated relationship between political and religious leaders in Iran which would spontaneously produce an inherent reaction on any question of public interest.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Iranian Leadership behind Assassination Plot ?

UPDATE merged into original text on October 13/14:

The assassination attempt on the Saudi ambassador to Washington has triggered off strong U.S. protest towards Tehran as the Iranian leadership is being seen behind that unusual crime. One of the culprits has already been captured while another is still at large.

Here are the news headlines from AL-ARABIYA, Dubai, October 12 :

الرئيس الإيرانى أعد فريقا للاغتيالات بالتعاون مع فيلق القدس
The Iranian president prepared an assassination squad with the help of an "army corps of the saints" (*).

(*) = Probably meant are the "religious guardians" of Ayatollah Khamenei. Such interpretation would fit a political analysis transmitted by CNN and that is seeing the Ayatollah in charge of the assassination attempt together with the Iranian president.

أحمدى نجاد .. العقل المدبر لمحاولة اغتيال السفير السعودى في واشنطن
Ahmadi Nejad .. the brain of those who staged the assassination attempt on the Saudi ambassador in Washington.

أكدت معلومات خاصة بقناة "العربية" أن الرئيس الإيرانى محمود أحمدى نجاد كان قد أعد فريقا للاغتيالات بالتعاون مع وحدة خاصة في فيلق القدس التابعة للحرس الثورى مهمتها تنفيذ اغتيالات
Special sources of Al-Arabiya Channel confirmed that Iranian president Mahmood Ahmadi Nejad has already prepared an assassination squad with the help of a special unit from the "army corps of the saints" which belongs to the revolutionary guard, their task being the realisation of assassinations.


Official opinion from Al-Wasat الوسط [The Center], Manama / Bahrain, published the following day [October 13].

البحرين تدين استهداف اغتيال السفير السعودي في واشنطن
Headline: Bahrain's condemnation of the assassination of Saudi Arabia's ambassador to Washington.

أدانت مملكة البحرين واستنكرت بشدة المؤامرة التي استهدفت اغتيال سفير خادم الحرمين الشريفين في واشنطن، موضحة أنها تتعارض مع القيم والأخلاق الإسلامية
The kingdom of Bahrain condemns and critisizes the violence of the conspiration that intended the assassination of ambassador Khadam Al-Harmin Al-Sharifin in Washington, clarifying this to be in contradiction with the values and moral of Islam ...


Al-Jazeera background information on October 14:

صحف إيران تندد بالاتهام الأميركى
Headline: The Iranian press make a stand against America's accusation.

أجمعت الصحف الإيرانية الصادرة أمس الخميس على رفض الاتهام الأميركى الموجه إلى البلاد بمحاولة اغتيال السفير السعودى في واشنطن ,معتبرة أنه اتهام يفتقر إلى الأدلة و يسعى لإثارة البلبلة بين الرياض و طهران
Yesterday, Thursday [October 13], the Iranian press stood united in [publishing] a rejection of the American accusation, directed against [their] country, of an assassination attempt against the Saudi Arabian ambassador in Washington, taking into consideration that the accusation needs to be proved and is intended to incite confusion between Riadh and Tehran.

المتهم بتولى تنفيذ خطة اغتيال السفير السعودى
Above: Person accused of being responsible for the execution of the assassination plot [directed against] the ambassador of Saudi Arabia.

Latest News from Al-Qaeda

الظواهرى يهدد و يدعوا - "ثورة" بالجزائر
Al-Zawahiri threatening and conjuring up - an Algerian "revolution"

The above photo is showing Al-Zawahiri while recording his last emission in June 2011.

حث زعيم تنظيم القاعدة أيمن الظواهرى في شريط مصور جديد اتباعه على استهداف الولايات المتحدة, و دعا إلى "ثورة" في الجزائر
The leader of Al-Qaeda organization, Aiman Al-Zawahiri, is insisting on his devotion regarding [his attitude towards] the United States on a new video tape, and he calls for a "revolution" in Algeria.

Source: AL-JAZEERA, Qatar.

Libya - Gadafi Son under Siege in Sirte

Exclusive news of the day by People's Daily, Beijing, online edition:

"Libya's [de facto] ruling authorities are saying that Gadafi's fifth son is under siege in Sirte."

"According to British media reports that cited yesterday's [NTC] military statement, Motassim Gadafi is already encircled in Gadafi's hometown of Sirte ..."


Today's daily report from Al-Jazeera cited a military bulletin of the revolutionary army saying that 90% of Sirte are already under their control. Nevertheless, intense fighting is going on as Gadafi loyalists are still well equipped with weapons and ammunition and are seemingly decided to fight till the very end.

To demonstrate normalization of life in the capital of Libya, Tripolis airport has been reopened today by the transitional authorities.

Above: "Libya lowers the curtain over 42 years of Gadafi rule." Source:, Arabic service.

Sunday, October 09, 2011

Palestinians - Israeli Police in Action

شريط فيديو يكشف اعتداء قامت به الشرطة الإسرائيلية على عائلة فلسطينية في مدينة يافا
Video tape unveils aggression exerted by Israeli police against Palestinian family in the town of Jaffa.

We do not know why Israeli policemen are trying to arrest that Palestinian youth. Nor do we know why at least three officers are needed to keep him down when he is already lying on the floor. But according to the treatment of his upset family, we could imagine that there is some basic aggression making its way. Nice example of Israeli fascism, rather rarely seen in Germany nowadays. It seems they really learnt their business from our bad ancestors.

Wednesday, October 05, 2011

China's Space Technology - "Long March" Rockets 中国的空间技术—长征运载火箭

"Heavenly Palace" No.1 project: Launching of "Long March" series II carrier rocket.

Carrier Rockets Used for China's Space Station Project

Actually available series of carrier rockets - picture of the whole family.

Schematic diagram of stage separation for "Long March" series III, identical procedure to the separation of stage 1 and 2 for "Long March" series II.

Schematic diagram of stage-3 propulsion engine for "Long March" series III.

The propulsion system uses liquid hydrogen (LH) as a fuel which is being mixed with liquid oxygen (LOX) in the upper part of the thrust chamber where ignition of the explosive mixture takes place. In a subsystem, small portions of hydrogen and oxygen are being mixed in a gas generator. After preheating, the now gaseous mixture has a remarkable pressure and can therefore drive the LH and LOX pumps. The escaping gas composition of the subsystem can then be released (or even burnt) in a side chamber and thus add to the thrust of the main chamber.
As to the "solid propellant starters" (items 17a,b) in the above drawing, I could imagine that these are solid state fuel cells for the "cold burning" of explosive gaseous mixture in the subsystem, thus generating a certain amount of electricity for initial operation of the pumps and ignition in the thrust chamber. Yet, this cannot be verified by additional information.

Propulsion device, identical for the second stage of carrier rocket "Long March" series III and II-3.

First and second stage of "Long March" series II-F.

Launching site at sunrise.

Advertisement for China's Aviation EXPO 2011 last September.

Sunday, October 02, 2011

China's Space Station - 中国的太空站


Successful launch of "Heavenly Palace" Tiangong No.1, the first module of China's future space station, on Friday September 30, 2011. Latest News:

The Premier of the State Council, Wen Jia Bao, meets with commanding members of the Tiangong No.1 flight mission and representatives of the research and experimental units at the Jiu Quan satellite launching site.
[人民网 - October 1, 2011]

At the Jiu Quan satellite launching center, an improved "Long March No.2 FT1" rocket successfully launched that mission.
[天宫一号成功发射 中国开启太空探索空间站时代 - CNII September 30, 2011]

Beijing Flight Control Center who carried out this successful mission made the first orbit control, raising the altitude of [Tiangong's] apogee from 346 km to 355 km.
[“天宫”太空筑巢期待“浪漫一吻” - SOHU October 1, 2011]

Hu Jin Tao, general secretary of the Communist Party, congratulating staff members after the successful launch.

根据规划,中国将在2010年发射“天宫”一号目标飞行器。“天宫”一号实际上是空间实验室的实验版,采用两舱构型,分别为实验舱和资源舱。之后,再发射“神舟八号”。“神八”是一艘无人的神舟飞船,与“天宫”一号进行无人自动对接试验。2015年前,再陆续发射“天宫”二号、“天宫”三号两个空间实验室。 “天宫”二号将主要开展地球观测和空间地球系统科学、空间应用新技术、空间技术和航天医学等领域的应用和试验。“天宫”三号将主要完成验证再生生保关键技术试验、航天员中期在轨驻留、货运飞船在轨试验等,还将开展部分空间科学和航天医学试验。
In 2010, according to the plannings, China set up its goal to launch "Heavenly Palace" No.1 as a flight device. "Tiangong" No.1 is in fact a space laboratory and experimental platform, applying a two cabin construction pattern that is separating an experimental cabin from a cabinet of resources.

Later, another launch of [the carrier rocket] "Boat of the Gods No.8" should take place. "Shenzhou No.8" is an unmanned [space] ship that should undergo some fully automated docking tests with the "Tiangong" No.1 device. Before 2015, "Tiangong" No.2 and "Tiangong" No.3, two space laboratories, will be launched in succession.

"Tiangong" No.2 is mainly used for the development of global observation, the science of spacial and global systems, as well as new technologies applied in space, space technology and medical research of spaceflight. Such are the domains of practical and experimental work.

"Tiangong" No.3 should mainly complete testing and verification of key technologies for regeneration and life protection by experimental means. Tracking experiments for the average time of astronauts when either being stationed [in space] or on board of a carrier ship. Furthermore, experiments for the development of partial space science and space flight medicine should be carried out.
[“天宫一号”空间实验室实体首次曝光 - IFENG August 3, 2011]

Fabrication of Tiangong No. 1:

With an overall length of 10,40 m and a maximum diameter of 3,35 m, the Tiangong No.1 [module] is a simple round shaped space cabin with a bisectional construction. Its internal life space is about 15 cubic metre.
[天宫一号成功发射 中国开启太空探索空间站时代 - CNII September 30, 2011]

Planned Assembly of Space Modules :

Module No. 1

Modules No. 1 and 2

Insertion of Connection Module

Model of Complete Station

Thursday, September 29, 2011

LIBYA - War Zone Sirte by GoogleEarth

منطقة حربية في سرت

Thanks to GoogleEarth, it is possible to have a closer look at one of the remaining war zones in Libya: Sirte, hometown of the Gadafi clan. It should be noted that none of the available satellite views can be expected to show the actual situation. Nevertheless, there are many hidden signs of shelling and the presence of military vehicles at strategic places. The following pictures were taken and prepared the day before [September 28, 2011].

Quoting Al-Jazeera's News of the Day [September 28-29, 2011] :
Fighters belonging to National Transitional Council said on Wednesday
[Sept. 28] they were in control of the airport after intense fighting in the coastal city, one of the last of two bastions of support for the deposed Libyan leader.
Our correspondent said:"People that are trapped in Sirte have told us that the situation is dire, there is no electricity or water. The hospitals have no medicine and no staff.
"The NTC are concerned about the people that are trapped in Abu Hadi, they are from across the country. They don't have water or electricity, it seems like they have been used as human shields."
"There is a an urgency for the fighters to take over Sirte as soon as possible."

رويترز: ثوار ليبيا يحكمون سيطرتهم على مطار سرت
News agency Reuters: Libyan rebels consolidate their control over Sirte airport. [September 29-30, 2011]

Center of Sirte. The yellow arrow indicating a street crossing that is shown in another magnified view straight below.

Sirte airport and township, including the above mentioned community of (Qasr) Abu Hadi.

Above and below: Damaged highway between Sirte airport and township. Damages probably caused by shelling.

Sirte airport. Planes could only be detected on two side terminals. Therefore, this satellite view might have been recorded after the installation of the no-flight zone.

A military terminal with some abandoned jet fighters.

Civilian air terminal with some grounded planes.

Al-Jazeera Video of the Day

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Yemenite President - Speech after Return to Sanaa

Having returned from Saudi Arabia after treatment of his wounds originating from an assault on the presidential palace in Sanaa, President Ali Abdulla Saleh is still unable to see the facts. Instead he shows himself defiant and willing to rely on foreign help from Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states. Here are some of his stances:

الرئيس اليمني: و طننا يمر بمرحلة خطيرة منذ أكثر من سنة
The Yemenite president: And rumours are circulating about a critical era since more than a year.

خطاب للرئيس علي صالح .. و محتجون يحتفلون في ساحة التغيير بالذكرى 49 للثورة اليمنية
An expression of president Ali Saleh ... And protesters (*) are feasting on the square of renovation on the 49th anniversary of the Yemenite revolution.

(*) = This time its demonstrators in favour of Abdullah Saleh.

الرئيس اليمني: هناك تعاون بين القاعدة و الجماعات الخارجة على القانون و الشرعية
The Yemenite president: [We are having] a cooperation between Al-Qaeda and "opposing communities".

(*) = Here we meet with an interesting formulation that can be translated either as "communities of dissidents" or as "communities of foreigners". The first translation implying an assumed cooperation between Yemenite protesters and Al-Qaeda. This should be seen in the frame of president Saleh expressing his thanks for help in the fight against "terrorism" which he directed equally to the kingdom of Saudi Arabia and to the United States.
At some time of his speech, Saleh even said that "criminals are stealing the country's wealth" which struck me by surprise as I always thought, Yemen was only delivering immigrant workers to rich but low populated Saudi Arabia.

الرئيس اليمني: نحن ملتزمون بالمبادرة الخليجية لتنفيذها كما هي و التوقيع عليها من قبل نائبي
The Yemenite president: We are engaged in the initiative of the Gulf [states], its realization ... and its signature before the [Yemenite] vice-president.

صالح: هناك دولة تطلب منا ضبط النفس و لا تطلب من الأخرين وقف التخريب
Saleh: There is a nation that demands control of itself and that does not demand from [anyone] disturbance by destruction.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

YEMEN - Bloody Harvest

Severely wounded child in a Sanaa hospital.

اليمن: رصاص يحصد و حراك سياسي و تفاؤل أميركي
Yemen: "Bloody harvest", political activity and U.S. optimism.

The day before provided most bloody scenes from the rebellion in Yemen while Yemenite president Abdulla Saleh is still unwilling to retreat. Security forces fired live rounds at protesters in Taiz and in the capital of Sanaa, thus killing and wounding scores of them and even targeting children. It is reported that, at the same time, different factions of the Yemenite army, pro-government and pro-rebels, were fighting against each other and artillery fire was heard throughout Sanaa. A cameraman working for an Arab news agency was severely wounded during the incidents and might be dead by now. After being hit, he left his camera running. His recording can be viewed in a video that will soon be added to this blogspot.

مقتل 30 شخصا في صنعاء و تعز برصاص الأمن و الوسيطان الخليجي و الأممي يصلان إلى اليمن
30 died in Sanaa and Taiz by bullets of security [forces], and mediators from, both, Gulf [states] and the international [community] are getting in contact with Yemen.

العاهل السعودي عبد الله بن عبد العزيز يبحث مع الرئيس اليمني الأوضاع الراهنة في اليمن
The sovereign of Saudi [Arabia], Abdulla Bin Abd Al-Aziz, is considering the actual situation in Yemen together with the Yemenite president.

Transportation of wounded protesters on motorbikes in Taiz.

News headlines of the day on latest proceedings in Yemen, Syria and Libya, followed by in-depth report on Yemen. Al-Jazeera, Arabic service, September 19, 2011.

Monday, September 19, 2011

GERMANY - Berlin State Elections

Deutscher Kommentar am Ende des Blogspots !

Today, Germany's ruling coalition between Christian Democrats (CDU) and Free Liberals (FDP) is suffering from its seventh defeat in succession in German state elections. Even though, Chancellor Frau Merkel's CDU enjoyed a moderate increase of votes (23,4 %) it could not match with the Social Democrats (SPD) who led the race with a slight loss (28,3 %). The FDP of Frau Merkel's coalition partner, foreign minister Westerwelle, almost vanished from the statistics (1,8%) as it remained under 5% of all votes which is a compulsory limit in Germany that any political party has to reach in order to get access to Parliament on the state level as well as on the federal level.

The Social Democrats (SPD 28,3 %) can now build a coalition with the Green's (Die Grünen 17,6 %) who added 4,5 % to their last election result. This seems to be the favourite solution in public discussion. Such coalition would have a majority of two seats (i.e. 78 of 152) in Berlin state parliament.

An alternative could be a "big" coalition between SPD and CDU which seems to be rather unlikely at the moment. The usual "red-red" coalition between SPD and pro-Communist Leftists (Die Linke 11,7 %) cannot be continued because of Leftist losses.

Most losses of the established parties have favoured the Pirates' Party (Die Piraten) that started from scratch to 8,9 % and made the real shooting star of this election. It mirrors German citizens' displeasure at increasing security control and regulation of the internet and other areas of public life. The brandnew Pirates' Party seems to represent a group of voters that is present across established party boundaries and age limits. They resemble the Greens' Party at their beginning when the Greens were the first to respond to the requirements of nature and a "healthy" use of industrial techniques.

According to German law, no projection of voters' decision based on a sophisticated opinion poll outside of the polling stations may be published before 18:00 in order to avoid any rigging of the election results. Nevertheless, a reliable projection of voters' decision is already available hours before. I heard the projected result about three hours earlier on a foreign satellite TV station when consequences for the Merkel government were already being discussed.

Die Glosse zur Wahl:

Meinungsforscher haben jetzt das Erfolgsrezept der Piraten-Partei ergründet:
Eigentlich hat sie bis zur Berliner Regionalwahl kaum jemand gekannt oder für voll genommen. Schließlich glaubten einige Wähler, dass es sich bei der neuen Piraten-Partei nur um einen Werbegag der FDP handeln konnte. Um eine bessere Wiedererkennbarkeit der grundlegenden Parteiziele zu gewährleisten, so vermuteten sie, hatte die Führungsspitze der liberalen Freibeuter beschlossen, bei den Landtagswahlen die Akzeptanz und Werbewirksamkeit des neuen Parteinamens zu testen. Er sollte der FDP ("Freibeuter Deutscher Provenienz") einen Hauch von Abenteuer und jugendlicher Frische wiedergeben und damit auch die Gruppe junger Erst- und Nichtwähler erreichen. Kurz entschlossen wählten diese Leute also die Piraten-Partei, in der Annahme, es handele sich lediglich um eine neue Form der FDP mit einer ehrlicheren Fassade. So kam es denn, dass die FDP nahezu alle ihre Stimmen an die Piraten-Partei abgab. Ein tragischer Irrtum also, der eigentlich nur auf einer missglückten Werbekampagne beruhte.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

LIBYA - Fighting for Gadafi's Hometown

Rebel fighters invaded Gadafi's residency in Southern Sirt. That's where he obviously used to live and kept his military decorations and photographs of his family. The decorations of honour are originating from different Arab and African nations. One of the photographs is showing Gadafi together with former Cuban leader Fidel Castro. Personal belongings like the envelope of a letter directed to him or a framed copy of a national treaty are proving the authenticity of this place.