Wednesday, October 05, 2011

China's Space Technology - "Long March" Rockets 中国的空间技术—长征运载火箭

"Heavenly Palace" No.1 project: Launching of "Long March" series II carrier rocket.

Carrier Rockets Used for China's Space Station Project

Actually available series of carrier rockets - picture of the whole family.

Schematic diagram of stage separation for "Long March" series III, identical procedure to the separation of stage 1 and 2 for "Long March" series II.

Schematic diagram of stage-3 propulsion engine for "Long March" series III.

The propulsion system uses liquid hydrogen (LH) as a fuel which is being mixed with liquid oxygen (LOX) in the upper part of the thrust chamber where ignition of the explosive mixture takes place. In a subsystem, small portions of hydrogen and oxygen are being mixed in a gas generator. After preheating, the now gaseous mixture has a remarkable pressure and can therefore drive the LH and LOX pumps. The escaping gas composition of the subsystem can then be released (or even burnt) in a side chamber and thus add to the thrust of the main chamber.
As to the "solid propellant starters" (items 17a,b) in the above drawing, I could imagine that these are solid state fuel cells for the "cold burning" of explosive gaseous mixture in the subsystem, thus generating a certain amount of electricity for initial operation of the pumps and ignition in the thrust chamber. Yet, this cannot be verified by additional information.

Propulsion device, identical for the second stage of carrier rocket "Long March" series III and II-3.

First and second stage of "Long March" series II-F.

Launching site at sunrise.

Advertisement for China's Aviation EXPO 2011 last September.

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