قيادي حوثي: صالح قتل بعد توقيف سيارته على حاجز وجثته سلمت لحزبه
Houthi leadership: Saleh was killed after his car had to
stop at a barricade, his remains were saved by his party.
قال قيادي في جماعة الحوثي، إن الرئيس اليمني السابق، علي عبدالله صالح قتل، الاثنين، خلال محاولته الهروب من صنعاء إلى منزل له في ضواحي العاصمة.
The command of the Houthi community told that former Yemeni president Ali Abdullah Saleh was killed on Monday [December 4, 2017] when he tried to escape from Sanaa to his residence in the suburbs of the capital.
[The Middle East الشرق الأوسط, quoted by CNN بالعربية on December 4, 2017]
Abdullah Saleh had been forced to resign as Yemen's president during the Arab Spring. In his final days as a president, he had found temporary shelter in Saudi Arabia. Later Saleh underwent different alliances including a long-standing one with the Houthi tribes and which resulted in civil unrest. When a Saudi-UAE alliance started airforce operations in favour of the new president Hadi and against the Houthies who seemingly enjoyed Iranian support, Saudi bombardment triggered off a bloody war that left the Yemeni people in a desolate state. Now that Abdullah Saleh, once again, changed sides by approaching Saudi positions he was assassinated by Houthi rebels.
[Al-Jazeera الحزيرة on December 4, 2017]
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