Update added on December 11.

United Nations envoy Feltman told the North Koreans there can only be a diplomatic solution.
[Time quoting Associated Press AP on December 10, 2017]

朝核讹诈波及北京 学者:中国3种目标或被攻击
North Korea's nuclear blackmail is affecting Beijing.
Scholar: Three targets for probable attack in China.
The article is mentioning the possibility that nuclear blackmail from North Korea could not be restricted to the U.S., Japan and South Korea but as well extend to Chinese targets.
[NTD TV 新唐人 on December 11, 2017]

疑似中移动内部文件 指吉林将设5个难民营
Uncertainty about a problem of interior movement in China.
Indications that Jilin [province] is planning 5 refugee camps.
[Epoch Times 大纪元, an anti-communist Chinese daily on December 7, 2017]

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