Potential for war with North Korea increases 'every day'
That evaluation of U.S. president Trump's national security adviser comes only days after North Korea launched its most advanced ballistic missile and which should even reach U.S. east coast townships.
中文:美国总统特朗普的国家安全委员会顾问麦克马斯特H.R. McMaster表示,与朝鲜发生战争的可能性与日俱增。
[Fox News on late December 2, 2017. Report confirmed by CNN.]

数百架先进战机云集韩国 朝鲜放狠话
Hundreds of advanced fighter planes deployed to South Korea
... amid North Korea's wolfish howling.
The Chinese language article is mentioning latest deployment of more than 230 U.S. warplanes including F-22 "Raptor", F-35 stealth fighters and B1-B bombers to South Korean bases.
[DW 多维新闻 on late December 2, 2017]

Alleged CIA recruiting of Korean native speakers on Twitter (November 27, 2017).

Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-South Carolina, said the United States is "running out of time" when it comes to North Korea and that pre-emptive war is "becoming more likely" as the country's weapons technology "matures."
中文:今天一个有名的美国参议员格莱厄姆(Lindsey Graham)说的是“驻在韩国的美军人的家眷必需离开朝鲜半岛”!
[Eyewitness News , South Africa, quoting CBS on late December 3, 2017]

Ex-NATO commander: N Korea likely getting help with nukes, rockets from China or Russia.
[The Hill reporting from Capitol Hill in Washington on December 3, 2017]

[Newsweek on November 30, 2017]

La Russie «ne sera pas surprise» si une guerre éclate en Corée du Nord.
Russia "wouldn't be surprised" if a war started in North Korea.
Un conflit militaire sur la péninsule coréenne figure parmi les scénarios envisagés par la Russie, qui calcule les risques afin de ne pas être prise au dépourvu si cette éventualité venait à se produire, a affirmé Nikolaï Patrouchev, secrétaire du Conseil de sécurité russe, dans une interview à Sputnik.
A military conflict on the Korean peninsula counts among the scenarios considered by Russia that is estimating the risques for not being taken by surprise if such possibility became reality. This is what Nicolai Patrouchev, secretary of Russia's Security Council, said in an interview granted to Sputnik.
[Sputnik - France on 1st December 2017]
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