Last Update: August 13
Despite U.S. fears of an immediate Al-Qaeda attack in Yemen or Pakistan and that should be targeting foreign diplomats, nothing really surprising has happened up to now. Even though terrorist operations against U.S. and allied embassy staff might be expected as a possible retaliation for recent drone attacks against Al-Qaeda activists in Yemen and Northern Pakistan, the following report is rather showing that Al-Qaeda is following their " business as usual ":
أفادت الأنباء الواردة من اليمن بمقتل 5 جنود وإصابة آخرين في هجوم شنه مسلحون على نقطة سيطرة قرب منشأة بلحاف لانتاج الغاز الطبيعي في محافظة شبوة جنوب شرقي البلاد
Informations from Yemen are indicating that 5 soldiers have been killed and 2 others wounded in an armed attack launched against some checkpoint ..... in the South-Eastern part of the country.
ونقل مراسل بي بي سي في صنعاء عبد الله غراب عن مصدر أمني قوله إن الهجوم يحمل بصمات تنظيم القاعدة
According to BBC reporter Abdullah Gharab in Sanaa, a security source told him the attack is bearing the footprint of Al-Qaeda organization.
[Source: BBC Arabic on August 11, 2013]

ـ38 من عناصر القاعدة قتلوا في اليمن بتسع غارات شنتها طائرات من دون طيار
38 Yemenite members of Al-Qaeda died in nine [air] raids when
unmanned planes were launched. [Al-Jazeera Arabic, August 12]
Update for August 13:

اليمن يتحول إلى مركز دولي لمواجهة «القاعدة»ـ
Yemen is turning into an international
center of confrontation with Al-Qaeda.
[Al-Bayan البيان, Dubai, August 13]
Country related visitor statistics for "blueprint news", covering the time before and after a maintenance break which was needed to improve information access to earlier blogspots:

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