Government Assessment of the Syrian Government’s Use of Chemical Weapons on August 21, 2013 |
Last Update: August 30 (further down)
This morning, August 28, the Jordanian daily Al-Medina المدينة reported about the practical steps of preparation for an intervention in Syria after the confirmed use of chemical weapons against civilians there. According to Al-Medina, ten national armies should participate in that enterprise "including U.S., British, French, Italian, German, Canadian, Jordanian and Turkish troops" «أمريكا وبريطانيا وفرنسا وإيطاليا وألمانيا وكندا والأردن وتركيا». Their commanders are known to have left the Jordanian capital of Amman yesterday, August 27, after a conference with Jordanian officials. The paper is quoting Jordan's foreign minister Nasser Judeh as saying "The conference discussed the Syrian [subject]" «الاجتماع ناقش الملف السوري».

Michelle and Barack Obama
meeting with Nasser Judeh
التزام أمريكي بحماية الأردن.. وتأهيل جيش سوري "جديد" بدون "إسلاميين"ـ
عجلة الحرب تدور وقادة الجيوش الـ10 غادروا عمان
America [dashing forward] with Jordanian protection ... and a [trained] "new" Syrian army without "Islamists".
With pressure towards war [on all sides], the commanders of the ten armies are leaving Amman.
Today, China's semi-official People's Network comes with the following headline:
U.S. government official [says] a precise air-strike against Syria will probably be conducted on Thursday [i.e. tomorrow, August 29].

The Chinese source is quoting a Russian news network that referred to U.S. radio / TV news from NBC dating back to Tuesday, August 27, 2013.
Today, August 28, German news channel N24 reported that UN inspectors in Syria claimed to need another 3-4 days in their search of evidence.

أمريكا تضرب سوريا الخميس ليلا، ومسؤول سوري يهدد بإشعال تل أبيب ردا على الضربة
America will strike Syria on Thursday night [i.e. August 29]. The responsible one in Syria is threatening to set Tel Aviv ablaze as an answer to that blow.

ضربة عقابية محدودة أو ضربة واسعة لأسقاط النظام : سيناريوهات الضربة العسكرية المتوقعة ضد النظام السوري
A limited penalty strike or an extended strike to abolish the regime:
The probable scenarios of a military strike [directed] against the Syrian regime.
[Source: Donia Al-Watan دنيا الوطن, Ramallah / Palestine, on August 28, 2013]

مشروع قرار بريطاني للتحرك في سوريا أمام مجلس الأمن.. والجيش التركي يرفع درجة التأهب
Britain's fixed plan for moving into Syria before the [UN] security council ...
and the Turkish army is raising [its] grade of preparation [or: alert].
[Source: Asharq Al-Awsat / The Middle East الشرق الأوسط on August 28, 2013]

مصدر رسمى امريكى:ضرب سوريا اليوم الخميس ويستمر ثلاثة ايام
Official U.S. source: The strike against Syria will take place today, Thursday, and will continue for three days.
The Palestinian article is still referring to NBC News like the Russian news network that has been quoted by People's Network, Beijing, the day before.
[Source: Al-Fajer Al-Jadeed TV تلفزيون الفجر الجديد, Tulkarm / Palestine, on Thursday, August 29, 2013]

Syria's prime minister Wael al-Halki
رئيس وزراء سوريا يدعو "لاستنفار الطاقات الوطنية" في حال التعرض لهجوم امريكي
Syria's prime minister is calling for the " mobilisation of national powers " in case of [facing] an American attack.
[Source: Reuters رويترز, Beirut, on August 29, 2013]
Please Note:
The above information, published in Arabic and Chinese media on Aug. 28/29, is somehow contrasting with rather "soothing" declarations in Western media from the same day. Such declarations are saying that Britain will "abstain from intervention as long as UN inspectors are engaged" in their search for evidence, that Obama is "still not decided" and that German chancellor Merkel is "promoting a political solution" to the problem.
However, military preparations being such far developed and counter measures of the Syrian regime like the deplacement of certain military units being under way, one might come to think that there is even much more trouble hidden under the surface of the Syrian conflict than already known by a global community of observers. - Ulysses, August 28/29 -
- It's Only Just Begun ! -
Obama decided to strike Syria, even single-sided if necessary,
however, it's the Congress and the Senate he has to convince.
With the British ally paddling back after PM Cameron's defeat in parliament
yesterday, joint military action will now become more difficult for the U.S. ...
... while a brandnew U.S. opinion poll is not in favor of U.S. military
involved in Syria in a general way. However there's a difference ...
... when it comes to the use of chemical weapons by the Assad regime.
And there seems to be clear evidence of that from phone interception.
Comment by Ulysses:
As to the alleged participation of German troops in the intervention, I have some second thoughts. If such participation was not based on definite rules, compulsory for each member of the North Atlantic Pact or in the frame of the non-proliferation treaty for chemical weapons, I could not see any automatic obligation for German troops to participate in such intervention. In all other cases, German parliament would have to provide a majority in favor of the intervention which I doubt would happen in the actual situation and only some weeks before federal elections in Germany. This would weaken the governing parties and strengthen all opposing groups in parliament. However, an informal participation of German troop commanders in preparation talks as well as some remote logistic support (i.e. air traffic control) could be expected. - Ulysses, August 28/29 -
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