Tuesday, September 06, 2011

LIBYA - The End is Near

Negotiations between Libyan rebels and tribes' leaders near Bani Waliid. The local leaders agreed to convince Gadafi loyalists to surrender their stronghold Bani Waliid.

Abdullah Kanshil, leader of the rebel's delegation for negotiations (refer to pointing arrow in above picture).

مصادر في الثوار تتهم مسلحين تابعين للقذافي باتخاذ المدنيين في بني وليد رهائن و دروعا
According to the rebels, two armed followers of Gadafi are accused of taking citizens in Bani Waliid as hostages and [human] shields.

مصطفى عبد الجليل رئيس المجلس الانتقالي أمهل أنصار القذافي حتي 10 سبتمبر لإلقاء السلاح
Musdafa Abad al-Jalil, president of the Transitional Council, is granting the followers of Gadafi [a period of grace] until September 10 to lay down their arms.

UPDATE September 07, 2011:

Al-Jazeera [TV Morning News]

الجزيرة نت: القذافي في الطريق إلى تشاد أو النيجر
Al-Jazeera: Gadafi should be on his way to Chad or Niger.

Al-Nashra النشرة [Lebanese Daily - Online]

مصادر الحياة: انسحاب قوات القذافي للنيجر يمهد لاعلان تسوية سلمية
الأربعاء 07 أيلول 2011، آخر تحديث 06:27
Sources at Al-Khaia (*) are saying: Evacuation of Gadafi forces into Niger are facilitating the declaration of a peaceful arrangement.

[Comment: It seems that Gadafi loyalists, by their flight into Niger, intended to avoid being trapped at Bin Waliid and Sirt, such making it easier to reach an agreement with the rebels.
(*) = Al-Khaia is an influential Arabic newspaper, being quoted by the Lebanese daily Elnashra Online.]

Anti-Gadafi Graffiti

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