Monday, October 31, 2011

Libya - Winners and Defeated

محمد نصر الحريزي
عضو المجلس الوطني الإنتقالي الليبي
Mahmud Nasr al-Kharisi, member of Libya's National Transition Council (NTC).

Treatment of the Defeated

هيومان رايتس ووتش تتهم ميليشيات في مصراتة الليبية بترويع سكان تاورغاء القريبة
Human Rights Watch accuses militias in Misrata al-Libiya of terrorizing inhabitants [belonging to the] neighbouring Tawargra [tribe].

Mahmud Nasr al-Kharisi, a member of Libya's National Transition Council (NTC), has to reply to accusations of Human Rights Watch saying that rebel militias in Misrata are terrorizing neighbouring inhabitants who happen to belong to the same tribe as Gadafi's family clan.
At the same time, Mabruk Eyis, being in charge of prisons in Tripoli, is questioned by Al-Jazeera about treatment of prisoners of war.

مبروك عيس
آمر سجون طرابلس
Mabruk Eyis, responsible of prisons in Tripoli.

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