In the middle of rising tensions between the U.S. and North Korea, an important Chinese news center reminds us of a similar situation during the cold-war era that might have led to a nuclear confrontation as well. The starting point of that conflict was of rather low importance: It was about U.S. troops trying to cut a tree in the neighbourhood of the Panmunjon negociation center which is accessible to both sides.
U.S. military is cutting a tree - yet is failing to
start a big nuclear war on the Korean peninsula.
自从朝鲜战争告一段落之后,朝鲜半岛一直笼罩着战争的阴云,久久未能散去。到了1976年, 南北双方剑拔弩张的态势达到了顶点,甚至险些打起核战争! 这次事件,竟然是由一颗在板门店朝韩共同警戒区内生长的杨树引发的。
After the chapter of the Korean War had been written, the Korean peninsula was continuously shrouded in dark clouds of war that would not disperse for a very long time.
When in 1976 the atmosphere between the North and the South became most sticky, the situation reached a culmination point and even got close to the outbreak of a nuclear war!
That situation was surprisingly originating from some spot where poplars were growing in the Panmunjon zone of high alert belonging to, both, North and South Korea.
The following photos from China's military archives should speak for themselves!

The site of Panmunjon.

U.S. and North Korean troops assembling at a tree the U.S. want to cut.

The debate gets out of control.

Getting the work done.

South Korean troops for support.

U.S. Victory !
[Source: Sina 新浪新闻中心, China, on August 18, 2017]
Breaking News and Comments:

Sunday Express / UK - August 20, 2017
N KOREA WAR: Britain promises to send
nuclear sub to help Trump blitz Kim Jong-un
Today, August 20, 2017, the Chinese news center Sina 新浪新闻中心 came about with a cryptic message in one of its headlines:

North Korea: "Mount Peaktu's big man is summoning the General Assembly".
What is meant with General Assembly?
August 15, from the People's Palace for Culture in Pyongyang the 2017 meeting of the General Assembly was summoned to meet under the guidance of 'Mount Paektu's Big Man'.
That means the General Assembly of the People is being summoned by leader Kim Jong-un. The unusual expression 'Mount Paektu's Big Man' might possibly hint at the historic stronghold of Mount Paektu where Kim Jong-un could have decided to establish the headquarters of his nuclear forces during a military conflict to come.
Mount Paektu (Chinese: Whitehead Mountain 白头山) has become known as "the sacred mountain of the revolution". It is an active volcano on the border between North Korea and China. During the Japanese occupation and the Korean War it served as a military stronghold for Communist leader Kim Il-sung whose son Kim Jong-il was allegedly born there.
As Mount Paektu experiences a steady rise of its underground magma level and is known to explode to life every 100 years (last eruption: 1903), it would be highly risky to nuke its mountaineous neighbourhood, in case North Korean leader Kim Jong-un might install there his headquarters. In case of a natural catastrophe, China would have to suffer most from the fallout of volcano ashes and probably related climate change. That is one among other reasons why China is fearing the outbreak of war between North Korea and the U.S..
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