Last Update on August 18, 2017, added at the end of current blogspot.
No, it's not war yet, but war isn't far either. -
Apart from sabre-rattling there is a new aspect
of North Korea threatening the Western alliance:
How could N Korea reach such a level of mastery
in ballistic missile technology without any foreign
help? That question, at least, could be answered
on the brink of a probably long-standing, bloody
war. - Read more after a summary of latest news.
Abe and Trump in their telephone call: Decided to
jointly stop North Korea from launching missiles.
日本首相安倍晋三与美国总统特朗普15日上午举行电话会谈。日本政府相关人士透露了这一消息。 共同社8月15日报道,日本首相安倍晋三8月15日上午与美国总统特朗普(Donald Trump)通电话, 就朝鲜问题进行了磋商。共同社称,在朝鲜预告将向美属关岛海域发射导弹的背景下, 双方确认为携手国际社会避免朝鲜强行发射导弹。 安倍在会谈后对记者表示, “朝鲜的导弹发射预告正在史无前例地加剧地区紧张”,批评了朝鲜。
The Chinese text is referring to a telephone call U.S. president Donald Trump and Japan's prime minister Shinzo Abe had had this morning. In a press conference, held later today, Abe said that "N Korea's announcement of missile launches is an act unprecedented in history of increasing regional tensions".
[Source: DW 多维新闻 on August 15, 2017]
North Korea postpones the plannings for a missile attack on Guam.
[Source: VOA 美国之音 on August 15, 2017]
[Source: The Guardian, UK, on August 15, 2017]
Pyongyang’s state media has this morning reported President Kim Jong-un as “praising” his Strategic Force for drawing up a “careful” plan for a “power demonstration” to “envelop” Guam in fire.
“The nuclear force of the DPRK is strong in its guts and no one can guess its muscle as the flight trajectory of medium-to-long ballistic rocket Hwasong-12, firing data and the correct hitting-point are made public at home and abroad.”
Kim said he would “watch a little more” Washington’s behaviour, but he will make an “important” decision if the US continues its “extremely dangerous reckless actions”.
[Source:, Australia, on August 15, 2017]
Foreign media: North Korea postpones plannings for a surprise attack
on Guam and is warning the U.S. to refrain from arrogant provocation.
[Source: SINA 新浪新闻中心, China, on August 16 at 00:19 local time]
North Korea's newly tested guided missiles probably related to Ukraine.
Experts consider that North Korea's ability to bring about a [decisive] leap in the field of ballistic missiles, is probably due to Russian technology and engines illegally received from a Ukrainian manufacturer.
Military experts and Western intelligence organizations keep on searching for an explanation why Pyongyang most recently successfully completed a series of long-range missile tests.
朝鲜上月试射的“火星14号”(Hwasong-14)导弹,与朝鲜研发的其他弹道武器都不同,据称该导弹的射程可以打到美国本土。 此前朝鲜研发舞水端(Musudan)火箭、希望使之成为可行的远程洲际弹道导弹的努力已几乎完全失败。
根据国防和安全智库国际战略研究所(International Institute for Strategic Studies)昨天发表的报告, 对于平壤方面取得的“惊人进步”,只能解释为其获得了外国技术。
The article is referring to latest North Korean declarations they could reach American homeland with their Hwasong-14 / Mars 14 missiles after their expectations seemingly failed for the long-range capacity of their Musudan missiles.
According to some report published yesterday by the International Institute for Strategic Studies, Pyongyang's "surprising progress" can only be explained by acquisition of technology from some foreign country.
[Source: FT 中文 on August 15, 2017]
Fear from China and Russia ?
Russian media reveal America's fears
in the frame of an attack on N Korea.
The article is referring to Russian media dealing with the current tensions between the U.S. and North Korea. A Russian news network is specially quoted with an article titled "The confrontation between U.S. and North Korea causes headaches to Moscow 美朝对抗令莫斯科头痛" . The quotation of Russian sources is followed by an evaluation of military force provided by North Korea, the U.S., South Korea and Japan. The author finally comes to the following conclusion which has been specially marked at the end of the article:
美国能否下决心采取军事措施。如果华盛顿发动战争却没能摧毁朝鲜的进攻力量, 那将导致朝鲜半岛南部和日本彻底毁灭。或许,美国本土也不能幸免。到那时,美国将长期打消与强敌作战的想法, 除非敌人是非洲、中东和南美那些军事不发达的国家。但如果华盛顿能用武力制伏平壤, 那么未来10年内它与俄中或有一战。
The question now is:
Can America refrain from applying military measures? If Washington starts a war but is unable to destroy North Korea's offensive power, that will lead to the thoroughgoing destruction of the southern part of the Korean peninsula and of Japan. Even American homeland will possibly not remain untouched. At that time America will have to abandon for a long time any ideas of fighting mighty enemies, except if the enemy is [to be found in] Africa, the Middle East and South America, i.e. in countries where the military is less developed. But if Washington can subdue Pyongyang by military force, there will be a war with Russia and China for the coming 10 years.
[Source: DW 多维新闻网 on August 17, 2017]
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