طائرة إيرانية تحط بصنعاء والرئيس هادي يعترض
Iranian plane landing in Sana'a [earns] protest from president Hadi.
أكد الرئيس اليمني عبده ربه منصور هادي أن الاتفاق الذي وقع أمس السبت بين إيران والحوثيين على تسيير رحلات بين البلدين باطل وغير قانوني.ـ
The Yemeni president Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi confirmed that the treaty, signed yesterday on Saturday [Febr. 28] between Iran and the Houthis on the proceedings of travel between both countries, is both useless and illegal.
Editor's Note:
The Arabic article is referring to the landing of an Iranian passenger plane in Yemen's capital, carrying 12 tons of medical supplies as well as tents and Iranian Red Crescent aid workers, Iran's deputy ambassador Rasai Ebadi told Associated Press. Such effort is benefitting Houthy rule in Sana'a who had agreed to allow Iranian air traffic to the capital.
That decision is considered illegal by an opposing Yemeni government which has been only recently established in Aden, South Yemen. Their strongman Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi, a former vice-president, took over from Yemen's first president Ali Abdullah Saleh who had fled the country in 2011 in the frame of an uprising. On 22 Jan. 2015, Hadi resigned himself as acting president of Yemen when the Houthis seized the presidential palace and placed him under virtual house arrest. A month later, he escaped to his hometown of Aden, rescinded his resignation, and denounced the Houthi takeover as an unconstitutional coup d'état. His assertion of legitimacy has been challenged by the Houthis, who named a Revolutionary Committee to assume the powers of the presidency, as well as the General People's Congress, Hadi's own political party. Now, Hadi is quoted as saying that his predecessor " Saleh conspired with Iran to undermine a power transfer deal " and which should have led to the actual situation [Source: Reuters].
Latest news from the same edition of Al-Arabiya are indicating support of Yemen's counter-government in Aden by all other countries of the Arabian peninsula. Saudi-Arabia and the Gulf States should be most interested in a stable Yemeni government, aligned to the region's official position towards Iran and controlling the steady flow of working force from Yemen into these countries:
الكويت والإمارات تنضمان إلى السعودية وقطر وتستأنفان عمل سفارتيهما في اليمن من عدن
Kuwait and the Emirates join Saudi-Arabia and Qatar and let their embassies in Yemen reassume work in Aden.
[Source: Al-Arabiya العربية on 1st March 2015]

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