The following articles are presented in the original version without own comments. For a better understanding it should be noted that France is a laicistic country where all kinds of religious symbols are prohibited in public institutions.
AFP, Toulouse
A child who appears to execute an Arab Israeli in a video released this week by the Islamic State group is said to have been recognised by classmates in France, an official said Friday.
The schools inspector in the Haute-Garonne district in southern France said students in the city of Toulouse believe they recognised the boy, who appears to be no more than 12.
"Concerning the formal identification of this person, I cannot tell you anything," Jacques Caillaut told reporters. "Children from the Vauquelin College have recognised one of their classmates, but we must remain cautious."
Shocked students had seen the video on Wednesday and counselling was put in place for them, he said.
According to the inspector, students at the Vauquelin secondary school would have known the boy when he was still in primary school in Toulouse.
"There is a child who has not been enrolled at the Vergers (primary) school since March 14, 2014, but I do not have any other details," Caillaut said.
French officials Thursday launched a formal investigation into the video, which also features a French-speaking man.
According to sources close to the investigation, the man is probably Sabri Essid, who has close links to French jihadist gunman Mohamed Merah, the killer of three soldiers, three students and a teacher in southern France in 2012.
In the video, a youth identifying himself as 19-year-old Mohammed Said Ismail Musallam is shown kneeling in front of the boy. A man stands at his side.
Dressed in an orange jumpsuit that is standard in videos of IS executions, the man seen kneeling recounts how he was recruited by Israeli intelligence, a claim denied by his father.
The man standing nearby, speaking in French, issues threats against Jews in France, before the boy walks around in front of the hostage and shoots him in the forehead using a pistol.
The boy, who shouts "Allahu Akbar" ("God is greatest" in Arabic), then shoots the man four more times as he lies on the ground.
Sources familiar with the case have said the boy may be 31-year-old Essid's stepson.
Known to intelligence services as a key figure in the radical Islamist community in the southern city of Toulouse, Essid is suspected to have left France for Syria last year.
[Source: AFP on March 14, 2015]
The following article in French has been shortened. It deals with a group-specific behaviour of Muslimic children at school and which is aiming at the establishment of features characteristic to a Muslimic community, thereby getting around the rules of laicism that provide an established and generally accepted state doctrine for the Republic of France. All observations reported here have been investigated by French state security. An intelligence report, dated 28th November 2013 and presenting about 70 examples on some 15 pages, finally found its way into the media and was quoted by the Paris daily "Le Figaro" in their article titled - Muslimic group formation is challenging the school system -.
As to the wearing of a veil in the schoolyard, the demand for halal meals in the canteen, that chronic absence during the days of Islamic feasts, and clandestine prayers in the gymnasium or in the halls, - it's all about a war of wear and tear on the teachers in the form of some kind of planned retreat to uniformity. During the Great Feast of Islam, classes are generally deserted, and up to 90% of all pupils are reported missing in certain delicate districts of Nîmes or Toulouse. Even self-declared "young guardians of orthodoxy" are pressuring young Muslims almost right under the nose of their teachers.
Le Figaro, Paris
Une note confidentielle des services de renseignements, portée à la connaissance du Figaro, révèle que, de manière insidieuse, une forme de repli identitaire se fait jour dans certains établissements scolaires.
Port du voile dans les cours de récréation, revendications de repas halal à la cantine, absentéisme chronique au moment des fêtes religieuses, prières clandestines dans les gymnases ou les couloirs… De manière insidieuse, le communautarisme musulman cherche à gagner du terrain dans le système éducatif français.
La note confidentielle des services de renseignements dresse un état des lieux édifiant. Ce document, épais d'une quinzaine de pages et daté du 28 novembre dernier, est émaillé d'environ 70 exemples précis à travers toute la France.
..... les policiers révèlent comment les adeptes de la «tradition islamique rigoriste» tentent de contourner la loi de mars 2004 prohibant les signes religieux à l'école.
Lancés dans une guerre «d'usure» face à la laquelle le corps enseignant est démuni, d'autoproclamés «jeunes gardiens de l'orthodoxie» exercent au sein même de certains établissements des pressions sur les jeunes musulmanes. «Lors des fêtes musulmanes, et plus particulièrement lors de l'Aïd-el-Kebir, des classes sont désertées par les élèves», souligne le rapport qui révèle des taux d'absentéisme frisant les 90% dans des quartiers sensibles de Nîmes ou Toulouse.
[Source: Le Figaro quoted by FNCV in June 2014]

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